Kevin Mundy; the return of mirror image guy
![Kevin Mundy1](
You probably remember Kevin Mundy, the guy who, according to his Facebook profile, wears a red “bray” in the Air Force Reserve;
![Kevin Mundy Facebook](
Well, you’ve probably figured by the way he wears his beret completely backwards, he doesn’t have a day in the military, any where, not even anyone’s basic training program.
![Kevin Mundy FOIA](
Nope he’s just another civilian who thinks that he can put the uniform on anyway he wants and everyone will believe his magic bullshit. His shit is backwards because he found a picture of someone who had been reversed and thought that because the guy had a mustache, too, they looked alike. Notice in the picture the guy has his watch on the wrong arm and the magazine release on the M16 is on the wrong side;
![Kevin Mundy3](
Thanks to Scotty for the follow up.
Category: Phony soldiers
My favorite and only quote/contact from this assmonkey when I contacted him on facebook after he first popped up…
“Kevin Mundy
i am a combat soldre in the air force u no like the specal force we we got all cinds of uniforms even black so dont go thar”
rb325th: after reading that, I’m thinkin’ the guy’s staircase is missing its top step. Or three.
His elevator crashed through the basement floor. He is 15 beers short of a six pack…
The wheel is spinning, but the hamster’s dead.
The engine’s running, but the driver is in the trunk.
There is no bottle of tabasco sauce in that MRE.
Lights are on but no one is home.
This guy is as dumb as a bagfull of hammer handles.
He doesn’t just have a few loose nuts and bolts, his gearbox is missing!!
It took a moment to translate that into standard English, but this is what I came up with, so bear with me.
‘I am a combat soldre’ (pronounced sodder, like the soldering tool). The Brit slang for f@#ck is ‘sod’, so he’s saying he’s a ‘combat f@#ker’.
‘in the air force u no’: he meant Air Force Uno, or Air Force One.
‘like the special force we we’: again, it’s Brit slang for urinating, so it becomes ‘like the special force we wee’.
‘got all cinds of uniforms even black’: This one wasn’t so easy, because in Gaelic, the ‘ci’ is a hard ‘k’. I think he meant ‘cinneach’ (pron. kee-nah), which means ‘a heathen nation’. So now it makes sense, because he’s saying he’s got all sorts of heathen nation uniforms including evening black.
‘so dont go thar’ – ah, now we come to the attempt to sound down home, like a good ol’ boy. ‘thar’ is, of course, ‘there’.
So I’ve translated this missive into the following sentence.
‘I am a combat f@#cker. Like the special force, we urinate a lot. We have all sorts of tribal heathen uniforms, including evening black, so don’t go there.’
Much better now. My translation services for gibberish are done, of course, for your pleasure.
Thank you for that translation… lmao!!
I choked on breakfast because of you and your translation. (Good job, btw.) You owe me.
Oh, I’m sorry – I forgot to post a spew alert. I apologize profusely.
Whew! Thank you for the break down and analysis of his language skills! I feel much better now…
Ex-PH2…Thank you for the translation. I don’t understand stupid gibberish myself. A foreign language seen all too often among these clowns. Even Google Translate couldn’t decipher it.
I believe “sod” is short for “sodomize”…so you need another adjective in there. Precision is so important in translating.
True, Alberich, but it’s frequently shortened to ‘sod’, as it ‘sod the bear’.
That makes sense. When the turd mentions “special force we we”, I thought he meant he is a dick, a male appendage. So he could be alluding to the fact that it takes a penis of special force to sodomize him.
We may have all kinds of uniforms in the USAF (well not black…and now that i think of it… not that many). We also require a High School graduation or a GED.
well we definitely dont have the acus he’s sporting in that top picture. that’s the armys uniform. what an idiot.
I wish i could get a closer view of the shield he is sporting on the beret. Zoom isnt working well for me this AM.
JTACs used to be allowed to wear ACUs with their supported unit, however, he would still require the proper subdued tapes. Its all a mute point now because of the Joint “ACU” Uniform that we all deploy with. (Not sure of the appropriate name)
last time i was over there, in 2012, we went with our abu’s. some of us were able to snag some multi cams while we there. but abu’s were the uod.
When i was in Afghanistan 06 (almost 07), we were still wearing our desert camoflage while the Army unit we were serving with was wearing ACUs. It became an issue, and Airmen that repeatedly went outside the wire wore the Army ACUs. (just for that mission and only consisted of rank and name tags) I dont know if the AEG leadership was aware of it or not.
OCP’s were just coming on-line as an AF requirement then, and mostly back-ordered.
Operation Enduring Freedom Camoflauge Pattern, or ‘OCP’ for short. (Verbalized as “Oh Cee Pee”.)
All our Airmen come back from deployments wishing they could wear it here at home.
Yeah, before the Air Force started deploying with ABU’s, the TACPs/JTAC guys would wear ACU’s to match up with the Army unit they were attached to. I have a good friend who is TACP attached to an Army unit. Just checked his Facebook. It looks like Air Force ABU’s in garrison, and the new multi-cams in the AOR. But of course he’s not wearing green BDU name tapes on any of his uniforms, because he’s not a turd poser like this guy.
You think he could do a little research. I mean its not that hard to find the appropriate AFI or a picture of someone wearing it correctly.
That assumes this turd can actually comprehend written English. That doesn’t seem to be the case.
OCP’s in Afghanistan, ABU’s every other location.
You mean I can’t believe photos that I see on the internet? Please keep that under your “bray” because my whole business model relies on making people think I am something that I am not.
Check out my Russian Anti-SEAL training photos on page 25 of this document:
To the untrained eye, it may appear to be just a few old fat guys in a pool….but it’s a pool in Russia and…and…and you should believe that we are training in triple top secret Russian anti-SEAL techniques.
I can use the word, “SEAL” and still be Shipley-proof! The photo may even be backwards to throw off faker competitors.
John “Faker 6” Giduck
Thank you for clearing up “red bray” for me. Wasn’t sure wth that was supposed to mean.
Note to posers who are going to take a picture of a picture hanging the wall and claim it’s you: Turn off the flash!
Geez – even Faker 6 knows that (don’t you John?)
Learn something new every day.
John “Faker 6” Giduck
To be fair, I have always worn my watch on my right hand, but still…. WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK??? Army ACUs, weird tapes that say Air Force, the fucking beret that’s a shit sandwich… wow! Assclownery at its finest! Wonder if he tries to get free shit in that getup.
Nicki – I’m sure that there’s a bunch of us who would love to give him some shit (for free).
Make it sheep shit…..
It’s his favorite!
I sent him a nasty note on Facebook.
If he gets back to you, you will likely have to enlist EX PH2 to translate his gibberish for you. It took him 6 months to respond to a message I had sent him. I think he can only get online when they give him a weekend pass from the nut house.
It’s too early in the morning for my brain to deal with this jackwagon crapweasel.
Lemme pound down some more coffee and I’ll get back onboard.
Oh, by the way, that French fellow on the Rive Gauche in Paris wants his hat back, Mundy, so send it back to him. ‘Kay?
Couldn’t figure out how to attach a photo here, so I sent you an Email with the photo. He’s still wearing the uniform when meeting women he contacts on Facebook.
I was right – all sorts of tribal heathen uniforms, including evening black.
Damn, I’m good at this!
Mundy wore a rasberry bray
The kind you find in a second hand store.
The kind you find in a gay porn store.
The Return of the Second-Hand Turd.
Prince sang about one!
It goes well with “holly” sheep shit.
Or “nerve forget”.
Love the surplused CUCV in the background; must really impress the ladies…
Nothing screams “hi-speed badass” like a 30 year old bare bones GMC pickup.
He borrowed it from COL Decker.
I can only imagine this assclown claims that he helped pursue the A-Team.
Well, at least his educational level matches his military experience… none.
Either his finger is on the trigger or his index finger is as stumpy as his probably package.
That beret flash & crest is for the 3rd BN, 73rd Armor, 82nd ABN DIV:
Better view of the flash:
Better view of the crest:
Safe to say he found this beret in a surplus store. The clerk there might have had enough of a sense of humor to convince him to wear it this way!
So….his “bray” unit crest is that of a deactivated light armor regiment?
He does “search and rescue” in an obsolete Sheridan tank??
At least it matches his obsolete CUCV.
Not to be picky, but the bottom pic of the desert Soldier is NOT backward. Mag release is correct side.