Hagel folds to Manning
The Stars & Stripes reports that the Bureau of Prisons have rejected the Defense Department’s request to treat Bradley Manning’s genitals to a party. So, Chuck Hagel just went ahead and OK’d the whole thing;
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has approved the Army’s recommendation to keep Manning in military custody and start a rudimentary level of gender treatment, a defense official said Thursday. The initial gender treatments could include allowing Manning to wear some female undergarments and also possibly provide some hormone treatments.
The decision raises a number of questions about what level of treatment Manning will be able to get and at what point the private would have to be transferred from the all-male prison to a female facility.
So the next time you hear some ass-wipe Congressman or Secretary of Defense say that you need to contribute more to your healthcare, or suck up a smaller COLA hike, wave this shit in their face and ask “Really?”
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
Fine, cut off his pecker and feed it to him …
The dreaded “cock-meat sandwich”, just like they serve at Gitmo!
“So the next time you hear some ass-wipe Congressman or Secretary of Defense say that you need to contribute more to your healthcare, or suck up a smaller COLA hike, wave this shit in their face and ask “Really?””
Can I just take a shit on their face instead? 🙂
They would probably get off on that stuff, Sir…
Would we have a sharing schedule set so we could wave the original equipment, or would some replica there of work too?
I doubt they would know the difference. They’re that clueless.
What in the fucking hell!!! This is bullshit! You know this is Hagel just blowing the barn doors off. I swear, he must be secretly a tranny waiting to get his own dick lopped off.
I have nothing personal against Transgenders, but they have absolutely no place in the US Military!!
We should not be paying for this fucking traitor to get himself a mangina. He should be swinging from the end of a rope.
Butter knife and Motrin.
Spork and Nyquil!
Blowtorch and nothing
I vote for this one!
Add my vote!
Use what we use on the farm for goats. A rubber band.
Bench vise and chain around the waist hooked to an 18 wheeler.
Large hammer and anvil
Weed eater and just suck up the pain.
Sawzall and a nice warm cup of STFU.
OK, can I change my vote to this one??
If your a Democrat you can vote for both.
Hell, I like ’em all.
Can I sell tickets or have the hot dog concession for the audience?
For this event, it might be better to have a hamburger concession, I don’t think anyone would want a hot dog.
All of the above for Hagel.
Now, what to do with Manning…
I’m not going to get into the discussion of whether trans people belong in the military, and I’m not going to endorse cutting Manning’s wiener off in an inhumane fashion. All this would’ve been a moot point if Manning had been given the appropriate cure from the beginning: 1 dose copper-coated lead, .45 caliber, 230 grains, repeat until the sickness is cured.
What is the purpose of entertaining the wishes of this convicted traitor? What code of conduct are we adhering to by allowing Bradley and his legal team to rub the United States’ nose in his mental defect?
I am trying to figure out if allowing this fucker to have his way says something good about America and I am really struggling to come up with any legal, moral or ethical argument that says we should allow this fucking maggot to have anything that the normal inmate at Leavenworth does not rate.
It pisses me off to no end to think that the United States Secretary of Defense, the man who runs the bureaucracy of the greatest military in the history of the world has bent to the will of a cross dressing traitor to our country. And Hagel does it despite being told he does not have to.
Maybe some day we will have a real SECDEF again and he will order Bradley’s dick sewn back on and have him taken out of the women’s prison and put back in Leavenworth. That will be a great You Tube video.
Amen MGYSgt!
Only a matter of time now until someone on active duty wants Uncle sam to pay for their operation and uses this case as a precedent. How fucking lovely.
Out. No really – OUT.
I think you’re right. If we do it for a convicted traitor, what’s the argument for withholding it from a servicemember who’s faithfully doing his job?
Because, 0bama doesn’t like service members, especially those tho faithfully do their jobs. He’s cutting them loose by the busload, whether they are currently deployed in an active war zone or not.
So, we have vets who served honorably going through a laborious VA process to determine if VA treatment is authorized based on service related injuries, and here we have someone who will be a medical ward of the state for the rest of his life as the result of an elective surgical procedure to correct a problem that most decidedly wasn’t service related. Makes perfect sense to me.
That was my first thought also, that the continual screwing of veterans would march on uninterrupted, while a treasonous prisoner gets elective procedures. Someone tell me again why “Don’t ask, don’t tell” was so bad?
Grizzley bear and a jar of honey!
Did anyone actually vote for these ass clowns?
No, enough people voted for the ass clown that hired these ass clowns to give him the job that he has totally fuc$ed up. I blame the voters more than the ass clown they elected. Hoax and chains, folks, Hoax and chains.
The only concern we should have about this traitorous rat bastard is whether to pop him behind the left or right ear.
Prison for being a rat bastard traitor isn’t supposed to be a comfortable, transgendered land of idyll where the guard shit rose petals and unicorns prance in the yard. It’s supposed to be a place where life is hard and any down time you have allows you to reflect on what a piece of crap you are and how you are going to be better when and if you ever have a view of the world that doesn’t involve steel bars.
Let him get a job and some ACA insurance and take his chances like the rest of us poor bastards. Hagel is a complete and total fucking disgrace as SoD, and we are reaping the benefits of having weak minded fools in positions of power over the military.
Can’t we find a candidate to run against the dems who is not a giant milquetoast panty waist?
Rusty razor blade and a do–it-yourself instruction booklet.
Lorena Bobbit and a fifth of tequila.
I don’t think Lorena needs the Tequila! 🙂
She might need the tequila to be able to stand being in the same room with “Bradley”.
The tequila is for me. I like tequila….
Well, be nice and share it with Lorena if necessary. I just wouldn’t recommend sharing anything else with her. (smile)
At least pour some on the open wound. 😀 That’s a crowd pleaser there.
A waste of good tequila. Just poor a box of Morton’s salt on it, then rub it in.
Start the hormone ‘therapy’, whack off all his junk, then cut off the HRT.
Menopause is a real serious bitch for some girls.
Wait, so this might get him transferred to a women’s prison? I mean if I were some kind of lifer, maybe it’d be worth it… Or does he just want to be a bit more entertaining at the men’s prison?–like maybe his parts aren’t getting the job done there.
I think we should make Chuck Hagel do it personally. He loves Manning’s body parts so much, make him do it.
Go ahead and chop off his junk. But no painkillers, no hormones, maybe some antibiotics. Then call the little shit what he is: the Traitorous Eunuch Bradley Manning. Don’t pretend that he’s a girl, because he ain’t. All he ever will be is a fucking traitor and a eunuch.
Let’s say the weedwhacker job costs $65,000. Write to Hagel. Tell him you want the same entitlement that Manning got BUT offer to accept $25,000 cash in lieu of the operation. That’s a $40,000 savings per request granted! How could he say no?
Call Hagel. If he answers, say ‘Chuck? You’re an asshole.’ And hang up.
If it’s his voicemail, same thing.
First, I have to say the comments on this thread made me laugh at least five times that I almost spit my dip all over my computer, so thanks. Second, at this point I would imagine that if you swapped out this entire administration for those “kids” down at the border that that pederast VWP is always talking about, there wouldn’t be any noticeable change. I have about as much faith in this administration as I would an entire Iraqi infantry battalion caught in a fire fight with a gaggle of squirrels.
I say we give him the Theon Greyjoy treatment and leave it at that.
Varys is nicknamed The Spider. That would make Manning…the crab lice?
The only acceptable response to such a request is, “Yeah, sure, submit your request and we will get right on that. After we attend to the real problems facing the US DoD.”
Personally, I would consider an inventory of toothbrushes worldwide to be a much greater priority than this. And there are a least a gazillion other items ahead of that toothbrush thing.
Hormone treatment.
Perhaps we are all misunderstanding this. Leave him in the male prison with the general population and before long you’ll hear the whore-moan as he/she/it receives his “treatment.