Obama’s base

| November 18, 2008

Reminiscient of the Sal in Harlem audio,   John Zeigler, the radio talk show host that first broke the story of John Kerry’s “botched joke” about our troops being stuck in Iraq because they’re dumb, is releasing a documentary called “Media Malpractice” in which he interviews some Obama voters and asks them simple questions like “What do you think about Barney Franks” and “What party controls Congress” to measure the impact the media had on voters in the recent election. The results will surprise no one who is regular reader of this blog. Here’s 10 minutes from the documentary;

At his website, How Obama Got Elected, Zeigler admits that an interview of 12 people isn’t scientific, but he commissioned a Zogby poll to do a real sample and Zogby got similar results;

512 Obama Voters 11/13/08-11/15/08 MOE +/- 4.4 points

97.1% High School Graduate or higher, 55% College Graduates

Results to 12 simple Multiple Choice Questions

57.4% could NOT correctly say which party controls congress (50/50 shot just by guessing)

81.8% could NOT correctly say Joe Biden quit a previous campaign because of plagiarism (25% chance by guessing)

82.6% could NOT correctly say that Barack Obama won his first election by getting opponents kicked off the ballot (25% chance by guessing)

Read the rest at the link.

The media refused to discuss any negative information about Barack Obama or Joe Biden and yet they made big deals about John McCain’s non-existent affair with a lobbyist, questioned the parentage of Sarah Palin’s son, and swallowed completely fake stories about Joe the Plumber. Just so we could have the first affirmative action President. I still remember the wringer that the Bush family went through from the beginning of the 2000 campaign, and yet the Obama and Biden families have come out of the campaign still smelling like roses.

Of course, the media did the same thing for the Gore and Kerry campaigns, but somehow it didn’t work out for them well enough. It seems with practice comes perfection.

Hat tip to Gateway Pundit.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Media, Politics

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This documentary proves what we, on the right, already knew: Many of the bots who pressed the button for Obama have no grasp of the issues, some didn’t care, others voted for skin color, and the rest believe his socialist ideas.

What a collection of idiots.


Oh yeah, their the same “bots” who voted for Dubbuya the last two times. Didn’t hear you griping about their idiocy when they were casting votes for your preffered party.

Gotta admit, I am glad the brainless, toothless jackass, “my way or screw you”, Jeeeezisahhhh freak religious extremists who makeup the majority of the holier than thou Republican base stayed home, or forgot what day it was. These small minded sheeple freighten many free thinking folks far more than 3% higher taxes do.

Stay out of my womb freaky freaks, do whatever the hell you want with yours.


Jonn wrote: I hope you feel better now that you’ve evacuated your bowels. I don’t know who you were talking to, but there aren’t any religious “freaks” here, and I’m fairly sure none of us even wanted to think about your womb – even after you brought it up. In fact, I’m going to take a shower now in hopes the thought of your womb goes down the drain. Please point to any post here that made you think we fit your ridiculous stereotypes. Oh, and I have all of my teeth, too.

The Phoenix

Saying Amen to what GI Jane commented!!!

Hope my comment info below, hasn’t been posted here before, and I missed it … But…

Just when we thought there were no same voices in Congress…
Please find that there is a Sane Voice in Congress! And we need to back him up.

The Phoenix

The Phoenix

Ooops… I’m still making typos! That should be “..when we thought there were no SANE voices…”

The Phoenix


Bennariea, or Diarrhea, or whoever,
First, it’s they’re or they are. Then it’s Dubya, and preferred. But that’s ok, just show everyone how ignorant you are. Your public school and parents must be so proud. Now, run upstairs and tell mom and dad how the mean people picked on you.
And, I agree with Jonn, now I have to take another shower, try the Vulkan Mind Meld to get that image out of my brain.

J Foster

Bennaravinidjut, for the record, I’m about as conservative as they come. Also for the record, I’m an atheist. Conservatism, for me at least, has nothing to do with religious zeal and everything to do with a healthy distrust of government power. You and your ilk have just handed the keys to the kingdom to someone with no qualms about excising large swaths of our rights from existence, whilst chanting meaningless catchphrases and mantras that draw nascent cultists such as yourself under their thrall. If you want to see a religious freak, look in the mirror. Further, allow me to say from the bottom of my heart, that I could care less if you ripped your womb from your abdomen and shoved it squarely up your ass (though I’d be lying just a little as I’d consider such an act to be one of public service). And Jonn, fuck the shower, I’m washing those thoughts from my brain with good old fashioned liquor.