No quick solution for border gaggle in sight

| July 8, 2014

Yesterday, the president let word leak out from the White House that most of the children piled up on our side of the border would be sent back home soon. But the word coming out now is less encouraging.

White House officials said they still intend to pursue additional authorities to speed the return of the children who’ve been arriving by the thousands, mostly from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. But for now the White House request will focus on additional money for immigration judges, detention facilities, legal aid and other items that could address the situation on the border, which the administration has termed a humanitarian crisis.

The new approach comes after the White House told Congress last week that it would seek “additional authority” for the Homeland Security secretary to quickly return the minors back home.

I’m guessing the change came because of the echo chamber that surrounds the policy makers in the White House. Someone told the president about Nancy Pelosi and her “dazzling, sparkling array of God’s children” speech.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Illegal Immigrants

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More and more kindling is tossed into the fire pit, doused with gasoline just waiting for someone to light the match.

Joel Edge

Please, please, let it be true. Send them back ASAP and then delouse the entire border wherever they were. We don’t want them, we don’t need them, Central American Yankee…GO HOME!


Americans voted for this shit, twice.


That’s the really discouraging part-America can probably survive Obama (there is a lot of ruin in a nation), but whether or not it can survive a population that voted twice for Obama is another question,

Pinto Nag

There are Americans who will always vote for this shit. Not only do they believe in unicorns, they believe in money trees, and they know where those trees grow, too!



I need to find that damn tree. I’m tired of everyone else getting my fruit when I need it. Especially since the way to fix this country’s money problems is by cutting my pay, retirement and/or disability.


It may not be easy, but the usual solution to any crisis is to immediately stop compounding the problem. But, talking about the possibilities seems to be all that any of the folks in DC are capable of pondering. Meanwhile, the problem becomes exponentially more difficult with each passing hour.

The funds necessary to build a fence, wall, and other structures to secure most of the border was appropriated years ago. What happened to that money?

It would not solve the problem completely, but sending clear messages that coming here illegally will not result in easy entry into this country would be a start. It might even slow the rate of flow of those approaching the border.

Doing nothing is just not acceptable. Inviting criminals to simply walk across our border is not acceptable. Spreading the diseases they carry through out the country is just absurd and is certainly not acceptable.


The fence would stop 99% of all the pukes from coming through to our country.
I live in Houston and work at Walmart as a cashier.
About a third of my customers cannot speak a word of English and they all have the various welfare cards or wads of cash, or even worse… Both welfare cards and wads of cash…
This is a systemic infection but to clean it up we have to start where the problem comes from.
Please write, call, fax, email, stop by their office or whatever you have ho do to tell our reps in DC to:

Roger in Republic

If I were king I’d invoke the Spirit of 1914. I would stand on the Rio Grande and tell Mexico that if they don’t stop the flow of Illegals/drugs I will invade Mexico to a depth of 200 kilometers and build my fence there. I would declare that area a demilitarized zone and a free fire zone. Any person found inside the zone, regardless of national origin, would be subject to direct and indirect fire. Mexico has lost control of the area to the cartels anyway so they won’t miss the territory. What they will miss is the cross border economic activity that would be curtailed by the border being redrawn.

If it turned out that we needed to push the border another 200 Km south, so be it. The cartels are moving these people and the drugs, and the state of Mexico seems to be powerless against them.


Roger in Republic…Thank you. I believe that Mexico more than being powerless against the cartels are as corrupt a government as they come. Money talks in Mexico and drugs walk. So do illegals. Mexico takes all they can from America and generally thumbs their nose and farts in our direction. Screw them. I love your idea!


One complication is that most of these kids are not Mexican – the Mexican kids are supposedly getting turned around and returned as soon as ID’ed. It’s the kids predominantly from Honduras and El Salvador who have transited Mexico – and Mexico doesn’t want them either.


Considering that it’s very difficult to transit Mexico if one doesn’t have the required papers, it stands to reason that the government of Mexico is in on this invasion, up to their eyeballs.
I see that Barrycade’s “request” for Billions of $$$ to “handle” this emergency has, at the least, doubled, from $2Billion to $4Billion just over the weekend. I wonder how much of that is destined to grease palms south of the border.


This is a National Security issue. And we all know the Obama Administration sucks balls on National Security issues.


MGySgtRet. Thank you sir. Those are the words our leaders do not dare say. That it is truly a National Security issue now, not just illegal immigration.


Oh, now bodaprez has done it. He pissed off Rick Perry, the governor of Texas.

When you read it, please note that bodaprez Hisself did not extend the invite to Perry. That came from insnider V. Jarrett. (Misspellings are intentional.)

I have said this before and I will say it again, it is NOT a humanitarian crisis. These kids are being shipped up here, based on a rumor and nothing else.

If it’s so very important to take care of these now-homeless, parentless chidren, why are we not addressing the thousands of our own American children in the foster system who are NOT necessarily in the best of hands and who do need to be in good homes where they can get proper care, supervision and schooling?

When is THAT going to be addressed?

THAT is OUR humanitarian crisis and nobody in that cesspool in Washington is saying ONE FUCKING WORD about it.

Sometimes, I want to confront these lackwits in WDC by slamming my hand on the tabletop in front of them, just to get them to listen.


Word has probably already spread like wildfire to the the other 3rd world slums outside of just Central America to – c’mon over, the water’s fine. Fox News Kelly Files had more updated data last night, but this one from couple yrs ago is pretty much the same…USA is the most desired destination of the 3rd world dreamers…more than UK 2nd, Canada 3rd, and France 4th – combined.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka deport republicans not the children

Democrats were very angry with President Obama’s threat to deport most of the children. We let him know over the weekend we did not vote for him to deport the children and those that want them deported didn’t vote for him. We told him deport conservatives if you want to deport someone!

I’ll just bet that you called him first thing.



That is NOT the regular vwpisshead that posts here. Not a single misspelling and only a couple of minor punctuation errors.
I do believe that whoever posts as vwpisshead is a collective of typical liberal arts college students. The collective obviously let the only sober kid in the house do this post.

Climb to Glory

I wish your head would be deported from your body, you fucking worthless tard.

Dennis - not chevy

How about if the children stay in the USA, then the $57.8 million USAID sent to Guatemala in 2012 also stays in the USA to pay their room and board?



Joe Williams

Nor was the He voted in to break our laws. He swore to defend our BORDERS. Remember The Swearing in? Joe

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka deport republicans not the children

I know he did and yet boner, mcconnel and the other republicans in the house and senate have stll not been arrested for treason sedition and sabotage along with the five republican traitors on the supreme court!

Idiot! Quit using words above your intelligence.

God you’re dumb.

The oxy is kicking in, isn’t it, wpisshead?