Long weekend open thread

| July 3, 2014

MCPO requested an early open thread and demanded that I put this ghey picture on it;

ghey Navy shit

But it needed something less ghey so;

Category: Open thread

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I killed a tin can today with my son’s Rug 22 Rifle. It was the best Christmas I could have gotten him. He is a great shot! Red Ryder was his first rifle. A dead ringer with that too. He will be shooting the AR-15 in a few years!

VWP … GFY … And don’t comment!

A Proud Infidel®™

It sucks that they never made this movie!!


Got all the household weekend chores done despite the monsoon yesterday.

Took a little ride to Maine and noticed that the Traveling Wall was parked at the Cabelas in Scarborough. GF and I spent a good piece of time looking at the wall, as well as the other displays to remember veterans of other conflicts and battles throughout our history.

I saw John’s friend “Griz” Martin mentioned, and GF found someone from 1/75 Rangers she had gone to school with who had been killed in Panama.

Kinda brings it home.

Green Thumb

Any guesses out there as to how much taxpayer money Commander Phil Monkress at All-Points Logistics used to fund his holiday celebrations?

Delilah T.

I know I shouldn’t find this to be a chuckle, but I did.


It is rather serious, because the Saudis are currently our friends, but these two nitwits…. well, I just couldn’t help chuckling a little bit.