200 more troops to Iraq

| June 30, 2014

The Associated Press reports that the president is sending 200 more troops to Iraq. It started at 300 just a few days ago and now it’s 800.

Obama notified House and Senate leaders in a letter on Monday. Obama says the additions include security forces, rotary-wing aircraft, and support for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.

Obama has ruled out sending combat troops back into Iraq. But he says the additional troops will be equipped for combat. He says their purpose is to protect U.S. citizens and property if needed.

I know you’re all as surprised as I am.

Category: Terror War

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vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka iraq arabic for vietnam

Katrina van den heuval said it best to vietnam war draft dodger and chicken hawk bill kristol go enlist in the iraqi army if you want to intervene in iraq there are plenty of iraqi army uniforms laying around!

If you’re going to quote someone-even millionaire trust fund lefties-try to get their name right.


Go easy on the boy, he’s on his third tube of airplane glue of the day.

A Proud Infidel®™

It looks like he/it sniffed spray paint as a chaser!!

VWPissbucket is his own cousin.

This coming from draft dodging pussy VWP you fucking illiterate tard. You’re just another leftist racist like your boy Che. You and the rest of the leftists have blood on your hands. You say you’re for peace, but that’s just code for “I like seeing people in third world countries being oppressed and killed.”

Hey, VWPissant! Remember a while back when you wouldn’t shut your cock holster about how great Obama is, how he supposedly ended the Iraq War, such a genius, all hail the Glorious Leader, blah blah blah? Remember that? Because I do!

Now your hero the Glorious Leader is not only sending American troops back into Iraq, he’s doing everything he possibly can to set it up to be an ungodly fucking disaster. It was said many times before: the job in Iraq must be done right and finished or we’ll just have to go right back in a few years. Well, guess what, shithead? Obama didn’t even try. And look where that’s got us.

Keep in mind that you were ready to slurp the jizz right out of Obama’s cock not so long ago. You said so yourself! But this mess is entirely his creation, thanks in no small part to the support of liberal pussies like you.

By the way, you do know who has invaded Iraq, right? Who is raping and butchering women and children as we speak? ISIS, the Al Qaeda-affiliate group THAT OBAMA SUPPLIED ARMS TO IN SYRIA JUST LAST YEAR, you ignorant fuckstick! Your Glorious Leader is really batting a thousand!

That’s an awful lot of blood that you and Barry have on your hands, VWPuss, you inbred chickenshit pedophile fuck. I’m sure you’re proud of yourself.


Wow! I’m standing and applauding your reply. Not only because VWP deserves it but because it is 100% correct.

Has anyone ever noticed how all these hawks have never served a day in the military. It is ok to send others to war but not there precious ass,es. Case in point when asked why he did not serve in Viet Nam, Dick Cheney said he had other priorities. Of course he did as not getting his ugly fucking head blown off was the biggest reason. Our last president Alfred E, Nuemann said the Viet Nam war wasn,t romantic enough for him.(yes he actually said that) well Georgie with the hundred of thousans of troops in the military I am sure there are some closet queen who would think you had a pretty cute butt to stick their hot dog in. And then there is the mighty warrior slick Willie Clinton who recently said to AIPAC if Israel were attacked He would be the first one in the trenches to shoulder a rifle. Where the fuck was he when it was time to serve his own country. Wake up America your country has been sold to whoever has the most shekels to buy their souls. Amazing how they are all so willing to send others children to be killed fighting Israels wars but their kids, HELL NO.


So at any point will the big brains in the admin realize that their peaceless dividend force reductions were a bad idea?


That, or ‘well, we’ve changed our tiny minds’.

Can we just get our people out of there — NOW?


We messed up our sorta exit in 91, messed up our reinvasion in 03, and messed up our exit again in 11.

We need to either embrace action or publicly wash our hands of the issue. If we’re going back in send enough folks with the tools to make it count, if we’re not going back in don’t do this half hearted pseudo commitment bull.

Based on the history I’m betting we’ll manage to get the worst downsides of both options, and no positives.


Barrycade still thinks the RIF is a good idea, he’ll have vacant military bases to send his “Dreamers” who cross the Southern border to. Well, semi-vacant, they’ll have to maintain some troops, so they can feed the little fuckheads.


“Obama has ruled out sending combat troops back into Iraq. But he says the additional troops will be equipped for combat.” Well, either they’re combat troops or they’re not. Which is it Obama? Doesn’t make any difference what their mission is. Especially if it is to provide security for American personnel that says right there that Americans are in danger in Iraq AND in Baghdad. Do you Obama, see it is time to evacuate all Americans from Iraq now and deal with this situation from a position of security and strength? Or do you want to sit on your hands and wait until the body count is sufficient? What is that anyway Obama, 1, 5, 10, 100 dead Americans? If you remove the Americans now, ISIS has no goal post in Baghdad to go after. They have no potential hostages or online videos of tortured and murdered Americans to use for leverage. No, I know you are going to wait until ISIS is attacking Baghdad and making a beeline for our Embassy before they get, maybe, air strikes and then the “security personnel” you’re sending NOW, will then be in a fight for their lives to defend themselves, other Americans and the Embassy compound. This situation in Iraq is getting worse by the moment. Made worse by ISIS and their new Caliph in their new Caliphate Empire of violence and mayhem and by our very own White House and its administration. It is troubling and sad to me that part of the problems we face there are our own President and Secretary of State. They should be leading this issue with strong, positive answers to the problem. Not waiting until Americans are dead. Their other answer of course, when the shit really hits the fan will be, send in Brigade strength for support. But as always, they will always be lagging in response to the problem. Not being proactive now when they have the chance. Nothing would demoralize ISIS more than to evacuate all Americans and pop their balloon. Take away their heart felt goal of having another Tehran 1979… Read more »

The Other Whitey

Remember, Sparks, it all depends on what your definition of “is” is!


The Other Whitey…You’re right, I forgot. If Obama says they’re not combat troops there for combat then I guess they’re not. I guess their mission is to help direct and control traffic around the Embassy during high traffic times. They certainly couldn’t be non combat troops, equipped for combat. That just wouldn’t make sense would it? So they must be equipped for combat just as an exercise. Everybody needs practice all the time I guess. Maybe they’re just all clerks, truck drivers and other non 11B grunt types who happen to be equipped for combat. You know, in case a camel or goat goes rabid and has to be put down. Anything to help out our good buddy and friend Maliki.


‘Do you Obama, see it is time to evacuate all Americans from Iraq now and deal with this situation from a position of security and strength?’

Sparks, your question is based on the absurd idea that bodaprez gives a fucking shit about his job at all, and for the record, he has voiced his displeasure more than once about how he ‘LONGS’ to leave ‘the cloistered life’ of the White House.

You know I’m not making this up. It was two weeks ago, in the news.


and this one: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/15/obama-white-house_n_5496290.html

and this one: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/obama-longs-to-break-out-of-white-house-bubble/2014/06/15/ba2c3534-f485-11e3-a43f-0dc88bbee9bb_story.html

I’m only pointing out that in this theater of absurdities labeled an administration, the lighnts are on, but nobody’s home and nobody don’t give a shit.

This addition of troops is NOT a good move unless bodaprez actually intends to follow-up, but please remember that he spent 11 years in the Illinois state legislature, voting ‘Present’ on legislation for which he couldn’t decide which way to vote. 11 EFFING YEARS!

And no, he not only doesn’t see, he just does not care.

Yeah, this is the embassy in Teheran all over again. GEEZ!!!

The Other Whitey

Oh, he wants to leave. It’s so hard. Boo fucking hoo. In that case, why the ever-loving fuck did he not only run, but cheated to make sure he got reelected?!

The Glorious Leader can blow me if he thinks he’s getting a shred of pity for his weekly 5-star vacations at taxpayer expense.


What’s with this belief that they care about our people at the embassy?

Remember the world cup is currently driving foreign policy, in between tee times and dinner reservations.


I suspect that means they’ll have M4s, because Obama just knows that any one scary assault rifle can kill hundreds of thousands. 800 of them can rule the world.

The Other Whitey

If we had a leader with any balls at all, our reply to ISIS declaring themselves a caliphate would have resembled this little gem from history:

Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Ottoman Turks, 1676

Sultan Mehmed IV to the Zaporozhian Cossacks:

“As the Sultan; son of Muhammad; brother of the sun and moon; grandson and viceroy of God; ruler of the kingdoms of Macedonia, Babylon, Jerusalem, Upper and Lower Egypt; emperor of emperors; sovereign of sovereigns; extraordinary knight, never defeated; steadfast guardian of the tomb of Jesus Christ; trustee chosen by God Himself; the hope and comfort of Muslims; confounder and great defender of Christians — I command you, the Zaporozhian Cossacks, to submit to me voluntarily and without any resistance, and to desist from troubling me with your attacks.”

Ivan Sirko, commander of the Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan–

“O sultan, Turkish imp and damned devil’s kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself. What the hell kind of knight art thou, that can’t slay a hedgehog with your naked ass? The devil shits, and your army eats. Thou son of a bitch will never make subjects of Christian sons; we’ve no fear of your army, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, go fuck thy mother.

Thou art a Babylonian scullion, Macedonian wheelwright, brewer of Jerusalem, goat-fucker of Alexandria, swineherd of Greater and Lesser Egypt, pig of Armenia, Podolian thief, catamite of Tartary, hangman of Kamyanets, and fool of all the world and underworld, an idiot before God, grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our dick. Pig’s snout, mare’s asshole, slaughterhouse cur, unchristened brow, screw thine own mother!

So the Zaporozhians declare, thou lowlife. Thou will not even herd Christian pigs. Now we’ll conclude, for we don’t know the date and don’t own a calendar; the moon’s in the sky, the year with the Lord, the day’s the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our ass!

Koshovyi Otaman Ivan Sirko, with the whole Zaporozhian Host.”


Dumdum bullets Omdurman style works too.


You really have to include the picture for the full effect-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reply_of_the_Zaporozhian_Cossacks#mediaviewer/File:Ilja_Jefimowitsch_Repin_009.jpg

B Woodman

BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sheer poetry in swearing. I LOVE it. A keeper for future reference, which all others shall be measured against, and found wanting. The simple, yet elegant “Fuck You!!” no longer suffices.

The Other Whitey

According to what I’ve heard, it actually loses something in translation and is supposedly even better in original Russian. Still, I think our diplomacy would be more effective if we officially addressed the Iranian regime as the Pig Fuckers of Tehran. Since they have zero respect for us, why should we treat them any better?


A SSG I used to know in active duty just reported to Ft. Riley a few weeks ago. He let it out on facebook that Big Red One ain’t playing around. The whole brigade was ready to roll within a weeks time frame, including SRP and the whole 9 yards. I guess you could call that a stand to, and just awaiting marching orders. Makes me wonder how many other brigades are ready to rock time now. And who gave them the order to be ready.

What is it that they say? Third time’s the charm right?


Keep us posted.


I have not heard any of the Left, that we’re so against any military action with President Bush in Iraq, say a damn word this time.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka iraq arabic for vietnam

Katrina did on abc sunday and I do. Obama better remember what happened to johnson! President Obama should give free rides to all the chicken hawks who want “us” to go back in starting with pro war neo-con vietnam war draft dodgers like bill kristol dead eye dick cheney mitt romney ect. Let them go defend bagdad with their good friends the iranians!

Hey fucknuts! Did your parents have any children that lived?

Climb to Glory

VWP you’re such a hypocritical pussy.


Well, Climb to Glory, that one works too. Nikko generally makes about as much sense as vwp.

Climb to Glory

Shit wrong video.

Pretty slick speaking by you, VWP. Are you not a draft dodger too?

Read it twice and still have no idea what the hell your trying to say.


What the hell did vwpisspot say… er, write?

Can anyone translate that mess of his into English?


We’ll need someone to channel the shade of the late Gabby Hayes for translation. vwp’s latest screed above seems to be in a modern-day dialect of Authentic Frontier Gibberish.

You are aware that in 1970 Mitt Romney was classified available for military service, right? It’s easy to look up online. If he was a draft Dodgers he was a pissed poor one. Whats your take on five deferment Joe Biden?

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka iraq arabic for vietnam

How many deferments did dick cheney get. Mormon missionaries didn’t get draft thats why mohammed ali was found not guilty by supreme court who wanted to send him to jail other wise they would have to draft mormons and the church would have had a fit! Romney father didn’t serve in ww 2 because he was a mo.

LOTS of Mormons served in WWII, shitforbrains. And Korea, and Vietnam, And WWI, etc. Every job in the military had Mormons doing it somewhere, right beside the Catholics, Baptists, Adventists, Episcopals, Jews, and everybody else. Conscientious Objector status (which did not apply to Mormons) only meant you couldn’t be assigned to an MOS that compelled you to carry and use a weapon. Lots of Quakers distinguished themselves in WWII, like Desmond Doss, an Army medic who earned the Medal of Honor on Okinawa.

Seriously, VWPutz, give it a Goddamn rest. You’re way beyond embarrassing yourself at this point. You’re literally exuding stupidity. Go fuck yourself.

Ali’s conviction was overturned due to paperwork issues, moron – specifically, because the appeal board that refused Ali’s appeal for Conscientious Objector status simply stated he did not meet the requirements, but did not give a specific explanation of why. In other words: he “beat the rap” on a legal technicality.

Now, please go annoy someone else.


Hondo, there’s one small point: Ali wasn’t drafted as Ali. He was drafted under his given name.

The Other Whitey

Whether he went by Cassius Clay or Muhammad Ali, he remains an arrogant douche and waste of God-given talent.

Bad luck vwp: survives abortion, can’t escape extensive brain damage.

Mormon missionaries didn’t get drafted while they were on mission but when they came back it was game on. I noticed that you failed to acknowledge the fact that Romney wasn’t a draft Dodgers yet Joe Biden was by your definition of dodging. You are so full of shit it would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.

You sound like my brother. Schizophrenia is a helluva disease.


You need to renew the Prozac prescription.


Kudos to OldSoldier54! +1 twice.


Barack Ovomit strikes again.

I think if he doesn’t tell a lie to Americans he’ll melt. Think of it as some sort of reverse Libtard wicked witch flaw.


Great page here on ISIS that has up to date info and some analysis, might be worth a look…



I’m not sure at this point that people in the media have the slightest real clue AS TO what is going on in the world, and it’s because of this:

The Samarra mosque is the holiest of Shiite sites, like the Vatican for Catholics. Destruction of this mosque will stoke a worse uptick in violence and warfare than what we’ve seen so far. No one, including the US embassy, will be safe. Period.

So when someone pops a headline on a story that says ‘fears of renewed civil war’, I truly do want to know just how far up his own ass his head is lodged, to write that kind of mind-numbingly stupid lead-in to a story, one that DOES have some importance in this conflict.

There is a violent civil war going on now in Sudan. People are being slaughtered in their own beds while asleep. It’s the same stuff that is going on in Nigeria, Somalia, and all those other countries where governments are weak and things are rapidly deteriorating. If it isn’t stopped or contained in place, it will spread to Europe (yeah, the Johnny Crapauds are getting worried) and to Russia (Putin IS concerned, no matter what anyone thinks) and to this country.

I’m more disturbed by the apathy in liberal idiocy than anything else. It is so widespread, it scares me. I want to be able to get to the gas station and grocery store and even the bookstore, just like anyone else, and go on my little hikes in relative safety while watching for coyotes around here, but I’m not stupid enough to believe for one second that the crap we see going on in the Middle East will NOT be brought here if we don’t pay attention.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if B. Hussein 0bama & Company aren’t trying to make that happen in the USA with these tsunamis of illegal aliens?


Frankly, Proud, I really don’t think he’s quite that clever. He’s too lazy to go to that much trouble, no matter how imperial he tries to pretend he is.
And remember that at the grass roots level, people just don’t like him any more, on both sides of the political fence.

Pinto Nag

I’m at the point that I have given up on anything Obama does, because I know from the start that it will be wrong. Now I’m praying that the military commanders are paying attention and positioning units to respond when the s*** hits the fan for those 800 “non-combat but armed for combat” troops. I know that that goes against everything our military is trained to do, that they should wait for orders, but their troops’ lives are at stake, and somebody who has the power and ability needs to make sure those troops aren’t left to die like the four Americans in Benghazi.


Hasn’t there been a full BCT standing by in Kuwait should things go south in Iraq for the past three years? Was that just part of another one of those “red line” bluffs?


They are there – it’s an armored BCT and they spend a hell of a lot of time training, so they are as ready as any formation. Question is, does the adminstration have the balls to commit them when the feces hits the fan?

Roger in Republic

On a serious note, I remember when another insurgency started with just a few advisors. It grew to half a million troops and lasted over ten years. I remember a president who promised that American boys would never fight the Asian boys war. I remember how badly that one ended. This one is being fought in reverse, but the outcome will be the same. I say, let them fight it out and then bomb the survivors, really hard.