Pelosi, sparkle pony, visits border

| June 30, 2014

Pelosi sparkle pony

I guess Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi visited a crisis center along the border between Texas and Mexico where thousands of Mexican children and women are flooding into this country based on village rumors that they would be taken care of when they arrived here. After apparently blazing up a doobie, Pelosi emoted all over the gathered news reporters. From the Washington Times;

“This crisis that some call a crisis, we have to view as an opportunity,” Mrs. Pelosi said, Fox News reported. “If you believe as we do that every child, every person has a spark of divinity in them, and is therefore worthy of respect — what we saw in those [holding] rooms was a dazzling, sparkling array of God’s children, worthy of respect.”

She made the comments over the weekend, at a time when Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator Craig Fugate was assigned as the point person to coordinate the U.S. response — and as President Obama announced plans to ask Congress for more than $2 billion to help with the border surge, Fox News reported.

The California Democrat did admit that the pour of unaccompanied youth across the border “does have crisis qualities,” she said, Fox News reported. But at the same time, the situation is simply an “opportunity to show who we are as Americans, that we do respect people for their dignity and worth.”

Yeah, I don’t know what she’s saying either, unless she’s advocating that we register all of these new criminals as Democrat voters instead of sending them back. If we sent them back, maybe that would stop the rumors that are wafting through the mud hut villages in Guatemala and El Salvador endangering the welfare of the countless perspective illegal immigrants.

It is a crisis, no matter how you look at it, even if you see it through the blue haze of cannabis smoke, like Pelosi does, apparently. Folks are getting sick and eventually, some may die in these “crisis centers”. A resurgence of Dengue fever is sweeping through Central America and will probably accompany these refugees.

They need to be sent back to their villages with the message that the rumors are not accurate. Having lived with Central Americans most of my life, I know how quickly and persistently rumors become fact to those people and the US government needs to send them back to their countries. For their own good.

Here’s the ditzy Minority Leader, if you can stand to listen;

Category: Illegal Immigrants

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NR Pax

Actually I kind of agree with her. It’s an opportunity to actually enforce our laws that will be ignored.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

See, I must be using the wrong lenses in my cataract repaired eyes. I didn’t see a room full of divine inspiration. I saw a room full of juvenile offenders aided in their crimes by a corrupt Mexican government and an impotent American government.

If we can’t secure the border from children crossing how do we realistically tell ourselves we are securing the border from a terrorist crossing?

When the numbers crossing are in the tens of thousands the real illusion is that nothing harmful is crossing with the terrorist cells who are taking advantage of our sieve-like border security.


VOV…I agree. I have said if I were terrorist, the southern border would be my point of entry. Little kids, unaccompanied many times are getting over the border and through Border Patrol, by the thousands. Now that they are here, Pelosi is all teary eyed at the prospect of new Democratic voters as Jonn pointed out. Abortion here in America, here attitude is quite different. The Mexican government is not our friend and the sooner America at large stops listening to the liberal pie is the sky agenda, the sooner we can perhaps, truly secure this border. I am a big fan of legal immigration. It is what made our nation great in many ways. But the emphasis is on legal. As soon as a terrorist makes his or their way across the Rio Grande and suicide bombs a Houston refinery or some such, then America will wake up just long enough to perhaps do something. But I fear like the slumber they went back into after 9/11 if it is not addressed quickly, the window of opportunity will close.


“I fear like the slumber they went back into after 9/11 if it is not addressed quickly, the window of opportunity will close.”

Very True. The universities and government run programs will ensure that there are plenty of folks to be offended by this country actually trying to protect itself.

2/17 Air Cav

“If you believe as we do that every child, every person has a spark of divinity in them….” Hold on thar, Babalooie. That’s theology right there, but she overlooked the part about the child not yet born. That’s the one whose spark Pelosi is just fine with extinguishing through abortion. (Hey, don’t blame me. I’m not the one who spoke of the divine spark, the one that, I guess, just appears one day when a child is, what, five or six?)


Truth to power.

Pandering is so damned transparent.

Pinto Nag

That hag wouldn’t know a spark of divinity if it grounded through her wrinkled backside.


Oh you’re taking her all wrong-remember that she worships big government and that “divine spark” she supposedly sees in these kids is the means to further expand the scope and power of her god.


I guess the spark of divinity only occurs after they exit the womb.

Delilah T.

When is that old cow going to admit that she’s pushing 80 and stop dying her hair? She talks like her jaws are wired shut.

Am I truly supposed to listen to her when she babbles on about children who have been abandoned by their parents and kicked out of their own country, because they are unwanted?

I know dengue fever is escalating, but there’s another one besides that, isn’t there? And how many of those kids have had polio vaccinations?


I say we ship ’em all up to her district and let ’em set up shop there. I’m sure her ever-so-tolerant liberal voting bloc will find that idea just peachy.


Draft em all send them to Iraq to earn citizen ship or go AWOL and get citizen ship and welfare anyhow.


Sounds good except that the state of California is completely broke due to their libtard policies and can’t afford to take care of these ALIENS w/out govt. aid.

BUT, I do agree. Send’em to Frisco and let them figure it all out.

Stupidity should be painful and expensive.

A Proud Infidel®™

Nanny Lugosi McMoonbat spouts off again proving that liberalism is a mental disorder. In the past she/it has basically said she believes that we automatically owe illegal aliens every handout they can get as soon as they cross the Border while denying us Vets everything she can. I wonder how big the USG Aircraft she used for this PR stunt, and did she spend another $100+K on booze again?


and she encourages more illegal immigrants to come here….


Which is the whole point. Fundamental change and all that, dontcha know.


Give’em her address. She makes more money than I do. She can care for’em better.

I’m sure that all of her servants, grounds-keepers, etc. already speak Spanish so there will be no language barriers.

2/17 Air Cav

You are right. When a sitting Congressman–even one as grotesque looking and mealy mouthed as Pelosi– goes to the border and expresses her sympathy and support for those who violate our law, it is the equivalent of a gigantic neon sign reading, “Enter Here. Welcome.”


2/17 Air Cav…Emma Lazarus composed, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” In a sonnet which is on the Statue Of Liberty. She meant the kind of legal immigrants who came in the late 19th and early 20th century. Those who truly wanted freedom and a better life for themselves and their children. They worked hard and many of them and their children served in WWII, became citizens and were proud to become one. Made their children learn English and taught them to love and appreciate this great land which took them in. The inscription now has a new meaning to Pelosi and her liberal ilk. It means “give me your poor, your criminals, your rejects and the worthless you don’t want in your country. Send them here and we will give them everything they can ask for, for free, from cradle to grave. No work required. No patriotism required. No appreciation to this nation for taking you in is required. In fact, please come and bring your “diversity”. Please come and turn your neighborhoods and our nation into the horrid places you came from. It’s okay with us. After all we are all about diversity, not unity. No longer are we united as an American people with a common cause and love of our country. So yes, please come and turn America into little Mexico, Guatemala, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Colombia, El Salvador and lest we forget any Muslim nation you may hail from. Please bring yourselves here and help drag our country into ruin and while you Muslims are at it, feel free in our nation of freedom of religion and speech to spout your Islamic hatred of American in your Mosques towards the country which frees you to do so. This country is going upside down and backwards in a hurry. It has been for decades and the curve towards ultimate failure and ruin is not a linear progression but a non linear upswing. Something, I fear is going to happen in America. It will be catastrophic and it will be what… Read more »

Pinto Nag



Her comments about us being a community with a border running through it is particularly chilling. Oh, sure we are. We are indeed all “Americans” by definition of the hemisphere in which we reside. I’ll give her that. Unfortunately, there is a gated community to our south, with borders actually enforced, while ours is the wide open part of the community.


If we are in fact a “community with a border running through it” then let’s go all the way. Finnish what we started back in 1845-annex all of it.
There’s a reason it’s called “Lano TX” and not “Yano, TX”- we won!
WE get to decide who gets in and who doesn’t

The Other Whitey

All that Botox and weed over the years must have seriously addled her brain! She goes on about that “divine spark” (nice ripoff of Jeff Daniels in “Gettysburg,” by the way, fucking hag) that apparently arbitrarily appears whenever it becomes politically expedient, as she looks down her surgically-stretched schnoz at the idea that there might be such holy value in an unborn child. And what the hell is she even doing talking about divinity in the first place? She’s been all for secularization of every aspect of our society, tried to marginalize Christianity at every turn, and thinks morality is “sexist/racist/homophobic.”

It seems like she was trying to pull some kind of impromptu speech out of her ass, but like the Glorious Leader, she sucks at speaking without a TelePrompTer. She stuttered and made no sense at all. Somebody needs to tell her (and record the old bat’s reaction) that Sarah Palin sounds good when she does it because she is actually good at speaking off the cuff. Of course, Sarah Palin is good at most of the things Pelosi sucks at, but I digress.

As far as the content of the rambling bullshit that she apparently thought sounded great, I did notice one thing she didn’t bother mentioning at all: the law. That’s no surprise. Limousine liberals like her love laws that unconstitutionally restrict the rights of law-abiding Americans, but enforcing laws on things like immigration, border security, treason, etc. are an anathema to them.

Her deteriorating mental state is also evident in her appearance. She seems to think she looks young, attractive, and professional. Obviously in complete denial of the fact that she crossed into the wrong side of Bride of Frankenstein territory 30+ years ago. Looking at her now is physically painful.


Yes, there is a spark of divinity in all of you children. Now go home. Make your country a better place instead of trashing ours.


Rotavirus (diarrhea), Hepatitis A, Multi-drug resistant TB, Dengue Fever and Dengue hemorrhagic fever (same virus different level of illness), all of these and many more of brought to you by invading hoards of South Americas unwashed.

The potential for these illnesses to overwhelm our medical system that is already sliding down a banister made of razor wire is real.

“and as President Obama announced plans to ask Congress for more than $2 billion to help with the border surge, Fox News reported.”

I’m sure by help with the border surge he means provide food, medical care, housing, education (not that they have any inborn understanding of the value of education) for generations to come.

These invaders are not the elite of their society. They are often illiterate degenerates who can neither read or write in their own language and make no attempt to learn english. There is a video going around of two of these fine specimens burning a live kitten in a pool of gasoline. (I won’t link it as it made me physically ill). These are Obamas people. This is what he wants for America. Drag it down to the lowest most base common criminal.

Pinto Nag

The United States is going the way of ancient Rome. The details are different, but the results will be the same.


Pinto Nag…Well said. I unfortunately agree. I wish it were not so but history is clear. Great societies and empires collapse from within. God bless, help and keep America strong and thriving. Protect us from all enemies foreign and…domestic.


The reality of controlling the spread of disease being a driving factor in controlling those who enter the country has been completely lost in the current public conversation.

Delilah T.

Isn’t that what Ellis Island was used for, to stop contagious diseases before they hit the general population?

Polio is on the rise in the Middle East because the kids are not getting vaccinated (can’t imagine why). And in any crowded conditions, diseases become concentrated and difficult to treat. Cattle feedlots are a good example of what happens when a population group is crowded together.

This is not going to get better, unless somehow, the cartels are taken down, and I don’t see that happening.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Maybe Nance should have spent five minutes explaining how this incursion is a direct result of the law that she and the republicans created for President Clinton to sign in 2000 to address the trafficking of minors.

Instead of appearing at the border pretending it’s republican obstructionism she should spend a minute or two discussing how a law designed to protect children from trafficking has been circumvented to get these kids across the border and into the procedural process to determine their level of safety if returned. This is a serious issue and under the law she helped bring into being they are not considered criminals until such time as a determination on their status has been declared. The Homeland Security act and the Trafficking Victims Re-Authorization acts defined the processes for dealing with children being sent across the border and not being citizens of Mexico.

She should explain how that law is perhaps being subverted by the current wave and offer a plan for addressing these concerns instead of making statements without meaning or substance for political gain, but that’s Nance for you. She can’t do anything unless it involves political capital gains for her or her party.


Aw, come ON, VoV! There ya go again – demanding accountability and anything other than utter hypocrisy from the DC elite. It’s not gonna happen.

But, there is a chance that even the voting block which keeps electing these fools will prefer closing the border to being exposed to additional communicable diseases.


Tiny college town of Lawrenceville, VA successfully fended off gov’t plan to establish refugee detention camp…now gov is looking at a location in Michigan. Jeez, this is gonna turn ugly…tons and tons of unskilled, illiterate, disease ridden gang banger thugs in some nice middle class community. Can’t really grasp why citizenry might go – fuch no NIMBY.

Don’t mean to be a bastard, but…Gitmo. Than utilize old Navy vessels as prison ships, and deport by the millions…threaten to shut off financial aid to the 3rd world slum countries.

CC Senor

Unnoticed by too many is that counties in South Texas are being bankrupted by illegals that make it past the border patrol and then die in the brush. The cost of recovering and burying the remains is not being reimbursed by the Feds.


Aren’t the szme things happening in New Mexico and Arizona?


Yes, they are. I’m in Arizona. This border incursion extends far inland from the border.

I would suggest you speak to your PCP about making sure you are up to date on your immunizations. Tdap is a must with the advent of whooping cough making a resurgence from Eastern Europe and Eastern Russia (and California) where it has been epidemic for a decade or more. Also consider paying for Hepatitis A and B immunizations, MMR if you are not sure on your status.

This is not medical advice just a suggestion you talk to your PCP after you do your own research. My PCP has no clue these illnesses are becoming more and more of a problem. However he is sequestered in an office all day. I’m out in the community practicing more of a public health medical practice.


““If you believe as we do that every child, every person has a spark of divinity in them, and is therefore worthy of respect — what we saw in those [holding] rooms was a dazzling, sparkling array of God’s children, worthy of respect.”

That only holds true AFTER they have exited the vagina

Green Thumb

Maybe she will adopt a few and take them home with her. Also, maybe a few to Madonna?


It’s now summer. They’ve already found a dead 11-year-old this week, How many more kids will die for her “compassion”?

And that $2 billion should be used to bus them all home.

Question… if the southern Mexican border is so guarded, how did all of these kids make it, unaccompanied, all the way from South America? I haven’t heard that they’re all landing on the beaches of Texas.


Coyotes are employed to guide children & bribes are allegedly paid to authorities to look the other way as kids hop on trains el norte. Hell, these kids don’t run from the BP…they run to them. They believe they can’t be sent back home – no fear of getting caught at all (besides they get a free meal & cold drink to boot).

2/17 Air Cav

How long has this discussion, in one form or another, been going on? 10 years? 15? 20? More? The names change, the politicians sometimes do, and they all issue their statements–and usually vote exactly opposite of what’s indicated by those statements, if they are Republicans–and the problem of foreign nationals disregarding our sovereignty continues. The only difference now is that it is being aided and abetted actively by the Executive Branch.


More. Many more.

Remember the amnesty discussions of 1986? The law passed then was supposed to once and forever solve the problems which at that time were already massive. Things settled a tiny bit for a very short time, then the exponential compounding of the problem resumed.

So here we are today, dealing with complete chaos on the border. Well, actually, it’s been pretty chaotic for a generation or two or three, with a tiny hiccup of something disguised as sanity in the mid 80’s.


“If you believe as we do that every child, every person has a spark of divinity in them, and is therefore worthy of respect — what we saw in those [holding] rooms was a dazzling, sparkling array of God’s children, worthy of respect.”

This from the hag, the bitch, who pushed hard for abortion on demand.

Delilah T.

Yes, but it’s quite well-known that she’s been talking out of both sides of her mouth for a VERY long time.


Pelosi looks and sounds like she’s on strong drugs all the time now.

And she looks tired. Very, very tired…..


That’s just the Botox wearing a little thin


I like to think that all of the time. Money and energy I put into obtaining a B.S. and M.B.A. allow me to be more professional and sound much more educated, so excuse me if I revert to my old, un-educated and un-couth ways when I respond to Pelosi.

“F*@%” her.

Thank you.

Green Thumb

Looks like she has had some more plastic surgery.


This is what domestic enemies look and sound like.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka iraq arabic for vietnam

These children are our newest americans we should all welcome theme here.

VWP why don’t you go adopt “theme” you super tard. VWP you are an illiterate turd covered in burnt hair.

Take I-10 East or West, depending on where you live till you get to Texas and then take a right or left accordingly.

You can go there and welcome all you want.

Better yet, keep going South till you hit water and start welcoming from there.


Or until the Cartel get ahold of VWP.

VWPieceofshit, you don’t even know what “American” means. By your line of “thinking,” 100,000 Russian soldiers became Georgians seven years ago. Never mind that they entered Georgia on tanks and BMPs, shooting everything they saw, by crossing the Georgian border they became Georgians.

By that same methodology, 4 million German soldaten and SS sturmtruppen became Polish on September 1, 1939. Then a bunch more became Norwegian 7 months later, and another 3 million became French, Dutch, and Belgian a couple months after that. Shit, according to your bright idea, over a million Anericans, Brits, South Koreans, and ANZACs became Vietnamese between 1964 and 1973, and a lot if them also became Cambodian I while they were at it.

You really are a special brand of stupid. You don’t know jack shit about this subject, or any other for that matter. As for me, I’ve lived near the border all my life, and have spent much of my professional career rescuing illegal aliens suffering from heat emergencies, hypothermia, broken legs, dehydration, starvation, snakebite, etc. Believe me, I have perspective on this.

So again, as before, fuck yourself in the ass with a rusty K12 saw.


I travel to Mexico frequently in our RV. I love Mexico. I love the Mexican people. I respect the Mexican laws. I have often said that the easiest way to deal with US immigration is to simply translate the Mexican laws into English and be done with it. Under Mexican immigration laws I have to go through a zillion hoops to enter with my RV and 1996 Jeep and I cannot be there for more than 6 months. I cannot work, of any kind, while I am there. I cannot participate in ANY political discourse….including simply being in a plaza during a political rally. If I do, I’ll be a bunk mate with the Marine that asshole Obama has abandoned.

Madame Botox would explode if we simply adopted Mexico’s immigration law.

May she find herself in a locked room with Chevy, Round Ranger, No-gas-in-my-airplane-disbarred-lawyer (not a threat) and Witless.

…and the horse you rode in on.


You can see here, for yourselves, His Imperial Somethingness has decided he’s above the law.

If he can’t have his own way, he won’t just pout in a corner. Oh, no. No, he will act like the spoiled, obnoxious, self-involved brat that he is and do what he wants to do.

Why? Becuase f*&k US citizens, that’s why.

Because he’s the Mikado!

Miya sama, miya sama
On n’m-ma no maye ni
Pira-pira suru no wa
Nan gia na
Toko tonyare tonyare na?

Mikado: From every kind of man
Obedience I expect.
I’m the Emperor of the Land
And I’m the One you did elect!

Bow! Bow! To the One you did elect!
Bow! Bow! To the One you did elect!

In a fatherly kind of way
I govern each tribe and sect.
All cheerfully own my sway,
As I’m the One you did elect!

Bow! Bow! To the One you did elect!
Bow! Bow! To the One you did elect!

Mikado: My nature is love and light.
My freedom from all defect
Is insigifican quite
‘Cause I’m the One you did elect!

Bow! Bow! To the One you did elect!
Bow! Bow! To the One you did elect!

(Deepest apologies to Gibert & Sullivan)


No, actually I can’t stand to listen to that wooden head.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka iraq arabic for vietnam

Mrs. President get used to it! You think ted O’ canada cruz or ayn rand paul will beat her? The minorities hate republicans and when President obama grants amnesty the hispanics and asians will vote like african americans do! Thats 30% of the vote even with republican voter suppression!

Actually, VWPussy, “minorities” are people with diverse opinions and experiences who can and do think for themselves just like white folks do. I know that sounds crazy to a racist like yourself, but it’s true. That paternalistic liberal attitude of yours that tries to dictate how “minorities” think is as meaningless as the rest of the shit you spew.

As far as voter suppression and voter fraud, the Dems have been doing quite a bit of that in the last few elections. How else would you describe that Black Panther bullshit at polling stations in Philadelphia, for example? Oh, they didn’t just assault white people, either!

You may now resume fucking yourself with a splintered fence post.

Just an Old Dog

The city I like in strongly rejected a plan put forth to house 100 illegrant migrant children here, aged 11-18.
So much for Peeoshi getting suport from her people.