ISIL declares Caliphate

| June 30, 2014

The Associated Press reports that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or whatever it’s called this week, has declared that the territory that it controls in northern Syria and northern Iraq is now an Islamic caliphate and that if you’re not for it, you’re against it;

Abu Mohammed al-Adnani declared the group’s chief, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as the new leader, or caliph, of the Islamic state, and called on those living in areas under the organization’s control to swear allegiance to al-Baghdadi and support him.

“The legality of all emirates, groups, states and organizations becomes null by the expansion of the caliph’s authority and the arrival of its troops to their areas,” al-Adnani said. He added that with the creation of the caliphate, the group was changing its name to just the Islamic State, dropping the mention of Iraq and the Levant.

Of course, al-Bahdadi was al Qaeda before he wasn’t al Qaeda. The article goes on that he broke with al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri when Zawahri told him to pull ISIS or ISIL out of Syria and al-Bahdadi ignored him.

“This announcement poses a huge threat to al-Qaida and its long-time position of leadership of the international jihadist cause,” he said in emailed comments. “Taken globally, the younger generation of the jihadist community is becoming more and more supportive of (the Islamic State), largely out of fealty to its slick and proven capacity for attaining rapid results through brutality.”

Maybe al Qaeda will start suicide bombing the Islamic State. We can send them weapons to do that.

Category: Terror War

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AW1 Tim

Someone send a car out the golf course to let president mom-jeans know how well his “Smart Power!” policies are working.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’ve always been under the impression that NOBODY OR NOTHING is to ever interfere with B. Hussein 0bama’s golfing, vacations, or fundraisers, not even the Great Imperial Teleprompter itself!!

CC Senor

No worries, he’ll read about it in the papers.


Damn, nobody’s going to be angrier than President Obama after he sees this on the news


Yeah, madder than hell he just found out something or another declared californication or whatever its called. OK, that was pretty tiring…back to golf, and prep for the Martha’s Vineyard vacay.


“I was so upset when I heard about this on MSNBC…I was on the course and I was only able to play the front 9. Devestating news, as I was on my way to my best game ever. You can never get oppurtunities like that back. I am sure the American people will share in my grief, now pardon me we are off to Hawii for another vacation. I mean, I deserve it”


I bet he fucking cheered.

His Muslim Brotherhood bros wasn’t able to get the job done even after he did all he could to make them look legit.

2/17 Air Cav

This sucks. It will tend to undo all of the goodwill that the large majority of Muslims have worked so hard to establish. Yeah, all of the goodwill, including….including…um…well, let’s just let it go at that, shall we? Islam is the religion of peace. It is tolerant. It is inclusive. It is enlightened. Did I say it is the religion of peace? How about tolerance and inclusivity?


2/17 Air Cav…Spot on! They are without question and have demonstrated they are a religion on murderers, cowards who kill unarmed civilians and innocents, so much for inclusion. If you’re not with them, you’re against them. Almost sounds like some American Democrats. Now the beheadings, torturings and public displays of “discipline” can begin. Rather like the old Roman Empire on Colosseum days. Yes, the religion of peace. In America, where they often send money and aid and even people back to help support this religion of peace as terrorists they hide behind “freedom of religion”. Too bad they don’t tolerate such freedom in the Islamic states and the newly minted Caliphate. Caliphate, reminds me of “Lawrence of Arabia”. Haven’t really heard the term in a long time. It actually means in Arabic, “You do as we say and pray as we pray and wash and eat as we do. You fight, die and strap on a bomb for Allah when we say to or, you’re just not in the club. Not in the club doesn’t mean you get to go back to goat herding. It means we either torture some sense back into you or your family as you watch or if we’re fairly busy that day killing some other flavor of Muslims we just caught, then we rape your wife and daughter, castrate your sons and then just put a bullet in your head. After all, we are the religion of peace and inclusion. As long as you submit to our definitions of everything. Just remember Jamal, it’s all in the name of Allah. If it’s good with him, then it’s good with us and the new Caliph says it’s good because he has the inside scoop with Allah. He is Allah’s man of the day. Okay a lot of truth and a lot of sarcasm there. I am still of the mind that you can’t fix stupid and you can’t change hatred in people who hate in the name of their religion. I am still back at the old theory of bombs say a lot and speak loudly.… Read more »

2/17 Air Cav

Americans are reluctant to acknowledge many things for fear of the political incorrectness of stating the plain truth. If one says Islam is a sick and violent religion, someone will say, “Don’t generalize” or “It’s not the religion. It’s a small minority who have perverted Islam” or “Christians and Jews have killed more people than the faitful of all other religions combined.” The response is anything but relevant and is altogether apologetic on behalf of Islam. Me, I don’t give a rat’s ass which flavor a Muslim chooses to practice: For my money, each is merely a different division in the same misguided army. I rather enjoy that the divisions hate one another and want to kill one another off. Ultimately, it helps us all.




Let’s just go with this will get just about as much attention as did the declaration of war against the west issued by the same bad actors (or their grandfathers) decades ago. Meanwhile, the terrorists simply do not like to be ignored. They will continue training and committing acts of terrorism until they finally have our attention.

When exactly did it become national policy to defeat our enemies by giving them everything they want and more? Even Carter understood what was required of a negotiation, not that he did it particularly well. (And he saw the potential for disaster in the ME. With all his bad qualities, he did at least preposition a LOT of assets for us there that we used during Desert Storm.)


“Meanwhile, the terrorists simply do not like to be ignored. They will continue training and committing acts of terrorism until they finally have our attention.”

But didn’t you here the POTUS say that we have “decimated them”? You must have missed that one.

Delilah T.

I hope they start shooting at each other and hit every target.

Oh, that’s SO mean of me. And it’s only Monday.


Sounds like someone’s got a case of the Mondays.

2/17 Air Cav

A Mexican standoff which ends when everyone fires simultaneously and no one misses. I like the mental image. It’s so…ethnically diverse.


My deployment experience showed me that they are very bad at hitting their targets. (they do get lucky at times).

It was great then, but I do hope now that their aim has improved.


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.

The ending is a classic shootout.

The Other Whitey

That’s such a great movie! So was “Snatch” and “Rock’N’Rolla.”

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Just because I want Western Mass to be declared the Duchy of Grand Fenwick doesn’t mean it’s so….

With all due respect to Obama and company, if we can’t police our own borders I’m not all that concerned with keeping Iraq’s borders intact at this point.


Is a caliphate a legitimate government, or just another dumbass way of saying “We’re organized jihadist idiots?”

Not that it matters. Even if it’s a proper from of government, no one will do anything about it. Great Leader will ignore it, and I seriously doubt the rest of the world will really care. Oh, wait, the UN might “sanction” them, for what it’s worth.

Bomb them all. Nukes preferable, but not necessary. It will solve a lot of problems.

A Proud Infidel®™

Whatever happened to Neutron Bombs, the ones that would kill people but leave buildings intact? That looks like a great testing ground for at least a few of them or an H-bomb or three!!


Not to be argumentative, but the hell with it. Bomb away. There is nothing there that can’t be replaced. A few nice houses in the big cities but mostly mud huts everywhere else.

The Other Whitey

Why don’t we just give the Kurds a half-dozen warheads to use as they see fit?


Make it a dozen.


Whatever happened to our satellities with MRV missiles? 🙂


TerminaLance – I seem to remember that a Caliphate is lead by a leader who is supposed to be a religious and administrative/military leader – unlike say Iran, which has a president and its mullahs, it would be more like if Qaddhafi or one of the Husseins declared themself as a/the leader of Islam. Imagine the Pope declaring himself as the king of the Holy Roman Empire? Someone who is better educated than I can correct me as needed.

Delilah T.

The last caliphate was the Ottoman Empire, which ended with World War I. That caliphate was given the Ottoman dynasty by the Mamluks of Egypt. It’s not a self-declared condition, and I believe the caliph is supposed to have the same position as the ayatollahs in Iran.
However, this ISIL caliphate is declaring itself to be THE one and only leader of the muslim world. It could mean that they intend to try to take over Iran at some point.

The Other Whitey

Well, they’re Sunnis and Iranians are Shi’ites, they’re predominantly Arabs and Iranians are Persians, so I’m betting they’ll get along like the Hatfields and McCoys on the best of days. If ISIS/ISIL/IS-whatever is feeling froggy enough to move east, I vote we stand back and enjoy the show.

A Proud Infidel®™

HELL YEAH, let ’em off each other as much as they can, that’s less ammo we’ll need next time we have to go back to try and unfuck this mess made by B.Hussein 0bama & Company, even though I’m all for just nuking them out of existence as well!


Glenn Beck was warning of this shit years ago on Fox News. All the Islamist apologizers were calling him crazy and and labeling him racist.

Eat shit, Hippies.


Scary how he and Sarah Palin were accused of being crazies not too long ago, but everything they said seems to be coming to fruition.

It seems that they had their eyes open and could admit that the world is not a nice, cuddly place where everyone sits around singing cum-bay-ah when the Great Satan is not interfering.


I think the root of the problem is that no one in the White House understands the ISIS/ISIL code of conduct.

1 – Kill anyone who doesn’t look like you.
2 – Kill anyone who disagrees with you about religion.
3 – Kill anyone owns a house you want to use as a base.
4 – Kill everyone left out of #1-3.

The proper response to anyone who wants to kill you, and says so in the news media (ISIS/ISIL) is that you kill them first.

It really is that simple.

phil of oz

Oh come on – Obama read about it in the news ??? Even we from down under know that O’bummer is too busy with the latest Game of Thrones to bother with the news …unless he’s on it of course.