Hot time. Summer in the city

| June 30, 2014

Ex-PH2 sends us a link from NBC which reports that New York City had a particularly bad weekend in regards to gun violence with a final count of four dead and 19 wounded;

Despite the weekend spike in violence, the volume of shootings so far in 2014 is lower than it was last year, police say.

“We’re always concerned about any shootings, but we have 1,200 additional cops this week,” Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said, referencing recruits that will graduate from the NYPD’s police academy Monday.

Well, I’m sure the families of the victims will take comfort in the fact that the volume of shootings is down this year. Meanwhile, the nation’s capitol experienced a spike in violent deaths and injuries despite the fact that they had a “All Hands On Deck” police presence in the city, according to the Washington Times;

Two people were killed and a nightclub was shuttered amid a slew of shootings and stabbings during a violent weekend in the District, which saw officers flood the streets to beef up patrols.

Five shootings and two stabbings were reported between Friday night and Sunday morning with all the city’s police officers on duty as part of the All Hands on Deck crime-reduction initiative.

Given that it’s difficult to be a gun owner in both of those cities, we can probably safely conclude that the guns used in those crimes were unregistered or otherwise used outside the law. And, I guess the stabbings can be evidence in the argument that it’s not guns that cause violent behavior, but rather the people themselves. Banning guns won’t stop violent behavior.

Lawmakers, protected by good guys with guns, view all of us as potential criminals, though. One particularly violent weekend is only evidence to them that guns need to be banned universally, so they’re the only ones with guns.

Category: Guns

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But…but….don’t we have laws against killing people already?


I propose that we produce only single shot pistols and you must carry the bullet in your left shirt pocket. You’ll have to re-register every six months and undergo an in depth psychological screening at your own expense, or Obamacare’s expense.

*The above writing was 100% sarcasm on my part. Do not put me in the same pot as Pelosi. I love my guns.


It should be safe for us to assume that none of these shootings were from legally owned and operated guns. We can nearly guarantee that if any of those shots were fired from a legally owned weapon it would have been mentioned in the articles. And the criminals would be named as “victims” of law abiding citizens protecting themselves.


I know this is a “blinding flash of the obvious,” but I never ever took a legal weapon off a criminal when I was a beat cop.


In other news, authorities in Chicago are still, apparently, adding up the numbers of dead and wounded from the weekend. Or they don’t want to shine the spotlight on themselves, when Noooo Yawk and D.C. are doing such a fine job.


Sorry, I forgot to include the link to the weekend in Chicago’s violence count. Here it is:

Total shot: 39, not sure how many were fatalities. 🙂


Glad to hear that those “tough” gun laws are making a difference in Chicago. 🙂

Than again, maybe they were still counting.


Ex-ph2, is reporting 42 wounded in Chicago over the weekend. One killed via firearm, one other non firearm related homicide. Also, 23 people have been shot in the ass in that city since the beginning of the month.


Yeah, that list was as of 6-29, yesterday, and has probably been updated since then.

A Proud Infidel®™

Those towns already have plenty of strict Gun Control Laws, and when was the last time anyone saw criminals lining up to turn their guns in as soon as a new Gun Law was passed?


My reaction to the article was giggle snort 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛


Yeah, but you know that you are being blamed for this violence, because you can get guns legally. If nobody can get guns legally, then it will be ok. Like, in Mexico.

A Proud Infidel®™

Has anything been said lately about the AKs given to dope cartel members via B. Hussein 0bama & Company’s “Operation Fast & Furious”? Plenty of Mexicans and a USBP Agent and USMC Vet were murdered with them!


I did a term paper in school once about violence in those cities. Can’t remember which one it was, but they had a one year mandatory jail term for illegal firearm possession. There was a decline in gun related violence, but violent crime didn’t really change. Presenting that to the class brought a few frowns.


Those states and cities enacted Sullivan Laws (1 year mandatory for any violation of unlawful possession of firearm). Unlawful possession and use is whole other story.

The Other Whitey

Yet more proof that (Master)Bateman is completely full of shit.


Gun control means knowing which way the bullet will exit and where they are secured when not on your hip. BZ


This is what happened in DC this weekend, despite its gun laws and the police chief’s “All Hands on Deck” initiative that greatly increased the number of police on the streets (at a greatly increased cost to the DC taxpayer):


A former NYC cop said once that he was anti-gun in his early days. That is until he realized he responded to calls where the victims might not have been victims if they were allowed to protect themselves.

He said,”I don’t carry a gun daily because I was a cop. I carry a gun daily because as a cop, I saw what happened to the victims who didn’t.”


Considering the amount of highly publicized black-on-black crime, has anyone ever done an OBJECTIVE study on what dropping that out of the crime rates does to the crime stats?


I’m just going to guess that these two weren’t legit CCW owners.


The effective tool and legal “Terry Stop” or as they call it in NYC by the left “Stop and Frisk” has essentially been halted in NYC by King DeBlasio and Commrade Bratton. All the perps know that they can freely carry and use guns now.

Any questions?


Yeah, after seeing the goatfuck that Bill Bratton left behind at the LAPD, what in God’s name ever possessed anyone in any major department to hire him?