In Case You Needed More Proof That Acadamia Is Biased Against the Military . . .

| June 23, 2014

. . . look no further than this little “gem” from Bronx Community College. The linked article discusses a take-home final exam for an English course at BCC, worth 40% of the course grade.

Fair warning: reading the linked article will likely p!ss you off bigtime. It certainly did me – although it didn’t much surprise me.

Just in case anyone was wondering:  the best I can determine, the text “Namaste! Asalaamu Aleicum!” which appears at the bottom of the take-home exam is apparently the Hindi and Arabic equivalents of “Good-day!”  Not sure just how that fits into an English course at a college in the Bronx, exactly, but there it is.

Oh, and if the name “Bronx Community College” seems to ring a bell in the anti-military context . . . it should.  Michelle Malkin documented groups of students from that particular college harassing military recruiters multiple times during March-April 2005 here.

I’m guessing they still let vets use their GI Bill to attend, though.  After all:  money is money – and we all know how Academia steadfastly sticks to its principles whenever a dollar can be had.


Hat-tip to Havoc13 and RangerUp for the original story.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Schools

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Bet the majority of “students” elected to write the letter to their imaginary friends. Bunch of fuckin’ muppets.

Green Thumb

Do not get me started.


I can’t type too many words since I MAY BREAK THE KEYBOARD ON MY LAPTOP. I’m sputtering and spitting around here like an old fool.

Jane Fonda rides again!

Pinto Nag

Let’s see:

Lib or lib structure does something to deliberately insult the military / vets. There is a backlash from all quarters by vets or their families and supporters. Lib apologizes and removes insult. Rinse. Repeat.

To BCC: SORRY DOESN’T CUT IT. The insults stand, whether they were removed from the curriculum or not, because they were issued both publically and deliberately. You’ve gone from being academics to being cur dogs, that grin and simper to our vets’ faces, yet attack them when they turn their backs. Your actions are cowardly and destructive, to both our nation and our young people. SHAME ON YOU.


Don’t get me started, either. But for different reasons. When the media highlights one random instance of an unhinged ex-military guy going berserk most here are very quick to point out that’s hardly indicative of the military community at large — and they’re correct to point that out. The same principle applies here.

This is, at best, indicative of someone with an ax to grind and they’re letting their own agenda interfere with their teaching. It’s not the tip of the iceberg. Furthermore, it’s unconfirmed. Maybe talking with people in the English department would be a good start? A quick search shows who taught that course in the Fall of ’13, too.

You can see where my IP has me currently living, Hondo — you ever find yourself up in this area, in the dirty land of liberal elites and the ivory towers of academia, I’ll show you around and maybe you’ll see that your impression isn’t spot on after all.

Are there people, particularly in academia, who want different priorities in our national budgets? Absolutely. When you work on research teams that span the globe, it’s pretty natural to want to see greater investment in (open) science and technology, not military platforms. In all my time around stodgy professors and hipster students, though, I’ve only once -maybe twice?- seen any anti-military venom. I’ve seen support for the military hundreds and hundreds of times.

Pinto Nag

Go back and read the article again. The curriculum, and this final essay test, was confirmed with the college.


Thanks, I’d missed that first time around — thought the second bit was a different article.

The point still stands, though, that this is a one-off bit of idiocy and not a general rule when it comes to academia.

Pinto Nag

In my four years at a southern liberal arts college:

1986. Professor complained that the ROTC runs on campus should be prohibited due to the “violent themes” of the running “jodies” the cadets used. Cadets curriuculum was adjusted to address the issue.

1987. Personally witnessed three ROTC cadets ordered from a classroom by a professor, and told not to come back to class in uniform. Intervention by the college President required to resolve the issue.

1987. Cross country team deliberately cut through the ROTC training area on campus, yelling “baby killers!” at the cadets. The resulting confrontation between the cadets and the track team, as well as the running coach and the ROTC instructors, took both the college administration and their legal counsel to resolve.

This is just one campus, in an area of the country where the military is almost universally admired. If you haven’t seen the military maligned on campuses, it’s because you haven’t been paying attention.


That’s not even worthy of wiping my ass with.


Fucking Bronx Community College can hardly be referred to as “academia.”

*insert elitist snort here*


If it’s wrong to use a few isolated incidents to smear an entire institution like the military, shouldn’t the same standard apply WRT “academia?”

Just an Old Dog

I could write a paper disuading people or encouraging them to take any job.
In My opinion the worst job I had was being a Journeyman Pipefitter.
That the Professor decided to pick out the Military wasn’t such a big deal. Then he then pushed the students to his opinion by dropping hints about Lying Recruiters, suicide, rape, PTSD and killing civilians shows his hand.
By the way, if its anything like most other colleges double digit courses (10, 12, 5o, etc) do not count as required courses towards general Education or transfer to a 4 year University.
It’s basically a High School 10th Grade level class for thoe who arent at a true college level yet.


Old Dog, you beat me to it. I was going to say that an Eng 12 course is the equivalent of remedial English. And, seriously, a take-home final exam?

2/17 Air Cav

First off, the topic put out there by Bronx Community College’s Robert Beuka is not surprising at all to anyone even casually familiar with academia. (So, no, I didn’t need more proof, but I did enjoy reading about this take-home test.) The liberal bias in colleges and universities is as obvious as it is in Hollywood. There are exceptions, to be sure, but the majority in each can be distinguished by the degree of their ‘leftness.’ For this reason alone an attempt to portray Beuka as an exception fails, but when his purported exception is compared to the singular bizarre-behavior of a Veteran or service member, it’s downright bizarre. The reason is obvious, isn’t it? The academic is a paid teacher, one who instructs, guides, and influences the learning of young minds. The soldier or Veteran who goes berserk is acting on his own and is not inducing others to follow his lead. There is no defending the indefensible, LC, but I guess it is romantically noble to try.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka iraq arabic for vietnam

They should be given a test on what they learned by reading tah blog for a few days. It would enlighten them about serving in the military! Especially if they were gay and wanted to serve their country.

Yeah but that doesn’t matter champ, because you can be gay and serve in the military anyways. You did, right?

It’s decidedly ironic that you would chime in on a topic regarding problems in higher education, VWPieceofshit. The irony lies in the fact that the spelling, punctuation, and grammar of your numerous posts here at TAH–never mind their nonexistent intellectual content–indicate that your own education ended sometime early in the Second Grade.

So once again, eat shit and die, you illiterate fuck. I fart in your general direction.


TOW, some upvotes for your post. ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑


Well, hope that Fruitcake Vietnam protester read his response. I bet he won’t return here either. That guy seems to be just another chickenshit loser.

War of Jenkins Ear Protestor AKA Martinjmpr

Sorry, but no. VWP is like a bad rash, he won’t go away.

Climb to Glory

Oh he’ll return. That empty headed dickbag ALWAYS returns for his verbal beating. VWP is dumber than a box of hammers, although that may be an insult to a box of hammers.


He returns alright, but another topic. He never mans up and responds to post that directed at him.

Mr. Blue

He does seem to feel a bit of guilt regarding his racism, and his love of foreign people killing other foreign people.

But, he then hits his auntgrandma’s stash, and away he goes.

This coming from a brainless mutant whose only accomplishment in life is dodging a coat hanger.

Climb to Glory

Holy shit. Thanks Redacted. I just spit dip all over my computer screen laughing my ass off.

Reading your comments, vwp are rather educational, but not in the way you intended. Lessons often imparted by your posts:
1) Hippies love genocide, as long as their country is not involved
2) Drugs are bad. Look what they did to this kid.
3) Prenatal drug use is really, really bad.
4) Our education system really sucks.
5) Give the inbread spawn of multi-generational commune insest a computer instead of a banjo, and this is what happens


I bet that teacher is a spineless, chickenshit coward who probably wouldnt like anyone in the eye and admit he wrote that bullshit.

2/17 Air Cav

He wrote a little book of some sort regarding suburbia for which he received a few slaps on the back. Suburbia, that hated place; that blight on racial, ethnic, and religious, divesity; that place to which the middle class fled cities and took with it the tax money needed for wealth redistribution. Great stuff. What’s that? Where does Robert Burkea reside? Well, you know he teaches in the Bronx. Not good enough? You still want to know where he lives? Shit. Okay, Huntington, Long Island–yes, that’s suburbia.


LOL not even surprised by that at all, what is that, not far from North Shores.

He reminds me of these Amherst types, think they are diverse because they have a black friend or two that they “help out”…. Think they are the subject matter expert on “diversity”, yet never lived in a diverse area.

Next thing you know, this shithead is going to have a test on “black flight” and “white flight” to a young audience.

I bet lefty here probably chides and harasses that Vet that complained in his class.

Former 11B

You’re not from NY are ya? He probably drives.


I think that was the joke, we know this prick isnt taking any train.

Former 11B

Well, I’m not ivory tower elitist but I gotta say if I was doing that same commute I’d be driving too.


Well unless you find driving in NYC area the most difficult. Pretty damn frustrating anytime I go down there. Ridiculously overpriced parking and lack of any spots at times.


Depleted uranium is what’s left after the radioactive component (U235) is mostly removed. There wasn’t very much in the first place. What’s left is less radioactive than natural uranium. It is a byproduct of the manufacture of uranium fuel for power plant reactors. Uranium doesn’t have too many uses, but it is the heaviest of the natural elements and it’s reasonably hard in metal form. That’s why it is used in kinetic ammunition which destroys the target by smashing it to bits. It works and well. The problem is that some of the uranium is turned into fine dust at impact. The stuff is very poisonous, not radioactive, just poisonous. But so what, we’re shooting it at the enemy, who cares how they die. Almost none of them are going to survive the impact when their tank is hit by one of these rounds anyway. The only problem I see is protecting soldiers from the dust during target practice. Liberals who push this radioactive depleted uranium mime are just plain stupid and should be slammed loudly when they bring it up. I have flat out embarrassed several. Ask them to explain what depleted uranium is. They all fail to correctly understand it. About three quarters of them think it’s used reactor fuel. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

War of Jenkin's Ear Protester AKA Martinjmpr

PintoNag said above: “If you haven’t seen the military maligned on campuses, it’s because you haven’t been paying attention” but another way of saying that is “if you are looking for things to get offended by, you are going to find things to get offended by.”

As I posted over in the Summers thread, I did my last two years and graduated from CU Boulder, the Berkley of the Rockies and I was never disparaged, abused, or otherwise vilified because of my military service. I’m sure if I had gone looking for things to get offended by, I would have found them, but so what? I was there to learn, not to pick fights with tenured professors over politics. I didn’t agree with every professor I had, but they were invariably open to differing viewpoints. In fact, the only really overtly political professor I ever had was – surprise! – a conservative who used to harangue us in his Poly Sci class.

What bothers me about posts like this is that it looks to me like my fellow veterans are turning into a right-wing version of the PC police, or what P.J. O’Rourke famously called “The Ranks of the Perpetually Outraged.”

Final point: I’m not sure a professor at a community college could be said to represent “academia” in any way. 😉


Turning into? That makes me wonder about your powers of observation as well. My personal experience as a serviceman spans the 80’s through to 2007, and the Veterans I’m familiar with have always been mostly right wing and ‘perpetually outraged’.


Regarding the issues I am outraged about I generally find libertarians equally apoplectic. I am generally in agreement with libertarians about a wide variety of issues, but I also am perplexed about some of the issues that seem to drive them nuts (i.e. intellectual property and copyright).


True. 🙂


My school used to have a ROTC program on campus. Used to.
Now y’all might be thinking, “dem liberal professors and hippies protested them and they left!”
The way it went down: It was an Air Force ROTC program, and they wanted a way to get some more folks to join up. So they brought in a fighter jet to show off the impressive tech the USAF had on tap. This was at an engineering school, btw.
The students were quite impressed with the jet. So impressed, they moved it overnight to the front lawn of the fine person in charge of the ROTC program. So he woke up to quite a surprise.
Incensed, he headed over to the president of the school, and demanded that the school do more to protect his equipment and his program.
The president responded, “Wait, us protect you? I thought you’re supposed to protect us…” The ROTC guy stormed off in a huff and, as the legend goes, took the program with him.
(Now, I think the truth is that the school was too small, both in terms of student numbers and physical space, to have a full time ROTC program on campus. A classmate of mine was in ROTC and went on to flying stuff in USAF, so there was still participation far after the time of the story.)


Surprized: NO

Pissed: YES

BLUF: This POS prof probably has a degree in Urban African American Studies, Global Warming or Englesh as a Considered Language. He, she or it should be fired.

Now for the good news: New Yorkers (both right and left) are generally very Military/Vet friendly and supportive. If this POS bad excuse for an educator attempted to pull this stunt outside of the confines of his/her/it BS tenured position at the exclusive higher education enstityouchun of BCC, he/she/it likely would have had him/her/it ass handed to … By a gold star mom, Vet and or any other of the millions in the NYC area who don’t roll like that!

Just sayin’!


This POS prof probably has a degree in Urban African American Studies, Global Warming or Englesh as a Considered Language. He, she or it should be fired.

haha that is what I was alluding to earlier with guy too. He probably claims he helped out struggling black, latino or asian families. Claiming he is a diverse guy who has a few black or latino friends to his public. He needs some credibility despite the fact he probably never lived in a neighborhood with other cultures.

I agree, everytime I come down from Western Mass, I never really see any anti-veteran folks or material. Actually little surprising that Bronx employs people like this and brainwashed a few young folks too.


Your Honor … No more further witnesses … We rest our case!


Reminds me of the people I went to high school with; they keep sending reunion notices asking to RSVP to the People’s Committee. Haven’t responded in over 40 years.


For a few secones there, I thought it was the 1970s all over again, but then I read the entire article and realized that no one in academia would actually administer a takehome English test, unless there was something else going on. And as someone pointed out, it’s remedial English, the kind of thing you’re supposed to learn in junior high school, not college. And the author of the article says this, further down: We say that this exam should never have been given in the first place. The fact that the teacher was forced to change the exam seems to support our initial assessment. We’re not experts on the law in New York State, but we’re pretty sure that discrimination against veterans is illegal, and it’s hard to see what’s happening at BCC right now as anything but. It is our sincere hope that someone with more influence than us can put this situation under a microscope. I never ran into any kind of adverse reaction to my having been in the service, when I was in college, but I was in a midwestern city attending a 4-yr university and graduate school, not a community college, and nothing like this was EVER presented anywhere. I think that’s the difference: at a big state university or a serious private university, this kind of personal agenda is not approved. On the other hand, if the course was remedial English, the instructor (I did not say professor for a good reason) had no business promoting a personal biased agenda like this. He’s no better than that screeching bitch communications teacher at the California community college we read about last year – same thing, different location, differenct subject, but the same thing exactly. And it certainly does violate the curriculum’s intention when students are subjected to someone’s personal propaganda instead of addressing the actual subject matter, which in this case was English, not poli sci. In fact, if something like this had been presented in poli sci when I took it (requirement), without a rebuttal allowed, I would have objected to it because… Read more »

Former 11B

I went to college in the liberal haven of Massachusetts and I didn’t encounter any anti vet discrimination either.

I took a class called American Foreign Policy and I didn’t hide my service or limit the extent to which I expressed my opinions during debates. I found that while most of the class didn’t agree with me, they did listen respectfully, and I think the fact that I had been a soldier had a lot to with that.

Everyone’s experiences differ, and I’m sure some educational institutions are anti military, but I’ve seen nothing to indicate that academia as a whole is anti military.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka iraq arabic for vietnam

c2@ I enlisted in the peace movement during the vietnam war and every other war since then. The children coming across our border might want to join the military and they won’t be nazi’s or any other form of fascists! Deport republicans not the children. They are needed in america republicans are not!

So you are telling me to keep anchor babies in this country. How do you know what these kids wanna be? They are be forced by their parents to show up. You do know the parents are using them right?

Who exactly are nazis in this regime? The US military seems to be the enemy in your mind.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka iraq arabic for vietnam

I was talking about tea baggers.

You were talking absolute nonsense-like always.

Better to be the teabagger than the teabagged.

In other words, you were a gigantic pussy and a draft dodging coward. And because of said draft dodging some other guy was sent in your place. I wonder if that guy was against the war, but went anyway because he was a man and did what was asked of him. I wonder if that guy was killed serving your tour of duty you worthless fuck. Are you happy with yourself. While you were sitting around a drum circle smelling like hot garbage, other guys were sent in your place. You and your movement are worthless and have done nothing for society accept pollute the public with your “thoughts” and your body odor.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka iraq arabic for vietnam

I was drafted I wasn’t inducted your complaint about someone goining in my place is not with me but with draft board.

VWP…I can imagine. I remember the recruiting station where I got my induction physical. A VW van pulls up and a hippie rolls out with the pot smoke and walks in and up to the NCOIC at the desk. He whispers something to him and the NCOIC leaned back and said, “WHAT!” The hippie says, “That’s right, I like sex with boys!”. The Sergeant went and talked to the OIC and they both came out with a form and said, “Sign this form here and you have been told what it will mean correct?”. The hippie says, “Yep I know what it all means”. They fill out the whole form and the guy signs it and leaves back to the VW van with smoke still rolling out and three chicks inside. All wearing hippie headbands and clothes. So I can imagine how your induction process went. Draft dodging came in a lot of ways.

Let’s assume for a minute that you’re actually telling the truth, VWPeckerwood. Your story has been awfully inconsistent since you first crawled out from under your rock, so i have my doubts.

What’s your excuse then, VWPussy? That they should have known that you were a nutless craven coward and not drafted you? That means somebody WAS sent in your place, because somebody else still had to be selected to fill the slot you ran away from, you piece of shit. A better man suffered, maybe bled, maybe even died, because of you. Thus, if you are in fact a draft dodger, you inflicted the consequences of your cowardice on somebody else.

This would make you, without a doubt, the very lowest, basest, most worthless piece of cockroach shit there is. There is a reason why “coward” is one of the most derogatory words in the English language.

Fuck you. Fuck the cheap, filthy cunt whore that spawned you. Fuck the drunk lowlife shitbag queerbait that shot you into her. Fuck the place you lived in. And the horse you rode in on. Fuck you.

Listen you grabasstic piece of amphibian shit. You and the rest of hippie friends all have blood on your hands, not only for your support for murderous despots, but you fuckwads burning your draft cards and hiding out in Canada to save your hide got other guys sent in your place.
Also, your beloved stank ass hippie professors(Not yours personally judging by the grammar and overall command of the English language you’ve displayed on this site. I’d be amazed if you made it past the third grade) purposely passed dip shit hippies that were going fail out and therefore be eligible for the draft. All they did was let a hippie skate and let some other kid not fortunate enough to be in college take his place. You leftist dickbags have more blood on your hands than anybody in the history of the world.
This last part is for all you Vietnam Vets out there. Welcome home! You guys didn’t get the welcome home that us OEF/OIF Vets got and that pisses me off. It wasn’t right and it’s because of VWP and other forms of life like him. Rant over. Carry on.

3/17 Air Cav

Came home from the Nam Jan. 18 back at school February 1st.

All I remember being asked was”How are things over there anyway”?

Kept quiet about the whole thing, and got on with life.

Roger in Republic

I guess I was lucky. I came home in 1969 and started school. My first advisor was an ex-marine who fought on Iwo Jima, I took several classes from him and earned enough A’s to get a good start on my college career. I never suffered any insults or harassment during my college days. Part of the reason may have been that people were afraid to screw with me. I let it be known that I was not in the shit business, I didn’t give any and I would not take any. The vets hung out together and were supportive of each other. The guys like VW protester were big mouths with small brains and smaller balls. They knew we were not going to respond favorably or civilly to any of their crap.

VWP, AKA chode yodeler.

As far as all these illegal children being dumped on on border.
If you and every other screaming liberal douche-bag would agree to go down to the immigration center, pay a reduced immigration fee and be the legal guardian/ parent of these kids I’d commend you.
You kicker is you would get zero government aid. You would be 100% responsible to feed, cloth, house and pay for the health care and education of the kids.
Any takers?

Thought not. go back to your bong, cheese dick,


Hey, VWP has a few black and latino friends he helps out with weed from time to time. He is all about the cause of helping others. All about giving the “poor illegal kids” rights, but definitely wouldn’t be down to pay anything.

VWP probably works in a coffee shop or stacks sodas at Walmart.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka iraq arabic for vietnam

The children are coming here to join their relatives and what better use of our tax payer money or do you prefer to send it to iraq?

Why should you have any right to talk about our government and what we should do with our money? To me, you have no rights, you ran away from doing your duty.

Our tax payer money? Do you even pay taxes?

And those children should be sent back over. There parents will have the gumption and balls to pick them back up where they left them.

A Proud Infidel®™

VWPissbucket, SHIT IN YOUR MOTHER’S FACE for spawning you!!

Cock Mole VWP said “The children are coming here to join their relatives”

Um, no fuckface, these kids are being pushed and dumped across the border by their relatives in Mexico and Central America because of your boy Obama putting out the word that there was a possibility that underage unaccompanied children will not be deported.
Well guess what pot-head? The idiot in chief had been slapped in the face with reality and he has been told the American people do not want to pay for the offspring of third world countries whose parents dont want to take them.

Thank you for clearly illustrating my earlier point about how you’re an illiterate fucktard who couldn’t pass a Second-Grade English test, VWPussy. Now go back to sucking your boyfriend/master’s cock and don’t come back.

“Deport republicans not the children. They are needed in america republicans are not!”

Said the idiot that has never created one fucking job or paid a regular payroll. I am getting tired of paying your freight VWP. Who is John Galt motherfucker? I’d almost like to see all the republicans get deported, so I could witness your stupid non-productive ass starve to fucking death. I bet you wouldn’t last a week.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka iraq arabic for vietnam

John galt was william edward hickman a serial killer that ayn rands had the hots for. She used to write him love letters in prison! In between denouncing medicare she enrolled in it! America needs the children we don’t need no stinking republicans. Hopefully mrs clinton will do a better job in handling republicans then obama has done.

We have children here already. Why do we need more to show up randomly at the border? Do you even vote?

VWP, aka cock-mole. You are a fucking idiot. Ann Rand did not even arrive in the US until 1926, She did not start writing until later and he wrote screenplays, Her first one being “Red Pawn” in 1932.
Hickman was Hanged in 1928 for one murder. Rand was considering a novel Which was going to be titled “Little Street” that would have had a character in it who was losely based on Hickman, in that he suffered from a bad upbringing. A for Hickman himself Rand called him “a purposeless monster”.
Put the weed down and crack a book before you post, idiot.


Don’t go confusing the illiterate and stupid with all your facts and logic.


You just blew his bubbleheadedhorseshit out of the water…
Shame on you…
BWAHAHAHA !!! Snort snort !!!

So it’s true that you’ve never created one job or made payroll. Thanks for confirming it. How is the democrat party going to feed and clothe you once all the producers quit? I guess when I asked you who is John Galt, you googled it. What an idiot.

Ayn Rand also wrote a series of essays published together under the title ‘The Virtue of Selfishness’.

While it almost seems as though vwpisspot epitomize that concept, the complete opposite is true.

vwp’s selfishness has everything to do with taking ‘stuff’ from productive people and forking it over to nonproductive people, in the name of phony generosity which he neither feels nor honors.

So in vwpussypants, there is NO virture in selfishness. He’s simply a lazy, self-serving twink who has failed at everything he’s ever tried to do, including holding down a simple job. For what it’s worth, a job serving fries at McDonald’s was never considered a careeer position until about 9 years ago. It was a job for teenagers to hold down in the summertime and get job experience as well as earn money.

And vwphonypants, if you expect me to believe you actually existed in MY day, you’d better start getting your fucking history straight. Running your ignorant mouth about things because you can hit Wiki quickly isn’t research. It’s laziness, which epitomizes what you are.

VWP …. Lick my big and hairy Irish Balls!

Any questions?

Carry on!

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka iraq arabic for vietnam

Any questions? Yes why are so many repressed homosexuals attracted to tah?

You are the only draft dodger here, huh?

“Tea bagger” doesn’t count? Hypocrite much? (It’s a rhetorical question)

One look at your mom destroys the heterosexual impulse.

Mr. Blue

I’m sure vwp’s grandpa, father, uncle, brother, and cousin* would disagree on that count.
Heck, vwp has likely played “Oedipus” a few times…

*same person


I will amend my comment to say “One look at your mom destroys the heterosexual impulse among all but the hopelessly insane.”

Repressed gays?

Well, you should know, vwp, you asshole, since you’re the MOST repressed homosexual I’ve encountered in a VERY long time.

Funny, I doubt that you have ever protested the genocide in China, Cambodia, Rwanda, Sudan, or any other place where non-whites kill non-whites.


Delilah T.

Mr. Blue, you left out Stalin’s pogroms and the invasion of Kuwait.

Green Thumb

I would refer to the professors as Dr. and such. A formal title for the environment.

Many times they would get angry. I am “Cass” or “John”, etc.

No, you are Dr. Smith as I am your student.

They would continue to get irate. We live in a different world, this is not the military, we are all “friends”, etc. Some of my “fellow peers” would use the first name inappropriately. “John, lets grab a beer” or “Cass, That is too funny”.

So I had them refer to me by my rank first.

They had no choice.

Needless to say, that bullshit went away.


Oooh, “critical thinking”… or whatever my crackpopt Leftist professor says ’cause anybody else must be irrational according to him.

Green Thumb

Critical thinking in that environment is usually comprised of which restroom, male vs. female, to use.

But even though lines are becoming blurred in liberal education environments.

Do NOT ask anyone out. A “No” means sexual harassment.

And be careful of “WHO” you ask out. Check first. It is getting tougher to tell these days.


I was told by professor motta in the english dept at bristol community college in fall river mass that I would be dropped because I asked to miss 2 classes for a training operation. Also, she Told me I wasn’t special and it was my choice to go to afghanistan and the other kids thought it was unfair to them that I could miss class. Also I was told it wasn’t fair I could double dip by collecting the GI bill and state tuition waiver. Professors- hippy liberal obama voters.

Pinto Nag

Next time you have a run in with her, tell her she’ll look nice in a burka.

Dave Hardin

Who is this Acadamia guy. Hes done done it naw.

Dave Hardin

We the willing led by the unknowing have done the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much for so long with so little we are now qualified to do anything with nothing.


↑↑↑↑↑ Thanks for that reminder, Dave.

Roger in Republic

Thats the motto for the US Coast Guard. We used to go to the army scrap yard to find parts for our gear. No money for new stuff. The commandant once told me that he had money for only one program. New cutters or family housing. He picked cutters and said that he was sorry but we should make do with the substandard housing. I left the Guard and went to work for the shipyard that built his new ships. I used his ship money to buy my own damn house.


Yet another reason why I am drinking all of my kid’s college money…


+1 🙂


nbcguy54…Roger That!

Dennis - not chevy

I used to go a restaurant outside one of the UC campuses, the food was very good. One day, without thinking, I went in wearing BDU’s. One would have thought the world had come to an end, all the noise stopped while everyone in the place stared at me. I heard whispered words as I walked to the counter, I swear I heard someone say baby killer. When I got to the counter the “maître d'” asked me, “What do you want?”. I ordered some of the finest cuisine without looking at the menu. He reviewed my order and gave me an approving, “Dude”. Oh, by the way, that was the last time I went to the place.
This is how I find most liberals, they hate me until they can make money off me; then I am their “Dude”.


My own, albeit brief, experiences in higher education were basically positive. It could be because I went to smaller schools, Wabash Valley College and Ivy Tech. Both schools are, one could say very Conservative to leaning Conservative. I don’t know why, given the nature of higher education these days. But I do live near a private liberal arts school, DePauw University, a bastion of liberal thought. I’ve had many dealings with faculty and students over the years, and while we haven’t agreed politically, all my encounters were polite and respectful. Even the war protestors were polite, thanking me for my service but damning the Bush administration. It could very well be that my experiences are unique.