Sunday morning feel good story

| June 22, 2014

Chief Tango sends us our feel good story from Idaho where former Marine Anthony Broyles faced down a jerkwad who approached him and his daughter with ill-intent;

Broyles had a fun day planned with his daughter at Higgins Point along Lake Coeur d’Alene.

“Me and my daughter were parked here and I was standing by the vehicle on the rail. There was a van that was parked in that direction with two gentlemen sitting in it,” said Broyles.

Broyles said a man came towards them with a knife as they looked towards the lake.

“I turned around and there was a guy that was sneaking up on me…probably about 15 feet behind me and he asked me if I had any money,” said Broyles.

Broyles obtained an Idaho concealed weapons permit in 2014. He said he pulled out his gun.

“I pushed my daughter back, pulled out my weapon, cocked it and aimed it at him,” said Broyles.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Hack Stone

I just read the article, and it has left me with the question of what became of the assailant. Was he shot, taken into custody or escaped? If he did escape, I have a feeling that there will be a follow up article that police could not substantiate his story.


Way to be on those toes, Marine!


streetsweeper…You said it best brother. Always be aware of your area.


They were asking viewers to let law enforcement know if they spot the man(men) and light blue van, Hack.

Hack Stone

Thanks, I just read the article, didn’t bother with the video. Escaped suspect makes me think we will be having a repeat of the bus driver being shot that was reported earlier this week.


How does that joke go??Dumbfuck brought a knife to a gunfight?

I bet the would be robber shit himself when the firearm showed up. I suggest the cops check out all of the public laundry mats.


Umm? Based on the picture, the way that striker-fired pistol is “cocked” is by pulling back and then releasing the slide. That means that Our Hero was carrying with no (zip, zero, nada, none) round in the chamber. It’s often referred to as “Israeli carry” – and it requires fine motor skills under pressure. It’s unusual for folks to retain fine motor skills under pressure. It’s also not the way Marines are taught to carry pistols.

I’m glad things worked out OK for him and his daughter, but it seems there were several bits of luck involved in making that happen.

stay safe.


I’ve never heard of anyone carrying in condition 3 except military having to abide by shitty condition rules.

Then I saw the internet……

I hope that was just the reporter asking him to flash it up for the camera or else dude needs to go get some weapons training.


I carry a Ruger LCP on occasion. It has no safety. Therefore I don’t carry it with a round in the chamber, as I don’t have a strong desire to ND into my own ass.


Or he actually displayed some common sense – if the knifester turned and ran away, he would have had a hell of a time claiming self-defense. Oh, and skimark, if you can tell that LCP doesn’t have a round int he chamber, you’ve got better eyes than I. Many of the little striker-fired guns still have a very long trigger pull even with a round in the chamber and it is considered a safe way to carry.