David Scott Broxterman; academic and military phony
The Polk County Ledger tells the story of David Scott Broxterman who was a professor at Polk State College in Florida who apparently used fake transcripts to get his teaching job there. Folks began wondering what else he was lying about and of course, they found a completely false military career that he bragged about;
Assertions Broxterman made that are not reflected in official records include:
Serving in Mogadishu, Somalia, on a special forces team from October 1993 to September 1995. Records show no indication he was ever in Somalia or part of the special forces.
Being wounded by sniper fire on a ground mission in Somalia. There is no indication he was ever wounded anywhere.
Receiving a Purple Heart, Bronze Star with V for valor and a Legion of Merit. The Purple Heart is awarded to those wounded or killed in combat. The Bronze Star is the fourth-highest individual military award, and the V is given for an act of combat heroism. Records show no combat-specific awards.
Achieving a rank of lieutenant colonel, a commissioned officer, in the Individual Ready Reserve and a master sergeant, a noncommissioned officer, in the special forces. There is no record that he was ever a lieutenant colonel. It is impossible to have both ranks at the same time, said Master Sgt. Michael Chann, a representative for the Army Human Resources Command.
State Attorney’s Office investigator David Lyon wrote in a report that he thinks the information on Broxterman’s résumé was a “misrepresentation of him and was utilized to further his scheme to defraud Polk State College.”
Army records do show Broxterman:
Had a 24-year Army military career, serving from December 1976 through January 2001.
Served first in the Army Reserve, then the inactive reserve, and then on active duty.
Was stationed in Italy and Germany for almost four years.
Received numerous medals, including expert or sharpshooter marksmanship badges for various weapons, three Meritorious Service Medals and four Army Commendation Medals.
Reached the rank of master sergeant….
The prosecutor’s office isn’t pursuing stolen valor charges but they are looking at his academic credentials which seem to be forged according to the article.
If Polk County, Florida sounds familiar, that’s because it’s where Ed Cameron had his face plastered on the side of a bus for his phony Purple Hearts, where Harold Kaufman had been bragging for years about his Purple Hearts and Bronze Star and where Mark Hicks had been parading around with numerous unearned awards.
Thanks to Chris for the link.
Category: Phony soldiers
I will never understand why men who had long, successful military careers, will choose to dishonor themselves by willfully distorting the details of their service. It boggles the mind.
If this puke wanted to have the prestige of being a lieutenant colonel when he was a master sergeant, he should have moved up to warrant officer. A chief warrant officer is equivalent to a colonel, don’t take my word for this, ask any CWO :>))
Yup! Nothing so much like God on Earth as a Battalion Maintenance Warrant in His motor pool.
Concur with you Club Manager….As a CWO4 I felt I was equal to a LtCol or Col… now as a CWO5, I know I’m equivalent to a GO. 🙂
Looks like someone finally did due diligence without being told to do so.
The POS was at the school for 5 years before being found out. The fact that HR didn’t pick up the phone or send an email to verify the degrees before hire boggles the mind! Sloppy HR dept…who knows how many other fake credentials the didn’t verify?
Also, the POS “paid” a dead prof for his PhD. Yeah, I always paid my dead profs directly for my degrees too. Not.
The one good thing from all this is that this POS’s newspaper article is now Google infamy.
Right about now, a cheese-stained resume is being stuffed into an envelope and being sent to a college in Florida.
Shitbirds of a feather flock together.
Another stellar example showing, as Jonn has repeatedly said, that Stolen Valor is just the tip of the iceberg.
As has been repeatedly shown, it’s never just Stolen Valor. There always appears to be multiple personality flaws, criminal conduct and more or less just being a crapweasely crapweasel.
Just trying to give credit where it’s due…I think Jonn will be the first to agree that Doug Sterner has been screaming that argument from the Colorado mountains since before any of us had ever heard of Ballduster or Soup Sandwich.
At least it looks like they may be cleaning house.
Today I go to visit a friend who not only earned the Purple Heart, but an actual Bronze star.
As I wait to go to Arlington, I have a lot of emotions, I am trying to show my children what true valor is and I am struggling to put those emotions into words for them.
To see this kind of person show up today on the Blog, especially one who had an otherwise honorable career, sickens me.
Hmmm. Ya gotta wonder if academia likes false transcripts any better than we do false military records.
You got that right. When ONE gets found with fake transcripts, who knows how many else they’ll find when they start digging….
Yet another booger-eating bed wetting, snot-spined sparkle pony embellished. I hope he gets shamed everywhere he goes!!
Not to stereotype but sometimes you can just look at someone and say, “bogus”. This guy, as soon as I look at him and a SF claim I say, “bogus”. Just doesn’t have the “look” you’d expect an ex SF guy to have or that I have seen anyway. Must be something in the water in Polk County.
This dude is special alright.
I imagine he served on a two-hole insertion team.
Green Thumb You da man. He did serve on the two hole insertion team with extra duty as the taint, lube up with his tongue go to guy.
I love the earplugs as well.
You guys are all jacked up. This dude is legit.
Polk County is Hicksville. It’s easy to con folks there because most of the Posers/Embellishers still have teeth. As legitimacy to their claims.
“It is impossible to have both ranks at the same time, said Master Sgt. Michael Chann, a representative for the Army Human Resources Command.”
Perhaps that is the case now – but I distinctly recall circa 1966-67 that the Command Sergeant Major of USARV held a reserve officers commission of LtCol. He had been a commissioned officer during WWII, left the service and had subsequently enlisted.
You are correct.
They changed the regulation in the late 90s after the last such person retired.
My first Battalion CSM (1989)was also a Major at the time in the USAR. He had been a commisioned officer in Vietnam and like a lot of junior officers at the time (at the end of every major conflict)was RIFted or reverted to enlisted rank but allowed to remain a reserve officer (in case the balloon ever went up)wherein the Army would have a solid pool of experienced Officers to draw from.
They changed the reg after the last of these guys retired.
Same thing happened after WWII. My father managed to retain his commission after the war while many other reverted back to their pre-war enlisted ranks.
I questioned that fact also when I first read it.
I worked with an Aviation CSM at Ft. Carson in the late eighties who was a Reserve O3. He had Vietnam time so he probably fell under the same circumstances as the one O-4E described. Could’ve been the same person – who knows….
A big red flag is in the photo. Looks to be a parade and he’s wearing a JFKSWC flash and crest on his beret. I’ve never seen a retired SF NCO wear anything other than an operational group flash and crest not ones from the school house.
Unless he was claiming to have been in Delta Force in the 80’s?
Looks like a wedding ring on that hand. I bet he not really even married- he’s just living with her..
In that case the rank would have been combined. It would be Major General Pain IN The Ass Shitbird.
Not quite as high as General Asshole, but getting there.
I was awarded the rank and name “Major Lee Phuk Tup” in Basic Training, I shut up and took it, but I wondered why that name, I DON’T LOOK Vietnamese, and I wasn’t getting saluted even though they awarded me the rank of Major. OOH, maybe it’s HONORARY rank, so I can now call myself an “Honorary Major”? YEAH, let me meet Bernath face to face NOW, I’ll order him to stand at attention before I order him to drop and PUSH!!
“Achieving a rank of lieutenant colonel, a commissioned officer, in the Individual Ready Reserve and a master sergeant, a noncommissioned officer, in the special forces. There is no record that he was ever a lieutenant colonel. It is impossible to have both ranks at the same time, said Master Sgt. Michael Chann, a representative for the Army Human Resources Command.”
My company commander at Camp Eagle (located between Phu Bai and Hue) in the old Republic of Viet Nam told me that Captain was his Army Reserve rank, while Staff Sergeant was his Regular Army rank.
He was William C. Wehunt, from Texas, and he commanded Headquarters and Service Company, 501st Signal Battalion (Airmobile), 101st Airborne Division (Airmobile) in 1970 – 1971.
Dave Hardin…You too! Who knew? I thought I was the only one. 😀
Do you have a Shaft (*OOPS!* Staff) position for me? I’m no pilot, but I DO KNOW how to check my fuel level and refuel when necessary!!
Hey! I wanna be a Command Major Gnereal. Will need some oak leafs AND stars, with a chevron, or two or three, over them.
Well if we’re giving out ranks, I wanna be the Sgt May of your PSG detail, every general gots one, and then I can finally go all gangster with my M9 and no one can tell me differently!
PSD…..stupid phone… See! I’m perfect for it already deflecting incoming rounds for you and gangstering my
OK, and thanks! 😉
Ok we all take the oath then. I, (state your name), hereby promise to uphold and defend each others totally bogus bullshit even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I will annoy and irritate anyone who has wasted their time actually earning their honor at every opportunity. My imagination has no limit, my claims no horizon, and my deeds never to loathsome.
Next, we need to muster a working party for the following duties:
Promulgation of petty paperwork
Proper awards disarray policy
Rolling out hash marks, how to resist reason
Sleeve extensions for overachievers
Creative ‘Hey bro its Don Shipley’ responses
The multi service Trident, Why not?
Overcoming USMC weight standards
Tab-a-licious Making them look sweet
Photo Shop ‘It could be you’ technique
‘And so there I was….’ story database
This turd obviously did some good stuff in service. Three MSMs, four ARCOMs…I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that he had a Bronze Star (without V). Why the need to embellish like he did? It makes no sense to me. Now all people will remember is that he lied and defrauded the school.
I enlarged the photo of him for a more detailed look, is that a Drill Sergeant’s badge on his right BDU pocket?
@ Mr Wolf, Et Alii:
It is customary in Germany (and throughout Europe?) to wear the wedding band on the right hand.
I think (incorrectly?) that wearing the wedding band on the left hand may only be an American custom, and not done anywhere else.
Or – – – ,
Is that his (stolen?) class ring from the United States Military Academy at West Point?
Quick! Cheese-slayer needs to get a hold of him and get a letter of recomndation!
Yeah, it ain’t like he’ll suddenly pull a piss-poorly written one straight out of his ass or off his laptop!!
What a dick,I saw him in another photo with all his bling.
Legit MSgt?
What. A. Shitbag.
You are so right COB 6. An SF soldiers time at SWC is something to endure, very few look back fondly on it.
Why the fuck would an E-8 with 24 years under his belt want to pretend to be a LTC?
To impress females?
Maybe he thought “Chicks love shily stuff on a Man’s shoulder!” thus he decided to embellish?
SHINY stuff, yeah, my kayboardinng skillz suk on some occasions!!
my 2 favorite ranks- SGT USMC and CPT US Army.
Dreading getting promoted to Major-quite possibly one of the more useless ranks (although the pay raise will be nice0.
And if you’re going to fake rank, why not go full poser and go Colonel instead of LTC?
If you got a bronze star that don’t mean shit. Since the military has been handing them out like candy anyway we’ll that’s only if the chain of command likes you. And if that’s the case when I see someone showing off that they got a bronze star on there licisens plate just tells me this turd was just given a bronze star. And they actually look pathetic ” look at me I got a bronze star ” WHO GIVES A RATS ASS
SSG Cox will.
My pickup truck has a Mississippi “Bronze Star” license plate.
I think it’s kind of neat.
But, then again, I never expected to get ANY medals, and when they told me I was receiving the Bronze Star Medal, I thought they were playing a joke on me.
A “Philodasical” dude.
All-Points Logistics, anyone?
The next “Commander” anyone?
Florida, again?
why is this stolen valor person not in jail