Some More Indicators of Today’s Economic “Good Times”
Here are a few more indicators that our economic doldrums have – after close to 5 and a half years – turned the corner towards “good times”.
- Fraction of those 18-34 years old still living with their parents: nearly one in three
- Teen unemployment rate in major US cities this summer: over 50%
- Fraction of the US population using a USDA “nutrition assistance” program during the last 12 months: about one in four
- Fraction of US children “living in poverty”: about one in five
- Fraction of US households struggling with their mortgage and/or rent expenses: over half
- Percentage of Americans who’ve lost faith and say for them the “American Dream” is dead: 59 percent
- Oh, and we’re also seeing another of those ObamaCare “spillover” effects: nationwide doctor shortage of 91,500 predicted by 2020
Well done, Mr. President. A damn nice “recovery” – and in only 5 1/2 years! Lassez les bontemps roulez!!
Category: Economy, Health Care debate
Here’s another one for you, Hondo.
“Our report of last week quoted a reader from China who wrote, “The US foreign policy is pushing China harder and harder to form a much stronger alliance with Russia (although reluctantly at the beginning). These two countries are very much complements to each other. Russia has the natural resources and military technologies, China has the market and financial strength. The combined alliance will be extremely powerful and hard for US to handle. With China in its backing, Russia has no fear of any US economic sanction. China gains its natural gas, oil, missile defense system and the most advanced fighter jets…” You read it here first. And last week (5-19-14), Russia and China have agreed to momentous $400 billion gas deal. As the Wall Street Journal reports on May 22, this contract “… strengthens Putin’s hand as Russia faces sanctions from the west.” There is absolutely little need for China or Russia to fear sanctions from the USA – militarily or economically. — 5/26/2014 MMA Weekly Preview
Remember when Obama told Medvedev to relay the message to Putin to give him more time because he’d have more flexibility after reelection? Makes you wonder if this was what he was talking about.
Don’t forget the declining hours and wages, kids!
We managed to set ourselves into an almost comfortable lifestyle in spite of interference by assorted government regulations or policies throughout our lifetimes. We did this with careful planning, hard work, doing without stuff, and a bit of good luck.
Unfortunately, the ability to control one’s destiny has become much more difficult, and in many cases simply impossible, these days, at least for those who expect to contribute only positively to society.
Meanwhile, here in Arizona:
“Happy times are here again,
The skies above are clear again…”
Obama lacks the guts to do what is necessary. Many other countries demand that usa buy 90% from them what we sell to them that would mean china would have to buy 90% from usa what they sell to usa. Republicans and multinational corporations say that would be unfair to china and we must continue one way free trade policies so america can continue to ship jobs overseas!
I agree, VWP. The current POTUS and VP have no intention of doing the right thing and resigning simultaneously. If they did, we might get some competent adult leadership instead.
Wait! What? Did VWP just say something semi-coherent and intelligent!?
Welcome to the “real” world. I guess upping your meds DOES work.
B Woodman: not really. Only the first sentence in VWP’s comment above makes any sense. The rest is a transparent attempt to over-simplify and make partisan an issue that both parties have screwed up over the last 20+ years.
It wasn’t the GOP who controlled both houses of Congress and held the Presidency when NAFTA passed in 1993. And it was also during the Clinton administration that we started accruing a huge trade imbalance with China – largely IMO because of official encouragement and/or turning a blind eye towards technology transfer to China.
As usual, VWP has taken a fact or two, padded it with nonsensical BS, and given it a partisan “spin” – poorly and transparently. It’s pretty much all he’s capable of doing.
but, damn, it almost looked coherent and sounded sorta like it almost made sense for a minute? Flaming bullshit or not, that’s ‘WAY better than anything else he has posted – ever. That after-school tutor is really workin’ out for him.