Marilyn Monroe in the drone program

| June 4, 2014

Norma Jean

One of my former workmates sent us a link the the New York Times article to the story of Marilyn Monroe and her job in the drone program in 1944;

Working 10 hours a day for $20 a week in a World War II defense plant 70 years ago was 18-year-old Norma Jeane Dougherty, wife of a young United States merchant seaman assigned overseas. Her company, called Radioplane, in Burbank, Calif., founded by the British character actor Reginald Denny, made small remote-controlled pilotless aircraft, intended to help United States Army and Navy anti-aircraft gunners refine their targeting skills.


Ms. Dougherty inspected and sprayed parachutes in Burbank, despite warnings from her mother-in-law, a Radioplane nurse who had gotten her the job, that the fumes would ruin her “beautiful hair” and her health.

That story stands in stark contrast to the recent war effort, you know, how America went to the mall while the troops went to war.

Category: Historical

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You want American to get up off it’s collective asses and go to way…..two words…..

Red Dawn

And even then some of them probably would just roll their fat asses over and surrender.

Combat Historian

Nah, obamao will just grant immigration amnesty to all the Cuban/Nicaraguan forces invading from the south, and send hillary! to Russia with a reset button and a promise to return Alaska and the Pacific Northwest to the Russia Empire…


When can I join the Wolverines?
I kid


“way” = War

John Robert Mallernee

Marilyn Monroe is my first cousin.

Actually, that’s an allegation made by one of my uncles when he was still living.

He claimed she was the biological daughter of my Uncle Ernest, who was given up for adoption when she was born.

Some kinfolk say it’s true, but my father just laughed at the idea.

Anyway, I enjoy telling the story, because it sounds really neat, even if it’s not true.

Another distant relative through marriage was Ernest Borgnine, because of the marriage of my uncle to a genuine Italian countess, complete with a castle in Italy.

She lived the rest of her life in terror, never daring to speak of her father, who was a Mafia don in New Jersey, and she had disobeyed them by marrying an Irishman, my uncle.

Another of my uncles worked in carnivals, was connected to “the Mob”, and drove the getaway car for John Dillinger.

The “Mob” (or whoever) rewarded him for his loyalty by providing him with a house in Florida when he became too old to work.

He was despised by the rest of the family, because he was the only one of the boys (it was a BIG family) who did NOT serve in the military during the Second World War.

By the way, since I was adopted, that means none of the kinfolk I’m describing are biologically related to me.

John Robert Mallernee


I liked her. Back when woman had curves and it was considered a good thing. I think they called it, voluptuous.


It’s still a good thing.


Get a DVD of ‘Some Like It Hot’. She’s terrific in that.


I second that.

NCIS fans may also remember this:


Abby is hot. That is all.


Just saw her in a 1952 movie called “We’re Not Married” – before the platinum blonde hair and the over-stuffing she acquired later, she was a damned attractive woman. Oh, yeah, she also talked like a normal girl, too.


Good for her.