Fonda’s Lifetime Achievement

| June 4, 2014


According to the Los Angeles Times, our favorite (or least favorite) stank-ass hippie, Jane Fonda will get a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Film Institute.

It’s hard to think of someone in public life who has had more disparate phases and identities than Jane Fonda.

There’s the brilliant actress (and daughter of a Hollywood legend), the polarizing political activist, the exercise maven, the rich celebrity wife, and now, once again, the working actress. Fonda admits that this last phase — what she calls her “third act” — has taken her by surprise.

Seriously? She made some “B” movies in her youth, a couple of movies that I never saw in the 80s and some exercise videos. She wasted her talent, if she had any, on her political activism. She’s spent the last few decades trying to overcome that bad behavior, for which she has never really apologized. Even one of the shopping networks wouldn’t let her on the air because of the controversy she created in the early 70s. Fonda has had countless opportunities to make up for what she did in her trip through North Vietnam, but she can’t find the time obviously. She could have done something simple like sending care packages to the troops, but instead, she did fund-raising for Iraq Veterans Against the War. She’s done her best to deny that she is a traitor, but no one is hearing her.

But, yeah, she deserves a lifetime achievement award. from Fox News;

“We are truly honored to have Jane Fonda speak at this year’s commencement ceremony,” said Teri Schwartz, dean of UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television. “Jane is a visionary and a remarkable artist who has spent her life telling deeply powerful stories that have moved and inspired audiences worldwide to action for the greater good and to a greater understanding of our common humanity through her films, philanthropic efforts and personal journeys.”

Yeah, she deserves the award for some terrible movies, for some exercise videos and for marrying rich. For that she’s a “visionary”.

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Where do I begin? There is so much I could say about her. I will leave it at this. She can kiss my ass in the county square!


You forgot to add, at high noon, after having two hours to draw a crowd.
Fuck that bitch, with a pineapple, sideways.


Pineapple Grenade, pin pulled and DRY.


I was just a kid when she did this, and didn’t know the whole story at the time. I was aware that she was an anti-war protester, but so were a lot of other entertainers. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I got the whole story, and saw the footage of her on that anti-aircraft gun. Then I understood. Since then I have refused to knowingly do anything that would put a penny in her pocket. A couple of times my wife has wanted to see a movie with Fonda in it, and I tell her to go with a friend if she wants, but I’m not going.

John Robert Mallernee

Many years ago, I was living in Salt Lake City, Utah, and as a “LIFE” member of the Disabled American Veterans, I volunteered to be a van driver for the Winter Special Olympics, shuttling contestants between Park City and Salt Lake City.

At our orientation briefing, the gal who was in charge, was excitedly gushing about Jane Fonda having been invited, and expected to appear.

I immediately stood up, telling her and the group that it was wrong to ask for volunteer help from the Disabled American Veterans, and then insult us by also welcoming Jane Fonda.

I specified what treasonous acts she’d committed during the war, and the effect it had on the American prisoners of war, and the war effort.

I stated that many Viet Nam veterans, if given the opportunity, would like to kill her, and if possible, I would do it myself.

Well, the Winter Special Olympics was held, and was I, as a spectator throughout all of the events, as I was not needed as a volunteer driver.

But, guess what?

Jane Fonda never showed up.

And, even though I wasn’t needed, because I was a volunteer, when the Winter Special Olympics ended, I got to go to the big party at the Hyatt Hotel ballroom.

So, all we got to do, guys, is speak out boldly with our personal opinions, and if we’re lucky, we just might get favorable results.


JRM….my hand is out for a cyber handshake. Good for you!!


Right on, John!

The janey the cow showed up at some event on the Mag Mile in Chicago some years back. I think it was to publicize her line of gymwear or something at an expensive Mag Mile store. A large group of in-country Vietnam vets showed up and made a loud, noisy protest about it, and got support from the crowd.

I don’t remember the exact time. It was something like 20+ years ago, but it raised a huge fuss and gave the store some bad PR. And not too many people bought her stuff.


Job well done, Sir. If I were wearing a hat right now, it’d be off to you.


She needs to go hug a rabid wolverine.

A Proud Infidel®™

Right after she hugs a pissed off porcupine and wallows with a pissed off honey badger!


After being cornholed by a crazed donkey.


AND a deranged elephant!


Jane Fonda on reports that the POWs were tortured:
“They are liars and hypocrites. History will judge them harshly.”

In less than ten years she went from “Miss Army Recruiter” (1962) to a leftist radical.


To the contrary, I think history has given her the verdict she deserves. Outside the enclaves of elites, of course.


I was already home for a couple of years, married and my wife pregnant with our first (of five) when this “visionary” decided to participate in the photo op on an NVA anti-aircraft gun.

It started in the mid 60’s and continued a couple of years beyond Fonda’s “visionary” tribute to those that served and were serving in Vietnam. Chalk it up to the dismissive, ill-mannered attitude common for a decade or more towards those of us that served.

If any of these “visionaries” were to treat my sons the same way, I’m sure I’d wind up in handcuffs similar to the one’s I often had the pleasure of putting on other “visionaries” throughout my career.

Sometimes a man has to do what he has to do…….a serious ass-kicking!

Combat Historian

Oops, I read that wrong; at first I thought it said Comrade Colonel was receiving a lifetime achievement award from the NVA…silly me…


My only “bucket list” item. To piss on that bitch’s grave. God, let me live that long. My MOPH brother Tom Latendesse goes from A to Z in anger when her name is mentioned. Tom was a POW at the Hanoi Hilton.

Old Trooper

I had relatives over there when she pulled her shit. My Grandma almost broke the tv when it was on the news (that was the first time I saw that kind of anger out of my Grandma) and my Grandpa was visibly shaking with anger. My cousin heard about my Grandparents episode through one of our other cousins and the first thing he did when he got back was to smile really big and hug my Grandparents and let them know how much he appreciated them.

Also, one time when we were driving to Mpls, my grandpa stopped and picked up a soldier hitchhiking. He asked him where he was going, which was the airport, so grandpa told him we were heading that way and would drop him off (it was an hour away). We found out he was heading to Vietnam, so grandma and granpa were very interested in talking with him. When we got to the airport, grandpa got out and opened the trunk so he could get his duffel bag out and I saw grandpa give him $20 (he tried to hide the fact that he was doing it from us, but we saw it and grandma stated that he wasn’t as sneaky as he thought he was) and a handshake and pat on the back. Then……….we saw the protesters and grandma had everything she could do to get grandpa back in the car, before he went to jail.


Sounds like Grandma wasn’t part of the “silent majority.” 🙂

Too bad we didn’t have more salt of the earth types like your Grandparents, back then.

CC Senor

Actually we did have a lot of the “salt of the earth types” back then and they tended to be older. I got to meet a lot of them while traveling in uniform. Never did have an adverse encounter, even with the “youngsters” as the war dragged on. I even managed to have a reasonable discussion with an Austin taxi driver back when Lt Calley’s plt sgt was being court martialed at Ft Hood.

Pinto Nag

The greatest achievement of her life will be when she drops dead.


What can you say about Jane Fonda that hasn’t already been said? Hanoi Jane, Ho Chi’s Whore.

A Proud Infidel®™

“Ho Chi’s Whore”, +10 COOL POINTS!!


Due to gout I am no longer able to drink beer in any decent quantity – but the day I visit her grave I intend to break that rule. Belt and suspenders, y’know….


Hell, cut the foot off and resume drinking beer. It’s too important to the good order of “things” not to drink. Plus….there’s been some great micro-breweries producing some phenomenal beers that have popped up over the last few years.


trust me… I know. But silly me, I like my appendages where they are. Who knows, I may have need of them some time.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m a ME Vet, and I’d thoroughly enjoy pissing on Fonda’s grave as well, but I’ll wait my time to do so after she/it croaks. My reason for doing so is because I feel that our surviving Vietnam Vets deserve first dibs on it, and I HATE WAITING IN LONG LINES!!


I see two schools of thought on Jane Fonda. In one corner is the group of vets who are going to be standing at a urine soaked grave site and unloading a special salute. Much respect to them.

In the other corner is the group who included my late father (a career Marine officer). “Son, I wouldn’t piss on Jane Fonda if her ass was on fire and I had a full bladder”. Much respect to them as well.

Bottom line is, Jane had probably better be buried in an unmarked grave or the urine smell is going to be overwhelming.


Master Guns….I’ll bet your father was one helluva an officer. I certainly don’t have his classiness, since I’d piss in her ear in a heartbeat.




“I see two schools of thought on Jane Fonda. In one corner is the group of vets who are going to be standing at a urine soaked grave site and unloading a special salute. Much respect to them.”

Yeah. I sure hope her family gets flood insurance for her grave.


My favorite Onion video!


I was stationed at NAS Barbers Point, HI in the mid 80s and some Navy Exchange pogue decided it was smart to stock the Jane Fonda Exercise videos in the Main Exchange.

The only time anyone touched them was when one of the employees dusted them off once a month or so.

The exchange manager finally came to his senses and removed them towards the end of my tour.


I remember when those videos showed up at Davis-Monthan, the display may have made it an hour before it came down.


How ironic that this story is right next to the Marilyn Monroe story. From the “Greatest Generation” to the pre- and Baby-Boomers, arguably the unGreatest.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty

some years ago radio talk show host gil gross had former defense secretary robert macnamara who had written a book on his show. Macnamara said he had doubts about what could be accomplished in vietnam. Vietnam vet gross was enraged and said to him you sent us over there and you didn’t believe in it! Gil gross then said the vietnam war protesters were right and I was wrong. How about ollie north being kicked out of costa rica for helping eden pastore export dope to american school children to finance the contras! Remember iran-contra treason Oh you will like this the cia dope planes landed in mena arkansas where bill clinton was governor and knew about the flights.


VWP? A little advice? Drinking bong water is bad for you.

Climb to Glory

I think VWP may have some Reynolds Wrap on his head.


Too bad it isn’t Saran Wrap around over his face! That VWPussy takes me from zero to furious in 0.0 seconds. Just seeing his screen name infuriates me. Fuck this guy sideways with a barbed wire wrapped billy club.


Where’s the “LIKE” button on this fuggin’ thing?

A Proud Infidel®™

He thought he needed a chaser after the last tube of glue he sniffed.

Mr. Blue

Got into the brown acid your grandpa-uncle brought back from Woodstock again?

A Proud Infidel®™

VWPissbucket, you ARE your own Cousin!

Climb to Glory

I’m an OEF/OIF guy, but she is on the top of my most hated person list. Followed closely by that Easter Island statue John Kerry.


I’ve never even thought this about anyone else but I hope and pray that she has an excruciatingly painful, long drawn out, agonizing, death and the last thing she sees is a Vet pissing on her.

As an aside,many urinals in the Pentagon used to have stickers with her picture as aiming points.


I heard most VFWs and American Legion halls did too.

Right Winger

“Barbarella” was an achievement?


only the first few minutes

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty

I tell what happened! Which you can’t refute because it happened. Republicans say Obama negotiated with terrorists for hostage bad! Reagan negotiated with terrorists in iran contra for hostages good! Conservative john mccain Obama paid to much to get pow. “but nixon didn’t pay to much to get him back!


What about Obama’s campaign speech that, if they can get rid of those five, Gitmo can be closed? What about the fact that we just gave them what they asked for without negotiation? What about the touting that he was in poor health, which has been proven untrue? What about calling him a POW when he was actually a deserter? What about…

I think I have made my point that you, sir, are an idiot.


English, Motherfucker!! DO YOU SPEAK IT?

Put down the crack pipe and learn how to spell and use punctuation you cocksucker. You are a useless waste of skin and my sincere hope is that you get hit by a bus while crossing the street. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on! Of course, that horse probably had his way with you already. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your tent. In other words, go fuck yourself and, when you are done doing that, go fuck yourself.




There’s not a self-respecting horse on the planet that would touch him-though all horses can communicate more clearly than him.

Climb to Glory

Who is this VWP clown. What are the odds he smells worse than a Tijuana port-o-shitter.

A Proud Infidel®™

VWPissbucket, YOU ARE a walking argument FOR abortion and euthanasia!


You say: “Reagan negotiated with terrorists in iran contra for hostages good!”

I ask: “What hostages are you talking abou?”.

I think as you mix cheap booze and drugs together you are gettings stories and facts dumbfuckled up.

The Iran Hostages came home as Reagan was sworn in because Iran was warned that he would crush Iran in order to secure release or recovery.

Iran Contra was several years later.

Be careful what you mix … It can lead to a bad trip or a bad story …

But please keep writing, your ability to amaze us astonishing!

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty

that was reagans earlier treason when his running dog bill casey made a deal with iran to keep the americans hostages till after 1980 election so carter would lose! yassir arafat who was in on the deal told carter about it years later ;but carter wimped out as he thought republican treason would hurt the two party system which is always the wimp liberals problem. Iran countra though some of the war material was for this treason most of it was for hostages held by iran’s surrogates mostly held in Lebanon later on. The contra part was selling dope to black school children to finance the illegal wars in central america. Bill casey’s secret funding for war to get around congress. Read gary webb’s dark alliance.


Tell you what, I’ll read that bullshit book when you tie a noose around your worthless neck and you jump off a tall building. Sound like a deal? Otherwise, beat it, fuckstick.


Oh, and in case I forget later:
Go fuck yourself.


vwpisspot, you need major surgery. Get your mouth sewn shut.

You are incoherent, unintelligible, and functionally illiterate. Your drips and drabs of history that you can’t even recall correctly make you look like nothing but a burnt-out old stoner who just wants attention.

Go find it some place else. And like I said above, get your mouth sewn shut.

Pineywoods NCO


While WWP is at it, she/he/it needs to have their hands sewn to their sides so they can’t type or write.

Mr. Blue

Or, as many have pointed out already, some kid who’s mom and sister are the same person, that got into the family stash of illegal substances, and thinks he’s a Vietnam era protestor.


I do have to admit, getting to let and listen to thousands of Vietnam vet’s and friend let loose on her anti-war ilk in DC (2007-2008) was simply one of the greatest pleasures ever. Jonn may have pic’s of her office on the Mall too. 😎


My dad disliked her (and the Fonda blood line) so much he once said to me, “turn the channel, I won’t watch any Fonda … That Henry fella is a bad father!”

Joe Williams

vwp IS A HIT AND TROLL. Who is off his meds again.He cannot debate his statements. I am a Nam vet and Baby Bloomerfrom the ungreatest generation. Hads to take the shot(the devil made me do it)That is one long line I would wait for my turn. Joe