I dispute this whole “historical” thing
I have these thoughts zooming around in my head and find it hard to work without writing them down.
I think it’s absolutely unAmerican to think of this as an historical moment in our nation’s long journey. It’s unConservative – and that’s been our whole problem with minorities, but it comes with the ideological territory.
In our Declaration of Independence, it’s written that “…all Men are created equal….” It doesn’t make a racial distinction. Jumping ahead almost 183 years martin Luther King Junior said “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. ”
Those two phrases taken together are incongruous to this assertion that Obama being elected is historical – and those are the two phrases that have governed my entire adult life and affected the way I treated people, even affected my choice of a wife and the subsequent children that resulted thereof.
It would only seem to be significant to someone so shallow and steeped in their melanin level as to place some sort of significance on something so inconsequential.
I’ve opposed Obama from the beginning, but not on any sort of racial level, because race is insignificant. I’ve opposed him on an ideological basis – and much more than “my club against his club” (the way Democrats seem to think of the R vs. D struggle).
If we’re all supposed to be merely men and women, fashioned in the image of our Creator (whoever you think that is), I find it offensive for the media to keep pounding in my already-cluttered brain that this is somehow significant in our history.
I’m sure some pointy-headed smart ass won’t hesitate to point out my failed reasoning by calling me a racist – or something equally vacuous.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Historical, Liberals suck, Media, Politics, Society
You’re right, of course. I resent that as well. And it appears that Rahm “Republians can go Fukk themselves” Emmanuel will be COS if you hadn’t heard.
It’s a first, and “firsts” are usually given weight by history. It’s no more historic as it would have been if it were, say, Powell in 2000.
Yes, all men are created equal…but you have to admit, certain minorities were thrown various disadvantages during the country’s history.
Since I know you, though, I’ll give you permission to punch the next person you hear say “I can’t do it because I’m (insert racial limiter here).” Cause that’s what I’ll be doing.
Jonn wrote: Hey, D. You’re probably relieved to know that you’re not the pointy-headed smart ass I was expecting.
But, my larger point, in terms of the history of man, it’s not significant. Not as significant as it’s being played around me this morning (thank goodness I’m working from home and don’t have to go into DC today).
I’ll admit that some people have had a difficult starting point to overcome, but a “post racial” president shouldn’t let this be the prefix of his title for all of history, for the reasons I’ve given. A uniter, shouldn’t allow the dividers to define his presidency.
How fitting is it that today is Eugene Debs’ birthday?
“Don Carl Says:
November 5th, 2008 at 10:29 am
How fitting is it that today is Eugene Debs’ birthday?”
I came on to see how all the hangovers are today, and now I need a drink.
I do think this election is/was historical for any number of reasons… race being only a trivial, but real, element.
Kinda off topic: I’m convinced this election marks a tipping point that will be historical. The midterms will be the kicker.
If the left can be prevented from making sweeping systemic (and thus hard to undo) changes we might see a correction in 2010, otherwise… Obama’s race will play little part other than some sort of footnote in the history books.
Jonn, I think you are correct that only a fool would attribute significance to the inconsequential. In a lot of ways, that phrase can be attributed to the election/voting process as a whole. How many pathetic shots were we shown last night where people were literally crying and jumping for joy when Obama was announced as the winner?
What disturbs me most is the image of 150,000 people in some park in Chicago on a Tuesday night jumping up and down, crying, waving signs, mindlessly repeating campaign slogans awaiting election results. Politics isn’t sport, people…many will be negatively impacted by an Obama regime, and very few will benefit. To the fools who believe you can change your life by casting a ballot, I believe Mencken is appropriate here:
“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
Those who are too ignorant to understand fully the residual consequences associated with their decisions deserve to go down with the ship…I just wish those who know better wouldn’t have to be harmed in the process.
In my view, the most historic things about this election were: the breathtakingly extreme bias of the media and resulting role in the marketing of an unworthy candidate, and flagrant disregard for campaign finance law and obscene voting irregularities. It’s true that the GOP has lost its way, but a good portion of our society in general is far more lost. It’s taken a while, but the leftist revolution is finally gaining some real traction.
These postmodern problems, taken together, allowed someone messianic to come to power. I hate to think all is lost– I won’t think that– but we have our work cut out for us.
For me it will be the way that Veterans Issues are now treated like every other hack, partisan, wedge issue. Since Vets Issues are now a part of them, look for all of us who served to get screwed.
Hey! Is it too early to send Obama my payment books? I don’t want him to get in trouble for paying my mortgage and motorcycle payments late. And when do I get the Obama Gas Card? (don’t leave home without it)
I now have two sad problems today. I have a President Elect who I loath, and I am out of Scotch. This date will go down in history allright… it will be called “The beginning of the end”.:-(
Hear hear!
I feel very sad and upset also. I felt the same way when Jimmy Carter was elected and both times Clinton was. But we survived those, not without harm, but we survived as a nation. And the Carter years gave us Reagan, the Clinton years gave us G.W. We recovered a lot under Reagan but not enough and if the Clinton years had not paved the way for Al Qaeda, I honestly believe G.W. would have been a more effective president. But he was too trusting of his fellow man and instead of cleaning out the Pentagon and all the other departments of the “shadow government” he was undermined in everything he did. He operated under the illusion that everybody in service to the country was as loyal and patriotic as he was and in the same way. He found out that mostly the military and retiired military was about all he could count on.
So after we all look at the results of last night and get our brains around how we were had, the best thing to do is find the very best conservative people we can locally and start electeing them from the bottom up. Tip O’Neil said that all politics are local. That is how the democrats have taken over. They hold elective offices in all the major population centers and control all the election processes in most of the states. I’m sure there are enough strategy minded people that can figure this out and organize it. I sincerely hope so anyway. I don’t like being under democrat control.
you all f**k up 2 wars and have gall to complain?
Your grasp of our language is astounding. I like the way you get your point across without sounding hysterical.
From where I’ve been sitting nlcatter our troops have been killing the enemy and winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqi and Afghan people. What wars are you looking at? By the way, it’s spelled f-u-c-k, not ‘f**k.’ As in, ‘Why don’t you go fuck a tree?’ Or, ‘You are an obtuse and ignorant little fuck’ See, ‘fuck’ can be used as a noun as well as a verb, and also as an adjective and adverb. Now, you try using it in a sentence, or are you too paralyzed by your obvious and irrational rage? Fuckwit.
TSO, be honest – how much do you miss me as a Troll right now?
This whole “post-racial” thing and “healing racial tensions” is idiotic. MLK was around a long time ago to fix the problems, and Lincoln was way before that. No matter who we vote for, it will never “revise” our shameful past of racial discrimination. These baby boomers types are just trying to toot their own self-righteous horns by claiming some great racial progress.
I am far from a fool and do not associate with them either. I am sure you are far from a racist John nor associate with them. This is HISTORIC!
Yes it is the first black man to be POTUS. Beyond that, it sets a standard for black men. I know what its like to have people do double takes like “WTF are you doing here, youre black”. Hell its happened multiple times over the last two days in the area of the country I am in presently. I know what its like to blatantly see white kids get more attention than me. And as I prefaced, I am not a fool whether its common sense or book smarts.
All men are created equal. There is still a large sect of folks that refuse to view non whites as equal. This is historic because (and this is only one reason) it sets a standard. It proves I can do anything you can do. I can be a police officer, an accountant, a miner, the POTUS. Its like a validation that in our history has never been something african americans could explain to non blacks. Its like pledging, you just dont know what it means unless youve been thru it.
What this means though is that black men have to step up to the plate. There has been a lack of leaders since King for black men to strive to emulate. Jackson, Sharpton are despised by the under 50 black set so I better not hear them as examples. President elect Obama raises the bar. He contradicts the many stereotypes of black men and we have to step up to that standard.
More importantly, this proves that in America, you can be whatever you want to be.
Darth Medius: Very well said.
What this means though is that black men have to step up to the plate. There has been a lack of leaders since King for black men to strive to emulate. Jackson, Sharpton are despised by the under 50 black set so I better not hear them as examples. President elect Obama raises the bar. He contradicts the many stereotypes of black men and we have to step up to that standard.
I agree with the first sentence, but the rest is a foolish thought or wish.
We know NOTHING of BHO. No school records, no birth records, no record of him doing anything with any of the Marxist and other terroristic organizations he purported to hang around with. The only real thing we know, is that he is an avowed socialist…..and he’s mostly black.
Since nobody knows anything about him, all anyone could vote for… was his skin color.
The entire campaign, all we heard was “Race is not on the table”, “Race is not an issue”. Yet, repeatedly for the last two years, all that was reported was “…the first black man to have a shot at the White House”, “…being black, he knows what being the POTUS can mean for minorities.”, “…you know, get his thug thizzle on!” What is historic, is the wide berth Conservatives gave race in this election…and the adament in-your-face effort by any and all liberal types to promote it.
The only thing Obama contradicts, is Conservatism.
im not going to type your way
6 years and still not over in iraq
after one trillion? taht is FUBAR
and you think you could fight Russia?
and losing in afghanistan
that is FUBAR 2
i addressed “you all” as a group – individuals did what they could – group dynamics limits one.
In our Declaration of Independence, it’s written that “…all Men are created equal….”
It is indeed, but unfortunately at the time it referred to white men. Black men were being kept as slaves…
Welll… nlcatter… First of all, I’m guessing the nl prefix stands for “Nutless” with catter being a take on the feline word for female genitalia. That being said… which wars are YOU watching? Unless the “chosen one” fornicates vertically ( a VERY real possibility) Iraq is being successfully concluded as we speak. Afghanistan is heating up, but there is NO way the Taliban and AQ can defeat the US in a stand up fight. They will nibble on the edges until we smoke them out and kill them like the vermin they are. To cut and run now would just let them regroup and bring the fight here… not my idea of fun. As for taking on Russia… BTDT. Every patrol we made we faced down the Soviet Union. A MUCH larger and more impressive foe than Russia currently is. Should the Russians like to restart that contest and return to the Cold War, they will only succeed in further destroying their own country. I rather doubt that they would really want to take us on militarily directly. You see… the wars being fought in the middle east right now, are restrained and controlled action. If the Russians started a fight with NATO, well… that would be Katie Bar the Door and hold on tight. No one wants that, most of all the Russians. They’re blow hards, but not suicidal blow hards… much like yourself. As for the Obama presidency being historic? Maybe. Historic election fraud, fund raising fraud, and media whoring? certainly. Historic idiocy of the American voting public? you betcha. I don’t see a Black man when I look at Obama, I see a socialist. I didn’t vote against him because of his color, just his politics. The fact that he won doesn’t do anything for me other than make me concerned that the country I love so much may be in for a rude shock when he impliments his ideas. Do I hope he is successful and leads the country well? Of course I do. But I’m pretty sure I will not like a lot of the… Read more »