The Blogosphere reacts
I’m not bothering to read the news this morning. Somehow, I know what they’re all saying. So, instead I took a tour of the folks in my blogroll and since I have to go to work in a minute (across the dining room) I’ll make this brief.
Michelle Malkin pretty much says what I did first thing this morning (emptying my head of those nightmares I had last night) – except she says it like my drill sergeant would have;
There is no time to lick wounds, point fingers, and wallow in post-election mud.
I’m getting a lot of moan-y, sad-face “What do we do now, Michelle?” e-mails.
What do we do now? We do what we’ve always done.
We stand up for our principles, as we always have — through Democrat administrations and Republican administrations, in bear markets or bull markets, in peacetime and wartime.
We stay positive and focused.
We keep the faith.
We do not apologize for our beliefs.
Chris at My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy must’ve watched me struggle to lift my body from bed to bang on these keys this morning;
It didn’t happen like we wanted but it happened. So what do we do now? There are a lot of people who will just want to stay in bed. Not me. There are a lot of people who will be depressed. Don’t. You have to believe in America. That’s not just a line. In my heart, I believe in America. I believe that America will overcome anything and prosper. We survived 4 years of Carter. We survived 8 years of Clinton. We survived 8 years of Bush. WE WILL SURVIVE THIS. Even if he bombs as president and is worse than Carter, we will survive it.
Jennifer Ruben dissects the McCain campaign and counts his major mistakes;
The results are in and the recriminations have begun. Sure, it might not have made any difference, but the number of sins of omission and commission by the McCain campaign is breathtaking. Let’s get a head start on the finger-pointing and give you the top thirty mistakes John McCain and his team made:
Bryan Pick (my mole at VFF) at QandO gets introspective;
I saw Obama’s supporters with tears in their eyes. I heard that some are actually dancing in the streets. I saw many of my friends and family jubilant about the outcome of the election, proud of and in love with their country. And what was my response?
I asked everyone who’s celebrating tonight to record their hopeful expectations for an all-Democrat federal government, and later, to compare with the real-world consequences.
Curt at Flopping Aces thinks Obama has already peaked;
Congratulations to Barack Obama, our first pure socialist President.
At least we at FA are going to have a TON to write about over the next four years.
Bloodthirsty Liberal reports that change has already reached Israel;
Well, more of the same, actually:
More than 35 Qassam rockets and mortar shells were fired at the western Negev communities early Wednesday, following an Israel Defense Forces operation in the Gaza Strip aimed at thwarting a terror attack.
JammieWearingFool writes that Tim Robbins was feeling another chill wind yesterday. VanHelsing at Moonbattery reports that MSNBC has finally come out of their Obama closet.
Oh, and while I’m typing this, Fox calls Coleman the winner over that angry little shit Franken he was running against – by about 600 votes.
And just to rub a little salt in our wounds, Kenya named November 4th a National Holiday in honor of Barack Hussein Obama (can we use his middle name yet, by the way).
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Bloggers, Politics
[Even if he bombs as president and is worse than Carter, we will survive it.]
That’s not exactly “Think Happy Thoughts” now isn’t it…
Payback times my friends. The world that you embraced–the one created by the dementia riddled reagan is know as dead as reagan himself.
It would be best for you, my friends, to relax while we take over. You tried to fight and now it is time for you to rest.
When the COW reacts with utter stupidity and his weakness becomes apparent, it may be too late. If he takes the economy down further and cannot protect the allies we still have, I don’t want to hear the wussing or have him blame Bush, really. Because you see, even thought he is elected, anything that the COW cannot fix will, of course be blamed on Bush. And the BDS sufferers will still not make him accountable.
I’m ready for the fight of my lifetime and Godwilling, we who believe in all that this Country truly stands for will prevail. We are Americans! And just because the COW doesn’t meet our standards does not relieve us from our Duties. We are still the example and we cannot fail. Do we need that guy to prove it? The fields of the brave are counting on us. We don’t want to let them down. So muster up, dig deep. Stand Tall, and make them proud. Whoever said that anything worth having and keeping would be easy?
Why not resort to the tactics of the left?
Obama STOLE the election! When he fails to visit a disaster site, “Obama HATES white people!” Obamadolf! Etc., etc.?
Learn the chants, my friends. Repeat them endlessly. Let us give the left a dose of what we’ve endured for eight years.
Curt at Flopping Aces:
Congratulations to Barack Obama, our first pure socialist President.
At least we at FA are going to have a TON to write about over the next four years.
If the “Fairness Doctrine” gets reinstated, our blogs will be the only places where political dissent is allowed… maybe!
Here’s my two cents:
Memo to the RNC and Fellow Conservatives
I posted on t The Bright Side of this disaster, and yes, there is one.
The Thunder Run has linked to this post in the – Web Reconnaissance for 11/05/2008 A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…so check back often.
So how will Kenya celebrate the next Nov. 4th national holiday? I’m guessing by slaughtering innocent Christian women and children like thay did when Obama’s cousin, Raila Odinga (who Barry campaigned for in Kenya) couldn’t pick up more than 10% of the Kenyan vote.
I will not congratulate a traitor. Nor will I accede to those who voted for said traitor. They have betrayed me and my country. That Country which I actually served for 20 years beginning when the president elect was a grade school student without a clue and his vice-president elect was a rookie in the senate.
So to baracky slimy scumbag communist and all of his lowlife dirtbag supporters, FUCK EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU LOUSY SHITSTAIN TRAITORS.
[…] crying, no whining. We will go […]