So, How Are East-West Relations Today?

| May 21, 2014

Remember how this Administration claimed it would set new directions in US foreign policy?  How this Administration would gain new respect abroad by being more “nuanced” and collaborative in it’s dealings with other nations?  That the world was tired of the US going it alone, like a tactless, blunt “cowboy”?

Well, seems like things are working out a bit differently than intended. Here’s an article title from that bastion of right-wing thought, the UK Daily Mail:

Russian prime minister warns Obama is bringing the world to the brink of ‘a second Cold War that nobody needs’

Here are a couple of short quotes from the article:

In a videotaped interview published Tuesday, he told Bloomberg Television that ‘we are slowly but surely approaching a second cold war,’ in part because President Barack Obama ‘could be more tactful politically.’

. . .

Asked about the now-infamous ‘reset button’ effort that he co-engineered with then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in March 2009, Medvedev said the Obama administration has unraveled any Russian good will that may have existed five years ago.

Yeah, the Russian Prime Minister, Dimtry Medvedev, has an agenda here.  But sometimes you can use God’s honest truth to further an agenda.

Current relations with China aren’t any better.  The Chinese recently summoned the US Ambassador over recent US public accusations of industrial espionage committed by members of the Chinese military.  Further Chinese diplomatic actions may be pending.

And don’t even get me started on this Administrations foreign policy efforts regarding the “Arab Spring” uprisings, the Syrian Civil War, Iran, or Korea.

Yeah, that “nuanced, collaborative” style of diplomacy has really improved things for US interests worldwide, hasn’t it?

GMAFB.  I’ll be so glad when adults are managing US foreign policy again vice naive tools and/or clueless fools.

Category: Foreign Policy

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Obutthole has a foreign policy?


Well with Obama in the Oval Office and Kerry on the forefront, what can we expect? They have systematically dismantled any and all “good will” garnered over the the years prior to Obama. Putin and his Prime Minister are correct. Given the current course if inaction and ineffectual policies of this administration, we WILL be in another cold war and AT war with another country before Obama leaves office. My hope is the damage isn’t too great or the opportunity too far gone, to avoid this before 2016. But in 2016, if the Democrats keep the White House, we will be in a cold war and at war, possibly on more than on continent. God help America. I pray we control both Houses at the end of this year.


Hillary and Kerry as SecState’s and the overall ineptitude of Obama’s administration and anyone who is surprised at these results needs their head examined!!

We don’t have foreign policy. We have slogans and failure. Attempted appeasement, “reset button”, the blame USA tour….on and on and on. Everything Obama and his crack foreign policy team touch turns to shit. And that is not even counting killing an Ambassador. Another stellar achievement for Hillary to put on the old resume.

And his one achievement, killing Bin Laden is ruined with an extended victory lap that just made him look like the kid who rides the bench all year on the team that ends up winning the championship. You were there, but your contribution was minimal and yet you get a championship trophy too.

Just a huge joke attempting to look like policy.


Someone should let Dmitry know that Obama has now had his last election, so he has more flexibility now.


Could be a set up for H. Clinton to platform on…that without her the Foregin Policy she helped grease the rails for went off the tracks…so we ‘need’ her to be the next POTUS to straighten everything out.

Disclaimer: I am not a fan of anyone with the last name of Clinton unless that person happens to be George Clinton (and his P. Funkadelic All-Stars)

The Other Whitey

Sorry, guys. I tried to work up another “2:30 Chechen update” for this, but it’s late, the honey-do list is long, and all attempts to pull something out of my ass have thus far failed. I’ll try again on the next one


Yeah, we really missed an opportunity with Russia. Putin is ultimately a product of our own creation. While Russians suffered we did an international victory lap crowing about the triumph of capitalism. We trivialized the fact that the Russian people themselves pulled off a near miracle – a practically bloodless democratic revolution. It was not carved in stone that Russia and the US must be intractable enemies – our policies of the last 20 years ensured that Russia would eventually become antagonistic towards us. The missed opportunities……


Joe, even you can’t be that stupid. Thankfully school in CO is almost out, and you’ll be without Internet access until September again.


“For the most part, anyway. That’s debatable regarding the period from Jan 1993 to Jan 2001.”

True-Wesley Clark apparently almost got us into a shooting war with the Russians over Kosovo, but at least that didn’t encourage the Russians with a display of our weakness.