Ever Wonder What the Current Administration Thinks Was A Good Example of “Bipartisanship”?

| May 20, 2014

Did you guess the 2010 vote that passed the    asinine abomination    wonderful law creating what is currently referred to as “ObamaCare”?

You didn’t? Why not? I mean, that was a sterling example of both parties working together to craft legislation that everyone could endorse, right?

Yeah, I know – I had to stifle the urge to toss my cookies writing the  above. We all know that’s total bullsh!t.

In case anyone’s forgotten, the bill creating ObamaCare was passed using a  questionable (and underhanded) parliamentary maneuver, with zero GOP input or support, literally in the middle of the night.

Bipartisan?  Yeah, right.  Bipartisan my azz.

But that doesn’t stop the current Administration from touting that vote as an example of bipartisanship.  And no, I’m not joking.

Sheesh.  I’d expect that kind of transparent snow job from    Opie    Jay Carney.  That’s what he gets paid to do:  dissemble on demand.  But I previously gave the Secretary of the Treasury some credit for having common sense – and a bit of integrity.

Are they really that clueless?  Or do they just like p!ssing on our leg and telling us it’s raining?

Category: Health Care debate, Liberals suck, Politics

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Both, Hondo. Both…


streetsweeper…You beat me to it. “Are they really that clueless? Or do they just like p!ssing on our leg and telling us it’s raining?”

Yes both. Obama the clueless, backed by his clueless administration thinks Americans are stupid. Why? Because they are not that smart and can’t fathom anyone could be smarter than them. Their problem is that when they have pandered to and pampered the lowest common denominator in society in regards to education, literacy, government handouts and overall common sense, they lost sight of the true American. They are so intent on gaining the votes of the Twitter generation they believe all Americans are that dumb and that lacking in common sense. I truly believe in every part of me that Obama looks at the average, hard working, tax paying American and laughs. He laughs in his head and in his heart. That is his shame and always will be. That is also part of why I will never refer to him as the president again. The man hates America, except for what it can give him and his. Which will be a lifetime of luxury and security and to hell with the rest of the Americans who pay for it all and will as long as he lives.


ONE Republican (Cao) in the House voted for that bill, and the only reason he did was because he was “Cold Cash” Jefferson’s replacement in a district so heavily Dem he thought he had a chance of reelection.

And we see how that worked for him.


I think the administration has “bipartisanship” confused with “bisexuality”.

Green Thumb



The only thing bipartisan about these jokers is their love of spending other peoples money. They are united and frickin’ experts at that by God.

As for Obamacare and bipartisanship, eh, not so much….

Pinto Nag


The Other Whitey

Hey, does anybody know who else used the same erroneous definition of the word “bipartisan?” I do: the nazis!

The major difference between them and the current administration is that the Glorious Leader and his minions lack Teutonic Efficiency!

Okay, obviously that was hyperbole, but the point remains valid. The abuse of power and historical revisionism (of recent history, no less!) by the Obama Administeation bears absolutely no resemblance to proper conduct for the leaders of the United States of America. It looks like a remarkably inept attempt at tyranny and totalitarianism. It seems a lot more like what you’d expect from the likes of Hugo Chavez, Robert Mugabe, or some other pissant 3rd-world dictator.