Anti-gunner wants gun rights for food stamp recipients

| May 11, 2014

Timothy Horrigan

Andy sends us a link from Fox News in which anti-gun New Hampshire legislator, Timothy Horrigan is going to bat for food stamp recipients who want to use the food stamps to buy firearms;

The position Timothy Horrigan, (D-Durham), took this week on the Statehouse floor in Concord, stating that barring purchases of firearms with Electronic Benefits Transfer cards, violates the Second Amendment, put him at odds with some gun control groups and in the same camp as some pro-gun groups that often disagree with him.

“It’s not up to me to make that choice for people,” Horrigan told “I’m not saying that they should be allowed to use their benefits to buy up an arsenal, but they have a right to purchase guns for hunting or self-defense. If you or I have those rights, then they should as well. It’s not my place to tell them what to do.”

Yeah, but I’m pretty sure that he wants to tell legal firearms owners what to do with their guns. He says that the food stamp benefit isn’t all that much, so why are we so upset about them using it to buy booze, tobacco, lottery tickets and guns? Maybe because it’s for food? If they need money for food, and the need is so great that the taxpayers are paying for their food, then it should only be used for nourishment, not to fund their personal choices.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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A Proud Infidel®

THERE IS NO END to the idiocy and hypocrisy that comes from liberals!!


I wonder if he’s being advised by Attorney Bernath of Oregon, California, Florida? Seems like some stupid shit he’d come up with.

Kinda old ET1

What a maroon. Hey knucklehead, if people are not otherwise prohibited from buying guns they are free to buy as many as they want, just not with OUR money.
Silly liberals…


What a fucking idiot.

“It’s not up to me to make that choice for people,”

Actually, shitbag, it is. It’s not their money these people are spending, it the taxpayers.

I bet he thinks his haircut and glasses make him look just like Ben Franklin.


Ben Franklin would take him behind the NH statehouse and kick his azz for being an idiot in public.


It’s the “Bernie Sanders” look.
Tain’t attractive.


And above we finally have a picture of Run-DMC’s long-lost cousin, One-DMF . . . .

Green Thumb



Hondo…YOU are the man. Well said and here-here! (I think as my son says I am too old to use the term “word”, without sounding stupid.)


Hey, guy-what-needs-a haircut! Ya wanna talk about rights? How about the right for me to keep what I earned in my pockets and keep thieves like you outta ’em?

Maybe a quick perusal of the US Constitutional will inform him that the right to keep and bear arms applies to everyone, with a very few court mandated restrictions. Goof ball – you and I have that right, as does every other citizen no matter their financial situation.


Eat Lead? Thought that was supposed to be bad for you.

Pinto Nag



Naw, he’s not Ben. He’s a bad dresser, a slob with a bleached blond not-a-haircut. That picture, with him looking slightly down his nose at whoever is in front of him, says it all.

HE’S ONE BETTER THAN THE REST OF US (in his own opinion, that is.)

He can stuff it.

George V

This is classic left-winger redirect of an argument. If you believe in the right to bear arms, and you believe that food stamps should be for food, you are hypocritical because you are against people using food stamps for guns.

As others have said, they are called food stamps for a reason.


Except that they are not called food stamps. No such thing any more. Isn’t that nice?


Yep. The program is now called “Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program”, or SNAP.

I’m guessing the name change was done intentionally to “remove the stigma associated with food stamps”. (Or some other libidiot horsesh!t phrase meaning about the same.)

2/17 Air Cav

I like the pic of the gal behind him trying to choke herself. I’m guessing she just heard his little speech.

Lurker Curt

I hate these fuckin idiots…


They need their own planet.


Yep. And I wish we could send them there.

That would be a use of my tax dollars I could fully endorse as being for the public good.


Last night, I was behind a woman in the store that pissed me off. She was wearing all name-brand crap, about two-inch long gaudy painted fingernails, huge gemstone earrings, enough makeup to to qualify as an animal test subject, wearing a sickening amount of body spray, talking loudly on her cell phone with a friend, and cursing up a storm (there were kids around).

She had a pair of Nike’s that I know topped the $100 mark and a purse that was even more expensive. Without batting an eye, she pulled out a foodstamp card and slid it through the reader to pay for the crap.

And here I am working full time, my wife is working full time, and we are just barely able to keep up with our bills. Hell, I don’t even remember the last time my wife or I shopped for clothing at anywhere besides Goodwill. Oh, and the state says we make too much to get foodstamps.

Why not let people buy anything with their foodstamps. I mean, their kids can eat $100 Nike’s and name-brand purses, right?


Why did the term “sugar daddy” just come to mind?

A Proud Infidel®

I’ve seen the same thing, some twenty something girl with an immaculate hairdo, perfect manicure, name brand clothes, and the newest model of cell phone grinning while she buys groceries with an EBT card and WIC stamps. Call me cold-hearted, but I say IF YOU CAN’T FEED ‘EM, DON’T BREED ‘EM!!

Old Trooper

Yep; dumber than a sack of hammers.


Can the illegal aliens then be allowed to buy firearms with the food stamps? They already get in-state tuition for college.

A Proud Infidel®

That, and liberals put ten times the effort to give illegal aliens healthcare than they do for us Vets!

2/17 Air Cav

Beretverde: Yes, of course. What’s more, since guns sans bullets are are overpriced clubs, I think the poor should be entitled to free bullets. What the hell, it worked for cheese and there is a huge surplus of government bullets presently.


Three words from me. IT’S FOR FOOD!!!


Except that it’s not. “Nutrition” can be defned to include all sorts of non-food items.


OWB…maybe gun oil IS nutritious. Who knew?


Stupidity knows no bounds. That money is for food. Not guns, lotto tickets, or any other non food item in my non humble opinion, and people wonder why our country is fucked. Oh well with this logic I’m going to apply for food stamps because I cannot afford that sweet rifle I have been eyeing at the store. Don’t worry, I will use this new gun to go out and hunt my food so it’s all good. If only there was a way harness the power of stupidity.


When I was pregnant with my second baby I was placed on bed rest so I had to take a leave from work so this automatically made us eligible for WICK, since I also had a baby still nursing. (Yeah, the birth control they give nursing Mothers doesn’t work so well mixed with St.John’s Wart) Anywho. When I’d hobble my fat self down to the office people would pull in the parking lot with these flashy SUVs (before they were everywhere) and I’d watch them take off their jewelry and FURS (in Florida, in the Summer!) put all that nice stuff in the truck and put on a ragged top shirt or something and then develope a freaking limp! I only went to that office once I was so disgusted!

There is so many people “gaming” the system that some people won’t even try for benefits even though badly needed!


That is all nice and good he believes they have 2nd Amendment Rights, but they are getting a government handout to feed themselves and their children. If they wasn’t more than that they should I don’t know… get a freaking job maybe?
WTF… this dude is just trying to muddy up waters, another fine political diversionary tactic.


Before reading the topic of this story I automatically assumed (yeah,I know never assume anything!)that after seeing this guy’s picture the story was about the transgender/military issue being discussed by Chuck Hagel.

Hack Stone

Government subsidized fire arms? Could this be the launch if the federal Gun Stamps Program? Of course, it goes without saying that some corrupt merchants would be redeeming the Gun Stamps for pennies on the dollar, and some possessers of the Gun Stamps would be shipping their firearms to their relatives in the Dominican Republic, much like the food stamps program in New York City.


OK enough said. now for the real question from an out sider, “Who voted this dip-sh*t into power?” or do they just apply for the position over there and are given it if no one else asks for it? If voted in, there has to be a whole bunch of weirdo’s running around un leashed some where.


“Only if they can eat them”.


I think this is a non starter considering that most if not all the people who receive these benafits are convicted felons, and therefore cannot pass the required back ground check to legally purchase a gun.