Why Professionals Take Weapons Accountability and Security Seriously
Saw this in the comments on one of TSO’s articles and thought it was worth a mention.
Provided without additional comment. None really seems necessary to prove the point. (smile)
Category: Politics
Advertisements are getting pretty ridiculous.
Still better weapons handling shown there than from most US Navy Sailors!
*shots fired*
FatCircles: don’t think it’s an ad, amigo.
This is a few years old, and, yes, it was part of the “viral” marketing campaign for the Planet of the Apes reboot movie.
It’s been out for years. If memory serves me correctly it was one of a series of promo videos created by 20th Century Fox in 2000 or 2001 to promote the 2001 release of ‘Planet of the Apes’.
OK, ya got me with that one. Never saw that movie remake or it’s promos. Oh well.
Still funny as hell, though. (smile)
I didn’t know about the movie either. But I still say, if we get the right chimp, put him through boot camp and give him the “strapped in the chair” brainwashing to take out Procol Harem, we could get out of Nigeria cheap.
And better marksmanship than most Marines.
Low blow Sparky, low blow.
Heywood Jablowme.
I said it on another post. This is the guy we need going after Procol Harem in Nigeria. 15 seconds and his finger is on the trigger, shooting at the right people. He’s got skills! He’s already physically fit so just a couple weeks at the range and he’d be good to go. Just have to get someone to hang a banana around Procol Harem’s neck!
I’ll say it again…the kid’s got skills!
Top 10 Gun Safety Tips:
10. Always keep your gun pointed in a safe direction. Such as at a hippy or a commie.
9. Dumb children may get a hold of your guns and shoot each other. If your children are dumb, put them up for adoption to protect your guns.
8. No matter how responsible he seems. Never give your gun to a monkey.
7. If guns make you nervouse. Drink a bottle of whiskey before heading to the range.
6. When unholstering your weapon. It’s customary to say “Excuse me while I whip this out”
5. Don’t load your gun unless you are ready to shoot something or are just feeling angry.
4. If your gun misfires, never look down the barrel. Have someone else do it for you.
3. Never use your gun to pistol whip someone. It could mar the finish.
2. No matter how excited you are about buying your first gun. Never run around yelling “I HAVE A GUN. I HAVE A GUN.”
1. And the most important rule of gun safety. DON’T MAKE ME MAD!
Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “just monkeying around.”
Let me be the first to say:
Actual gorilla warfare caught on film.
Hey, all of my stuff can be of the caliber of the Paul Wickre thread.
Somewhere in the jungles of Africa at this moment, there are at least primates trying to impress their female counterparts that they are the monkey in this video.
And I would give it a day or two until Crash & Bernath photoshops his head on the monkey.
Hack Stone you’re right. I forgot, monkeys can be posers too.
And we’ve got the monkey posers here to prove it!
Reminds me of Birdbath and how he waves around his lawyer license.
Still safer than an Iraqi recruit…
You had to go there, didn’t you?
It was a nice break to the routine when they burned down the tent compound though.
They have the same prowness and skill on the battlefield, too.
Don’t care if it’s old. Still peeing myself laughing at this. Sent it to co-workers and now listening to giggles.
Love both of these! Two words. . . .
Epic Fail!
David Gregory up to his shenanigans – again.
A few observations:
– You guys don’t know the difference between an ape and a monkey (which is why there are deck apes and powder monkeys).
– The chimp probably had a girlfriend he was trying to impress.
– Everyone has to audition for movies, even the apes and monkeys and zebras.
– He shot off the rifle before he shot off his big mouth.
– The ape that makes the most noise is the king of the jungle. (The humans should have stayed and shot the ape.)
– Everything Desmond Morris said in ‘The Naked Ape’ is true. Read it.
– If you’re going to the targe range, have a bedroom romp first. Then your hands won’t be too tired for what’s important.
Viral ad or not, when does giving a monkey an automatic weapon become a good idea?