al Qaeda surges in Afghanistan

| May 1, 2014

al qaeda party

I remember that during the election year, we told that al Qaeda had been “decimated”, that they were in their “death throes” according to the incumbents. But, now it seems that al Qaeda has improved that condition in a few short years. According to the Associated Press;

[T]he State Department said Wednesday…reporting a more than 40 percent increase in terrorist attacks worldwide between 2012 and 2013.

The department also singled out Iran as a major state sponsor of terrorism that continues to defy demands it prove its atomic ambitions are peaceful even as Washington pursues negotiations with Tehran over its nuclear program.


“The terrorist threat continued to evolve rapidly in 2013, with an increasing number of groups around the world – including both AQ affiliates and other terrorist organizations – posing a threat to the United States, our allies, and our interests,” according to the strategic assessment of the “Country Reports on Terrorism.”

The report identified a 43 percent increase in the number of terrorist attacks in 2013 from 2012, according to statistics provided by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism.

Gee, other than the fact that this is not a Presidential election year, so we get more accurate reports that might affect the perception of this administration, what else could be impacting the increased expansion of al Qaeda operations? Oh, yeah, the timeline withdrawal schedule.

It’s almost as if they waited for us to draw down our forces until they raised their heads. Who would have thought that would happen? And it doesn’t look like al Qaeda leadership had to compromise with themselves about how big their surge would be. Unlike our own politicians who thought that a compromise between the anti-war Democrats and the generals on the ground would still win the war.

Category: Terror War

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The department also singled out Iran as a major state sponsor of terrorism

I could have told you that years ago……where the heck did all the bomb making materials and weapons come from, for the most part, in Iraq? Iran….


Al Queda not decimated and on the ropes? Iran sponsoring terrorism?

(Dave Chapelle voice) WHAAAAAATTT!?

Say it ain’t so, Prez, say it ain’t so.

NR Pax

Quick! Someone have Obama denounce AQ and say that they are on the wrong side of history! It worked so well on Putin.


Maybe he should give Kerry a red Sharpie and have him draw a red line that can’t be crossed.


I think we should re-name the POTUS to POSER in Chief….it seems to be more fitting the way this guy handles himself in the most important office in the free world.

The Phony in Chief is surrounded by persons of equal stature.


Wait – what? Oh, 40% increase, yes, I read that a few months ago in some publication that actually knows what it’s talking about and doesn’t have an election to worry about. Sorry, Spies ‘R’ Us, I don’t remember the name of it, but I’m sure you can find it yourselves.

Well, so now what? We gear up and go back to the hot zones? What is the point of the bovine defecator in charge allowing this kind of information to be dispensed if there is no plan of action? I know, I know: it’s election time and they have to look ‘informed’, whatever that is, but this flip-flopping is giving me a headache.


I say, another reason to just go bomb Iran back to the century they live in with Sharia law and then just come home. How long will we tolerate and suffer these ass wipes. Probably until it is too late…again.

Farflung Wanderer

I’d agree, but there’d be no lasting change unless we could get the Iranian people to take charge of their nation. There have been dozens of student protests in favor of a Republic, a la Tianaman Square (and, unfortunately, with similar results). If that isn’t proof that there is a chance for Iran to pull out, I don’t know what else.

If we could get a Iranian revolutionary force going, and we support from the air, we certainly could pull it off.

However, that’s likely a pipe dream. Taking out the Iranian nuclear program should happen immediately; it’s all gotta burn, or Israel isn’t going to be anything other than irradiadiated wasteland for the next century.

Farflung Wanderer

Crap, double post. Ignore this one, please.

Farflung Wanderer

I’d agree, but there’d be no lasting change unless we could get the Iranian people to take charge of their nation. There have been dozens of student protests in favor of a Republic, a la Tianaman Square (and, unfortunately, with similar results). If that isn’t proof that there is a chance for Iran to pull out, I don’t know what else.

If we could get a Iranian revolutionary force going, and we support from the air, we certainly could pull it off.

However, that’s likely a pipe dream. Taking out the Iranian nuclear program should happen immediately; it’s all gotta burn, or Israel isn’t going to be anything other than irradiated wasteland for the next century.


“They’re on the run dammit!!”


This is Obummer’s job program in action.



There are two components to the proverbial “friction of war”. One is the plethora of minor mistakes your own people make. You can work on that.

The other component is the fact that the enemy is adaptive – or in plain language, “the enemy gets a vote”. And there’s not a damn thing you can do about this last except to hope that their leadership are bigger fools than your own.

With what I’ve seen from the group we have running things today, I’m no longer convinced the enemy leaders are the bigger fools.


Second that!

Climb to Glory

I love how these morons know that Iran is the major sponsor for terrorism and they still want to negotiate with these savages. Nuke that place till it glows. I really hope Israel doesn’t wait for this administration to give them the green light to take action.