Vet cheats vets

| April 19, 2014

Birdie Anderson

An Army reservist, Birdie Anderson, was able to scam the VA, and thus the rest of us, out of more than $364,000, according to The Tennessean;

Birdie Anderson, 55, received a $80,600 grant from the VA in April 2007 in conjunction with a program to house homeless military veterans. Anderson used the grant to buy a house on Kirk Avenue in East Nashville, but the house was foreclosed upon in 2009.


Anderson received another grant from the VA in May 2007 for $25,000 to buy a specialized van to transport the veterans. She received an additional $258,000 in December 2007 to buy another residence to house homeless vets. However, neither of those grants was used for veterans, but to further Anderson’s gambling addiction, according to Assistant U.S. Attorney Hilliard Hester, who prosecuted the case.

She also told the VA that she was involved in covert operations in Afghanistan, when, in fact, she was a clerk at Fort Bragg. I’m pretty sure that any covert operations she conducted involved unapproved trips to the snack bar and hiding from her first sergeant during PT and BMI tape tests.

She got two years in prison. Thanks to Jilly for the link.

Category: Shitbags

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I rarely use this word but I think it is apropos here…cunt! Rot in jail for 2 years you fucking blue falcon


2 years? Not enough time. She should have gotten 5-10.

She will probably get out and be a lifetime criminal since nobody will hire her again.


Birdie Johnson? More like “Shit-birdie” Johnson.

Once she gets out of prison, she’ll be up to her old antics again.


Two CENTURIES isn’t enough.

JarHead Pat

Fucking cunt blue falcon.


She should be required to pay taxes on the stolen money as business income, then as personal income. That would be 141K as business income, then because she probably did not set up her corporation correctly the IRS could go after her for another 200K as personal income. Hmm, seems to add up to 340k, I must have done the math wrong somewhere.

Shaun Davidson

As an Scottish veteran I think that 2years for what she did is not enough she should of got a lot more.

A Proud Infidel®™

Did she at least get a Big Chicken Dinner? It would be nicer if she got a DD instead!!Once her sentence is over she’ll probably become another welfare sow if she doesn’t try to cuddle up to race baiters trying to get publicity in one way or another, “Yeah, da man didn’wanna hep me he just trow me in da’joint…”


Oh, yes, this shitbird deserves nothing less than a dishonorable discharge. And a lot more years in the slammer. A BCD is far too good for her.

A Proud Infidel®™


Green Thumb

All-Points Logistics?


A Proud Infidel®™

NO doubts whatsoever. She’ll also help phildo meet his EEO quota, and she’ll “ride that wagon”!


She can be Commander Phil Monkress’ EEO Officer.

Green Thumb


But I will give Phildo this, he does not care about your background when he steals.

He steals equally from the young, old, agencies, disabled, races, genders, etc. EO he is.


Phildo’s personal assistant, nosewiper, and (when needed) asskisser.


Hey! Is that Oprah Winfrey? Sure big ass enough. Maybe they’ll have baked potatoes three meals a day in the joint. Keep her up to fighting weight.


This will be her cell mate.

comment image

A Proud Infidel®™

THAT’S SICK, I like it!!


That which has been seen, cannot be un-seen.


Is it possible for the brain to vomit?

Wait…Yes, yes it is possible for the brain to vomit.


AW1Ed…yea I sorta needed eye bleach too and I posted it.

Just An Old Dog

This story broke a while back,,,, I didnt know she had ever served though,,, a complete shit bag. Shes probably out already and scamming other people.

Tom Huxton

Oh no. A ringer for the next phony tourney. She is gonna blow out the oddsmaker’s handicap calculation tables.


The best part being tax payers will be funding her for 2 years again, except this time she doesn’t even have to pull a scam.


Only two years? That’s not nearly enough for that blue falcon bitch. She needs to rot in jail for at least twenty.


Just wow, 364,000 = 2 years in prison? Tell me how that is going to help with preventing people from fraud against the VA? No wonder there’s so much fraud going on. Basically she got paid 192,000 a year.

Will she ever be able to repay that? Nope.

And because it is a “white collar” crime, I’m guessing she’ll be in some minimum security prison getting to go home for the weekends and so on and so on.