The Hunters

| March 28, 2014

“We are protecting our history” That was the answer to the question I asked Mary Schantag. “Because it needs to be done” Was the Answer to the question I asked Scotty Hughes.  The question was why you expose the Fakes. Those are very simple answers to what is not a simple question.

A few weeks ago when I decided to write on stolen valor I needed some insight. Retired SEAL Senior Chief Don Shipley was kind enough to give me an hour of his time, as we spoke I had the feeling there was more going on than I understood. Don was open with his answers but I realized I didn’t know what questions to ask.  I learned allot in my conversation with Don (I hope to God that I don’t piss him off by using his first name) There were a lot of numbers, Like only about 18,000 total People who could call themselves a SEAL since WW2, only about 500 total served in Vietnam, Only 1500 on Active duty, Less than 10,000 still living.  What really got my attention is when he talked about how he finds people.  Listening to him talk, it seemed that it took hours, even months sometimes to get enough information on a stolen Valor suspect to file for a FOIA.   Part of the process is verifying that they really said they were a SEAL.  As Don and I spoke I became aware that there was a team effort in tracking down and verifying the suspect’s information.  For every question he answered I had 5 more. I realized I needed to do allot of homework.  My thanks go out to Don.  When asked “What does it take to become a SEAL?” Don’s answer was “Never Quitting”


I sent an Email to Scotty Hughes introducing myself, He replied and I asked him for some of his time. It took a few days but he replied sure. I didn’t really know it then but I do now, Scotty doesn’t talk on the phone.  He spent over an hour talking to me.  We talked about several different things, mostly it was how he started exposing valor thieves and why he keeps doing it.   I was awed by his determination. We talked about how Facebook isn’t very kind to Stolen Valor Hunters, They seem to favor the thief rather than the victims.  He explained some of the risk he and others take personally to make sure that the valor thief is exposed. He gave me insight into what has to happen before we see a name on his site or on TAH.  I know for a fact now that by the time we know a name, it is very old news to Scotty, Jonn, Mary and Don.  I really enjoyed talking to Scotty.  I would ride the river with him anytime.

I spoke to Mary Schantag today.  She put all the pieces together for me.  She told me her story.

In 1989 Chuck and Mary Schantag began writing histories of Vietnam POWs.  They started getting tips about men who said they were POWs. As they talked to them they realized that many were fakes. They started keeping a list. That list grew to include not only fake POWs but phony Soldiers, SEAL Con men who claimed honors. Really everything possible.  By 1998 POW Network was online and the list was still growing. As the internet grew so did the list.  Not very long ago the list became too extensive to keep online.  Mary was spending a great deal of her time just maintaining it. A decision was made to take it down. This allowed Mary to devote more of her time to POW issues as well as the constant filings of FOIA request and making sure they had the right person.

Chuck and Mary were one of the first Hunter’s. They figured out how to track the Valor thieves, what to look for. How to navigate the government for FOIA request.  They were the first one to suffer the threats from those they exposed.  They have had their names drug through the mud time and again.  Chuck passed away just over two years ago.  Mary has continued the research they started together. Every November for the past 17 years Mary has organized and hosted Veteran’s from  all over the country in Branson MO.  Even at those gatherings she is hounded by Men of Dis-Honor that she has assisted in exposing to the world.  Time and again she and the others have been sued.  All of the cases have been dismissed before going to court.

Mary, Jonn, Scotty, Don and so many other that wish to remain in the background or whose names I don’t know, put in thousands of hours  every year to make the public aware of Valor Thieves.  They know that false accusations will come but they keep on being the Hunter’s.

I asked Scotty and Mary what people could do to help.  Keep the pressure on was the answer. Mary gave me some insight into how she and the others operate.  Like every large undertaking there is a need for cash. All of POW Networks operating funds comes from donations. The vast majority of their small budget is spent on the GALA in November. That leaves very little to track down and expose the Fakes.  Because Stolen Valor is such a volatile topic most large and small Companies don’t want to get involved. They are afraid of exposing themselves to risk or getting involved in a scandal.  So what that comes down to is they operate on donations of 5 and 10 dollars at a time.  They are experts at making do, at stretching a dime.   They put themselves thru this hell because it has to be done, and they are protecting our history. They don’t know how to quit.  They by every definition of the word are Heroes.

I am a small Business Owner.  I own a company Named Tiger Connections.  I spoke to my business partner and we are adopting POW Network they will be the only organization that gets a contribution from us.  We will add them to our web site in its next revision (Sometime in the next month) we are not afraid of the risk.  I urge all small business owners to consider making a contribution.

I have always hired veterans, I always will.  Starting tomorrow my new hire background check will include searching for Stolen Valor issues and false military claims.

I have mentioned several times that I collect Military Firearms.  I have a perfect WW2 1903a3 manufactured by Remington.  It has been completely professionally rebuilt and has only had 5 rounds through it since rebuild (To test for function). Its Value is somewhere north of $1000.00.  I will auction or raffle it (I have to do some legal checking to make sure I can be in compliance) All funds raised from it will be donated to POW Network.

Please click the link below to see how you can donate.  Every penny helps.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Frankly Opinionated

I am privileged to often find myself in the company of better men than I; The Ranger Instructors here at “Florida Phase” of Army Ranger School. These Instructors, to a man, have been downrange, most of them, multiple times. Most have the Purple Heart Medal, the CIB, and many have the BSM. One new friend has the SSM. I also know far too many Gold Star Mothers who had their child’s Purple Heart handed to them along with a tri-folded flag. To see those who would stand in the blood of these heroes getting away with their charade drives me to doing all that I can to bring their lies into view. Since we cannot incarcerate them,(unless they make money from their misdeeds), I choose to “face their lies with truth”, and embarrass, humiliate and expose them.


Wow, Wasn’t expecting all of that. I am very humbled by your opinion of me Enigma4you. Thank you. If ever that I can be of assistance , Please let me know.
I also second the request to send donations to . Or The Fake Warrior Plus it doesn’t hurt to send a couple buckies to This Ain’t Hell too.
I don’t do this for fame or fortune. Due to heart disease, I have way too much time on my hands.So I spend it doing the research tracking down the truth behind the suspected phony. It doesn’t happen often.But when it does, It’s always a great feeling to find out that the person is who & what they say they are.
But one thing I’ve said thousands of times . When asked if I ever served in combat, I hold my head high and reply with ” No, Thank God, I’m one of the lucky ones.” Until my last breath is taken, Valor will be protected & the history books won’t be altered by a crook stealing Valor.
Climbing off my soap box and getting back to work now 🙂

Veritas Omnia Vincit

You should know Scotty, that many of us here think rather highly of you and your efforts.

I like reading your words and your website, you are indeed a good man and I am grateful I am able to watch you work as I am grateful I get to see Jonn’s work also.


Enigma4you Thank you for yet another great article. I thank you for your writing this. I also thank Jonn, Don, Scotty and Mary for all their persistent hard work. They are the lions in this hunt. I applaud your continued well written, thought provoking articles and I applaud their hard, time consuming work. I cannot imagine what each endures in trying to keep the slates clean of phonies so that the truly heroic may shine. Especially for those who have fallen and cannot defend their honor or their gift to our country of their “last full measure of devotion”. Thank you all again.

Combat Historian

Hunting down valor thieves and posers is a truly thankless job, but I’m glad somebody’s doing it. Much appreciation and thanks to those who do this…


E4U … Thanks Brother!


Many, many thanks to everyone who contributes to the effort. It takes a lot of time and energy to do this. And it takes a lot of good people to get it done.

Thanks, E4U, for exposing the super stars of the business!


As Jonn has frequently pointed out, stolen valor is the tip of the iceberg.

Sometimes, it’s nothing more than a weak ego wanting attention and ‘atta-boys’.

Sometimes, as we can see for ourselves, it hides something much darker than just wanting attention.

Good article, E4U.

Green Thumb

Well written.


Another fantastic article E4U! Looks like I’ve got another name to add to my list of “people I’d like to have a beer with” (people I stalk).

Old Trooper

Ha!!! Ya ain’t caught me, yet, bitches!!!!! I’m rockin’ the “I showed up” Army Service ribbon, Army Achievement Medal, and the Good Conduct Medal!!! I AM the force to be reckoned with!!! All you posers with your CIBs, CABs, EMBs, CARs, PMSNBCs, Budweiser’s, Hamms, PBRs, etc. can all get in line to kiss my awesome ribbon rack!!!! All you girls with your 1st Cav Patch and Rangerette tabs ain’t got nuthin’ on me!!! Bwahahahaha!!! I’m a legend in my own mind!!! Come at me bro!!


I am all on board folks. You can bet as I get my budget squared away on the coming weeks, I will be sending everyone here a little something.
It may not be much as I have significant obligations, but when I can send a little $ I will in addition to being a cheerleader and when I can possibly *help* in the real world instead of just being a clown and asshole here, I certainly will go.
Much love to my adopted military family here at TAH, Stolen Valor/Guardians of Valor and Mary at POW network.

Because I can no longer me with my unit and my “guys and gals” as I am retired, you are my new assigned Unit. I don’t miss the blood, sweat, tears, pain, mobility lines, endless briefings, loss of sleep, PC crap from a Wing or HQ or the Pentagon, paperwork on top of paperwork, no money to be able have the proper equipment or training scenarios.

Because I want to continue to serve, I will do it here, beside all of you….And Jonn, and Scotty, and Mary, and Don, and the Mrs. AND THE HAIR!

Cheers and love to all of you.


Hey dickweeds … I can not discuss what I have been doing lately … I have been VERY busy.

However, I can say this … the events of the past few weeks are actually good for the cause.

We do what we do because “it matters”.

At great risk we expose the essence of our being. After a life in the military and or a period of time in service that so shapes and defines who we are … we will go to great lengths to identify and fully expose “Valor Thieves”.

This is my pledge with the blessing of my family and in the memory of my dear departed freedom fighter grandfather and Korean War liberator father … I will seek out the “Valor Thieves”, I will not allow time or expense to deter me and my name and efforts will remain in good standing with my God and Counrty!

Any questions?

Very well!

We all KNOW what is going … contribute to the cause in any way possible … and carry out the Plan-of-the-Day!

Green Thumb

I am all in as well. In truth, I lack many refined qualities associated with paragraphs and prose so therefore I usually execute the grunt work of reaching out and speaking with many of the sacks of shit.

I am actually redefining the term(s) of Poser Traumatic Stress Disorder from my extended contact. The threats of death, physical harm, lawsuits, family violence, etc. really get old. But every now and then there are some original ones that make it worthwhile.

We live in a world of slime and shit with these scumbags. And just so posers know, I am always a phone call away and standing by.

I need a bath.

Toasty Coastie©™

So truly well written, and I thank you for taking the time to shine a light on our fearless leaders here.

As I said before, I know it takes a while to vett new posters here, and I am good with that…I just want you to know, that while my time AD was short, I am still “IN” being married to a Soldier/Sailor.

I hereby commit myself to anything and everything that I can do to help in this hunt, to include time, effort and money.

What you do here is heroism and if I can be just a small part and contribute in some way, I am here for you.

As ChipNASA said above, you are my new Unit and I will always do my best to have your back, your six, your ass even if all that means is that I simply cook for you, the troops.

Thank you for giving me a new lease on life and inspiration.

Bless all of you ♥♥♥


Well written article, good sir.

I’m not a “combat” veteran, although I am a Life Member of the VFW and current member of my local American Legion post.

So why do I care? Simply put, interservice rivalries aside, the people who lie, fake, etc., are besmirching the sacrifices and honor of my brothers and sisters. I know what I had to go through in my training and when I hit the fleet, and I know that so many others had it so many times harder than I did.

And to see someone diddy-bopping down the street, acting like some badass when in fact most of them were too gutless to serve, or if they did, were that “10 percent” every NCO dreads, burns my ass. Further, the 95-plus percent of civilians who have never served have no idea just how OFFENSIVE the lies and bullshit the poseurs spread really are.

Their fakery is all too readily accepted by a public who is far too ignorant of anything military, who is all to eager to grasp at any fanciful, or worse, negative stereotype of military members or the lifestyle. Overcoming that is harder than the actual negative things service members do.

In a world where “Tommy” is rapidly coming back to the fore, where our government is all too eager to shove the knives in our collective backs yet again, and a media and public too lazy to bother to understand the issue (if not outright lying to themselves) we need to be completely honest and forthright about our way of life–and these poseurs do NOTHING to help us, period.


Well said E4you. Chuck and Mary / POW Network carried the load and bulk of research for many years. Thanks Mary. As you mentioned, there are a lot of others over the years who have also contributed. Some who come to mind; Joe Oliver, Viper Ash,Mike McGrath, Don Bendell, The Holzers, etc. Thanks to all.

And many thanks to TAH and their supporters.


Well, I’d be remiss if I didn’t throw your name out in that ring too, 1stCavRVN.

Garryowen, big bro.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

E4Y continues to knock it down, nicely done dude.

Your work is really good stuff!

HS Sophomore

Thanks to all of you valor protectors out there. You make the sacrifice of time, money, and sanity so others can have their reputation protected.

Special shoutout to JD Hinton over at Professional Soldiers, too. He’s been very helpful with some SF guys I’ve had questions about, including one we (including Jonn) are sure is fake. Thank you.


I have asked myself, if I was in a situation such as the ones that faced RADM Jeremiah Denton or PO2 Mark Mayo, and countless others, would I stand tall or fold like an accordion? I will never know.
I do know when I see a phony claiming credit or praise I get very angry; just ask the wanna-be I had thrown out of a restaurant recently.
When friends ask me why it bothers me so much; it’s because they have to ask.
Thank you to everyone who works so hard to find and report these phonies.

HS Sophomore

Hey, raise your hand if you’d like to “bust” this poser: 😀 😀

Green Thumb

Except for the fact she looks old enough to be someone grandma.

2/17 Air Cav

It is true that we have a field day with the posers, giving them what they have truly earned. But it is equally true that without the SV Hunters, we wouldn’t be here. We feast on the hunters’ harvest.


Another way you can help, if you can’t help financially, is to just say thank you once in a while to the people who put in such hard work and who bear the brunt of the blowback.

To Jonn, TSO, Hondo, and every other hunter on this page…thanks guys

Adam Fenner

Great work. Very well said.