“Stolen Valor” by SoldierHard

| March 25, 2014


So, the Stolen Valor issue makes it to the popular culture with the introduction of SoldierHard’s “Stolen Valor”. According to his website, SoldierHard (Jeff Barillaro) enlisted at 19 and deployed to Iraq. His music might not be your music, but at least he’s reaching a different demographic than the folks with whom we normally discuss the issue.

Thanks to our friend at Guardian of Valor for letting us know about the video. Here’s an interview with Barillaro.

Category: Support the troops

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Ptolemy in Egypt



Ptolemy in Egypt my son use to say “Word” about certain things. He said I was too old to “get it” and not to say it because it would embarrass him. But I think whatever it is, it must apply here so I agree…Word. +1


Seen this a while back. Ranger Ups video was damned good too, but the parody was/is lost on many who watch it. The point of this video is hard to miss.


Now this is not exactly what I would call “rap” but as a middle aged white guy, what do I know… more like a sung/spoken word song.

All that aside, Solder Hard and this video kicks ass.

I saw this after it was debuted on the Stolen Valor website.

Combat Historian

This song is dedicated to you, derek church the wotund wanger…


Not exactly my cup of tea – but go for it, guys. Go for it.


Not my music genre either, but love the message. Loved writing “POSER” on the dude’s head…. priceless.


Not my cup of tea all the time, but some of their songs (and videos) are really good… here is my favorite:
“Shame On Ya’ll”


Good shit right there.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Nicely done, I like the passion in the music.

I hope the music helps him find the solace he needs to move forward with his life. I am glad he is doing something to work through the things that he is struggling with currently.


Good stuff, I hope he keeps at it, it seems to be helping a lot of people.

Adam Fenner

Great work. I also enjoyed how funny the jacked up uniforms were.

NR Pax

It’s the little details that make the video even better.

Pinto Nag

This IS my kind of music — truthful, hard-hitting, strong. I’ll be listening to Soldier Strong from now on.

Pinto Nag

…except that is supposed to read Soldier HARD, not strong. Although they are probably that, too.

Just An Old Dog

He had another one out called “Red Flags” about PTSD and suicide awareness. Very good. Its a different genre than most of us old farts listen to, but it’s what gets the message to the next generation.
The bluntest part of the message is when he uses the term “Tombstone Retirement” to describe the sacrifice that some of the service members make earning he awards posers steal,

Pinto Nag

I’m trying to locate this CD on line. I can find the downloads, but not the CD.

Any help would be appreciated.


The POG rapping in his actual uniform about “never seeing combat” should probably go ahead and never “rap” again.