Biden to Poland

| March 18, 2014

Joe Bite Me went to Poland to reassure our allies that even though Russia has pretty much ignored the sanctions that the Obama Administration levied on seven of Vlad Putin’s inner circle, the Poles can still depend on us to stand with them as the old Soviet Union encroaches on it’s former empire. from the Washington Post;

Over two days, Biden will meet with the leaders of Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, all NATO members with old memories of Soviet domination and new fears of an expansionist Russia under Putin.


Biden emphasized Tuesday that the United States has deployed 12 F-16 fighter jets to Poland in recent weeks and delivered another 10 F-15s to the Baltic states for air patrol programs. He announced additional U.S. military training for Poland’s army.

But Biden did not offer changes to administration plans for a missile-defense system in Eastern Europe, which Obama adjusted upon taking office at a time he was pursuing a “reset” in Russian relations.

Yeah, well, the only thing that would give Putin pause in his ambitions is if we did re-energize the missile shield for Eastern Europe. It’s the only thing that scares the Russians because a missile defense is what broke up the old Soviet Union. But, ya know, the last person I want to see at my door after my neighbor is robbed and his wife raped is Joe Bite Me. He has no credibility in his own party, let alone internationally.

I’m surprised that his advice to Poland wasn’t to line up their army along the Russian frontier and fire off their shotguns to scare away the Russkies. Or he could have given them a long history lesson on how they were better off under the Soviets than they are now.

I thought long and hard about who could be a better choice to send and reassure Eastern Europe, but you know, among that collection of morons who the President has surround himself with, there really are no better people – which should make them all feel bad about themselves – no one better than Joe Biden.

Meanwhile, Putin signed a treaty with Crimea absorbing it into Russia, however legal that is. From Fox News;

The signing follows a referendum on Sunday in which residents of Ukraine’s southern region overwhelmingly backed the move. The treaty still must be approved by Russia’s Constitutional Court and ratified by both houses of parliament. Those steps are considered mere formalities.

Putin signed the treaty with Crimea’s prime minister and parliament speaker following a televised address to the nation, in which he vigorously defended Crimea’s vote as a restoration of historical justice.

Putin has accused the West of encouraging unrest in Ukraine in order to break its historic ties with Russia, and dismissed Western criticism of the Crimean vote as illegitimate.

So Putin is visibly shaken by the tough stance taken against him by the administration.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy

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Yeah … That is like me going to the PI during the 1980’s and assuring everyone I had a cure for the drip!

Combat Historian

sloppy joe will probably go to the Baltics and propose that it be split into three separate independent states to deter a Russian invasion…

charles w

Reminds me of a joke. How many Bidens does it take to change a light bulb?

2/17 Air Cav

Trick question. Biden doesn’t know how to change a lightbulb. Hey, don’t get me wrong. I like ethnic jokes. It’s one to hold the bulb and two to turn the ladder. So, the answer is three. Am I right? What do I win?


Slow Joe probably doesn’t even know what country he is in.


Biden? What’s he gonna do? Tell the Poles to get a double barrelled shotgun and fire two warning shots out the back door? Talk about tone deaf.


He’ll probably challenge the Russians to a wrestling match


This is one of those times I wish I could go to sleep and when I wake up, things would be like they used to be.

Well, Putin will make more bold moves against the West, because he wants the Soviet Union back, and he’ll do whatever it takes to regenerate it, no matter the financial cost, because that’s what he wants and he knows bodaprez is a dip.

Pinto Nag

Right. We are SOOOO under the wrong leadership to face this kind of garbage.

Herbert J Messkit

I have come to the inescapable logical conclusion that because this country is being run by this band of nitwits, that the electorate is majority moron.


I’ve come to this conclusion, also. Alas …

A Proud Infidel

I wouldn’t be surprised if the gaffemaster apologized for us winning the Cold War and said “Thank you, Portland, Oregon!” Before he left, he’s done worse!!


I saw a pic of Biden with the Polish Prime Minister, this evening. The poor PM looked like he was thinking,”those bastards, next time they get to stand up here with this moron”.

B Woodman

I can just “hear” the freedom loving Poles now, thinking, “The US sent Biden? To say what? From Obamao? Damn! We’re fooked.”


If Biden is the best we can send, not just the Poles are screwed.

2/17 Air Cav

Here is exclusive video of Biden’s state visit.

Roger in Republic

The only things that needed a reset was azimuth and elevation. The only treaty the Russians ever honored was the Russian/German non-aggression pact of the thirties. These people are feckless, lying, back shooters and drygulchers. Never trust them, never!

PS. What has Poland ever done to us to deserve this foul treatment. Joe Biden? My God. Joe Biden?