More Dim Dems
Remember last summer, when the Congressional Black Caucus was pushing Sheila Jackson Lee to be the new head of Homeland Security? Aside from her previously disclosed problems with managing staff, one of the main criticisms was that the woman simply was not smart enough for the job.
Considering our serving president, one could have reason to wonder if that’s even a requirement for a department head in a Democrat administration. Whether or not Sheila could have done any more damage to the country than her party’s leader, yesterday she provided additional proof that there are some gaps in her grasp of American history and governance. Standing before the House, Lee offered this:
Maybe I should offer a good thanks to the distinguished members of the majority, the Republicans, my chairman and others, for giving us an opportunity to have a deliberative constitutional discussion that reinforces the sanctity of this nation and how well it is that we have lasted some 400 years, operating under a constitution that clearly defines what is constitutional and what is not[.]
As the folks at Washington Free Beacon point out, she missed the Constitution’s launch by only 173 years.
This is a woman with a degree in political science from Yale and a law degree from Virginia – both degree fields supposedly requiring significant study of American politics and American law, both of which are grounded in that Constitution. Was Sheila snoozing in class?
Oh, well. The un-constitutional law professor now leading us believes we have 57 states, so Sheila’s blooper is no big deal. He thinks we’re bigger; she thinks we’re older.
But Sheila, you see, is a serial offender. She once asked her tour guide at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena if the Mars Rover had been able to photograph the flag Neil Armstrong had planted. Sheila, that was the Moon Neil visited, not Mars.
Then there’s this demonstration of Lee’s grasp of geopolitics. Once again, standing on the House floor back in 2010:
I stand here asking us to do what we did not in do in Vietnam, was to recognize the valiant and outstanding service of our men and women, and to understand that victory had been achieved. Today, we have two Vietnams, side by side, North and South, exchanging and working. We may not agree with all that North Vietnam is doing, but they are living in peace. I would look for a better human rights record for North Vietnam, but they are living side by side.
Four decades after North Vietnam rolled over the South and created a single Vietnam, a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee thinks the South still exists, or coexists, side by side with the North. Sheesh!
This woman is out-dumbed only by her fellow CBC member, Hank Johnson, who expressed his fear to an admiral testifying before a congressional committee about the consequences of moving several thousand Marines to Guam – to wit, that so many additional personnel might cause that island to “tip over and capsize.” I kid you not.
And these people are our duly elected leaders?
Crossposted at American Thinker
Category: Congress sucks
Sadly, that level of idiocy is not confined to just her or Rep. Johnson, nor to just one political party:
“Why would you want to put people in charge of government who just don’t want to do it? I mean, you wouldn’t expect to see al Qaeda members as pilots.” Rep. Alan Grayson, D-FL
“The number one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S.” Joe Biden
“We’re seeing the reality of a lot of the North Pole starting to evaporate, and we could get to a tipping point. Because if it evaporates to a certain point – they have lanes now where ships can go that couldn’t ever sail through before. And if it gets to a point where it evaporates too much, there’s a lot of tundra that’s being held down by that ice cap.” Rep. Henry Waxman, D-CA
“Those who survived the San Francisco earthquake said, ‘Thank God, I’m still alive.’ But, of course, those who died, their lives will never be the same again.” Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-CA
“But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-CA
Hmmmmm. NHSparky, I only see one party featured in your examples above. (smile)
Fair enough–in the interests of equal time:
” “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways of shutting that whole thing down.” Todd Akin, who by uttering this comment and not stepping down allowed Senator Claire Mccaskill to win reelection.
So, to extrapolate – the “idiot fraction ratio” would be about 7:1 in favor of one party? (smile)
I think we’ve got to stick Rich Mourdock and the “pregnancy by rape is the will of God” comment in there. Regardless about what you happen to think on the subject of divinity and God’s plan, talk about a monumentally stupid thing to say on the campaign trail.
I’d bet the ratio as far closer to 1:1….
When there is a boot on your neck, it doesn’t matter if it’s a left boot or a right boot.
And probably Sharron Angle’s invitation for armed revolt against Obama, too. If that numbskull hadn’t been such a wingnut and had learned fine art of when to shut the hell up, Harry Reid would be in retirement in Nevada right now. Instead, we have him for six more years at minimum. Thanks, lady.
Rep. Peter King (R-NY) and his “no guns within 1/2 mile of politicians and appointed bureaucrats” demand after the Giffords shooting…
Thanks NHSparky. LMAO. You just can’t make that stuff up if you were in the Comedy Club. These are supposedly educated people too. Now I’ve had my great morning laugh and coffee spewing! Thanks bud.
The more time I spend around people with Ivy League educations, the less impressed I am by them.
To quote Good Will Hunting, “You wasted $150,000 on an education you coulda got for a buck fifty in late charges at the public library.”
Bobo: highly-educated =/= common sense. Sadly, that’s even more true IMO among academia, and seems particularly true among alumni of universities and colleges in the NE USA.
It’s trlue, it’s trlue, as my grandfather would day in his brogue. Just not enough common sense in America these days and the higher you go in leadership, the more evident that becomes.
It’s the common sense that’s still found in this country that is keeping us going, despite everything. And no, none of it is in power right now.
This is simply proving the “Bell Curve” is in fruition.
Beretverde…it is also proving the “Peter Principal” is still alive and well.
Sheila Jackson Lee, the gift that keeps on giving. Where else could you find that much comedic relief in one package? She also said, “I stand here as a freed slave because this Congress came together. Are we going to be able to do it today to free America?”
Damn. She’s lookin’ good to be close to 150 years old . . . .
I can’t remember the numbers off the top of my head, but I do remember there was a demographic study that found that the number of black Americans who are actually descended from slaves is a lot lower than you would think. Which potentially makes her “freed slave” nonsense even more bullshit.
In any case, I’m sure a fat, privileged, rich-bitch like her knows all about the concept of slavery…from the owner’s perspective.
Of course the Democrat supports say that the 57 State thing, he was reffering to the States and territories and the island tipping thing was satire.
Let’s be honest here. Sheila Jackson Lee was a social acceptance policy candidate to Yale and the University of Virginia Law School and socially promoted through both. Any other student could not get into, much less out of either school with as little knowledge as she has demonstrated then and now. My kid or yours could not get in the front door of either with the resume she presented for application. Two Vietnams, yea I forgot that whole part about North Vietnam leaving the South after 1975 and going back home. I guess I need to reread that little part of history. And the whole Constitution thing, please, just please. How are her fellow Democrats not shaking their heads and face palming every time she opens her ignorant mouth to speak. Goes to show the old south I remember growing up in. The called them “Yellow Dog Democrats”. Because the Democrats could run an old yellow dog on the ticket and as long as they promised to give their constituents what they wanted and tow the party line, the old yellow dog would get elected. What an absolutely, embarrassing retard she is to the Democrats, to Texans, (well except for the inner city Houston population that elected her and are less intelligent than she is if that is possible), and America at large. I could have used harsher terms to apply to her but they would not be Politically Correct if you catch my inference. Dumb ass to the Nth degree.
Plus the WWF lists her fighting weight in the Dreadnaught class of competitors. 😀
Show Queen Sheila R-S-P-E-C-T, and stop being waacists….now where is her seafood already.
Well Devtun she’s as big as Aretha so she’s got that going for her. Thanks for your post. You owe me a new laptop keyboard now. I’ll never get the coffee out if it now. 😀 😀
Don’t forget how Diane Feinstein told us that PTS never happened to anybody prior to 2003–and it makes you a violent killer, too!
Thanks, I forgot, We also have Feinstein holding up one of the other pillars of intelligence in Congress. I don’t think she would understand PTS if you slapped a bad case of it on her sorry ass. She’s just be a violent killer…of common sense and intelligence. But she is doing that just fine without the PTS.
This is the same DiFi who had a very difficult to obtain CA CCW license, but in 1995 says, “If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them . . . Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ’em all in, I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes weren’t here.”
The same vapid skull of mush who stood up in front of a political body with an AK-47 with her booger hook on the bang switch. The same person who also said this:
“I know the urge to arm yourself because that’s what I did. I was trained in firearms. I’d walk to the hospital when my husband was sick. I carried a concealed weapon. I made the determination that if somebody was going to try to take me out, I was going to take them with me.”
Ah, so freedom for thee, but not for me, Dianne?
A serious question: does anyone know of a single thing that any member of the CBC (excepting John Lewis) has done outside of politics? A single significant accomplishment outside of politics by any one of them would be appreciated.
65W58 You stumped me. I can’t think of a single thing. Nothing, Nil, Nada.
Besides. the CBC is just a social club for black politicians to feel special about one another and stroke each others bruised little, special snowflake, black egos. I am sure they get together and console Sheila Jackson Lee and her ilk, when she gets called out by the press on her stupidity. But…then again…it’s a black thang! I couldn’t possible understand as an average white male.
Well, Melvin Jay Reynolds just got busted in Zimbabwe for having kiddy porn.
That’s pretty significant.
Consistent behavior, NHSparky. Reynolds resigned from Congress in 1995 after he was convicted on charges of statutory rape, obstruction of justice, and solicitation of child porn (16 y/o campaign volunteer). He ended up staying behind bars a bit longer than originally expected; while incarcerated on the statutory rape/obstruction/solicitation charge, he was also convicted of bank fraud and lying to investigators.
Sadly, that paragon of sober virtue – Slick Willy – commuted his sentence for fraud and lying to investigators before leaving office.
And yeah – before he was convicted, Reynolds tried playing the “race card”.
You can’t fix stupid, but you sure can elect it.
Atkron you are right my man. The inner city Houston area has kept Lee in there pretty steady. They elect her every time because they are marveled and awed by her well spoken intelligence. All she has to do is throw out two and three syllable words on the campaign trail and they are mesmerized!
Those ignorant politicians are simply a mirror of society at large. I’m reminded of the movie ‘Forrest Gump,’ “Stupid is as stupid does.” Ignorant people elect ignorant people. God help our nation.
ArmyATC I agree, God please help our nation! Sheila Jackson Lee is the picture perfect, mirror image of the constituents who keep electing her.
Finding examples of Congresscritter’s (particularly Ms. Jackson-Lee’s)stupidity is about as challenging as finding water drops in a tropical storm. They wallow in uit, revel in it, and worse, advertise their immersion in it.
I’ll be honest. When you’re as tired, stressed, and bombarded with information as candidates on the campaign trail, or even just at their jobs are, I can picture any human being making many of these mistakes. The only one I think I’m smart enough to avoid that this lady isn’t is the Vietnam one. Just saying.
You make a good point, but these aren’t isolated incidents. Those folks say too much stupid stuff way too often. They are the people tasked with running our country. I expect more our of them.
Perhaps. But we’d better be prepared to rule out GWB and Sarah Palin and any of their brethren as politicians if we go by that. I’m a hard core tea parties, but fair is fair.
I don’t rule out any politician that dearly deserves to be labeled as an idiot. GWB may not be the sharpest tool in the drawer, but I wouldn’t consider him a vapid moron like some we are discussing.
While I certainly see your point, HS, two words: Shotgun Joe.
HS Sophomore yes everyone makes a faux pas from time to time. Think Dan Quayle and “Potato”. But when they are consistently devoid of common sense and intelligence as Lee is, it just exudes out of their pores. Some are worse than others but she is in one of the top spots for getting it messed up and ALL wrong on a consistent basis.
This is just… Painful. Oh so painful. It is really hard to keep a straight face in school when you’re reading stuff like this.
Can someone please expedite the 2014 senate election? It’s time we kick the door in and throw these layabouts out.
Oh, before I forget: That’ll be my first election!
Sheila Jackson’s stupidity is only exceeded by Rep Hank Johson who feared Guam would flip if additional troops landed there….
Here is a very good rule to follow – If Sheila Jackson Lee is for a bill – it needs to be voted down. If she Sponsors or co-sponsors a bill – kill it in committee…