Monday morning feel good stories

| March 10, 2014

Police line

The first story to kick off your week comes from Houston where a man and his wife out for the evening was confronted by an enterprising youth seeking to raise his minimum wage;

When the couple got out of their car, a man approached them, pulled out a gun and demanded their belongings and cash, officers say. The husband turned the tables on the crook and pulled out his own weapon.

“They were confronted by the suspect who attempted to rob them,” Miller said. “The man shot in self defense and killed the suspect there in the parking lot.”

The husband’s case will be referred to a grand jury, but homicide detectives do not believe any charges will be filed.

The second story comes from Open Channel D and the scene changes to Palm Beach where 81-year-old Rosko Rock defended his renters from 39-year-old Dale Hendrix Reese;

Investigators said Reese forced his way into the house and began attacking the girlfriend and her friend, who rented a room at the residence from Rock.

Rock, according to officers, retrieved his handgun and told Reese to leave.

Police said that Reese aggressively approached Rock, so the 81-year-old man shot Reese.
Officers said they do not expect Reese to survive his wounds.

“I’m sure he did not want to shoot him. He’s not that kind of guy. As far as I’m concerned, he’s a very good neighbor,” said Cornelius.

Chief Tango sends us a couple more. The first from Omaha where 19-year-old Ramon Matlock forced his way into someone else’s home;

Police said he entered the residence through the front door. Details of exactly what happened next have not been released.

Finally, from Cleveland;

Cleveland Police say a homeowner on Aetna Ave. was at home at the time another man decided to break into his property.

The homeowner armed himself, took aim at the suspect and fired.

The suspect fled.

It is unknown whether or not the intruder was injured.

Busy weekend, huh? I feel safer, don’t you?

Category: Feel Good Stories

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For the reasons above, I never, ever leave my home without being armed with my trusty little .380 DA, AMT Backup loaded with 90 gr., JHP Federal Hydra Shoks….if not the .380, it’ll be my Glock 23, .40 S$W.

To be forewarned is to be forearmed.


LIRight I agree. not only am I armed AT home and AWAY. But I make sure when I COME home I am not the only one without a weapon.


Again, don’t phuck with us old guys. We’ll kill you.

Old Trooper

Yeah; what he said!


Roger, that, sir.

I mean, why screw around? Just cut straight to the chase, I say.


Roger that big time MAJMike! I am too old to run now and too fed up with all the crap to take much of it anymore. So…I will choose to stand my ground.


I keep telling you, don’t mess with geezers and old ladies. We’re cranky.


Home skillet on Aetna Avenue needs more range time.


Slow clap here Old Soldier 54. Here-Here.


Re first story:

Someone had to post it!!




ghp95134 I was up on my bad knee doing the twist I loved it so much! It was great. I was watching and wondering what was going to happen, thinking he would wimp out in the end and then when Shatner pulls his “gat” out and called off his shots like a great billiard player I was laughing, almost in tears and yelling YEA, YEA, YEA…GET SOME…GET SOME!!! Thanks for that it made my day and went in my Bookmark Favorites! You da man GHP. You are my man today!


Laughed so hard I startled the cat!

Good one, GHP. Six thumbs up!