US sending fighters to Baltics

| March 5, 2014

In a perfect example of how this administration uses the military to shore up it’s failed foreign policies, the Obama Administration has ordered six more F-15s and one KC-135 to react to the problems created by the Russians in the Ukraine, according to Fox News;

The U.S. currently provides four F-15s to what’s known as the Baltic Air Policing rotation. The additional aircraft will be sent from a base in Britain to Siauliai Air Base in Lithuania, the official said.

“This action comes at the request of our Baltic Allies and further demonstrates our commitment to NATO security,” the official said.

In addition, the official said the Pentagon is now “consulting” with Polish allies on “increasing activities” in connection with a separate detachment mission in that country. Poland currently hosts 10 U.S. Air Force personnel as part of joint aviation training work.

I wonder if those military people staffing this new surge will get all of their COLA, or if they’ll be able to shop in a commissary when they come home. Maybe NATO will make accommodations for them

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues

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No. Are you kidding me? What is going on here?


Ex-PH2: incompetence.



The Other Whitey

So does this mean the Glorious Leader might reconsider those ABM batteries he ratfucked Poland out of in the name of his bullshit “reset” with the Russians? No, that would be too close to admitting that he was not only wrong, but downright incompetent when he did that (not that anything has changed in that regard).


This is making Russian jet fighter pilots which number in the 2,000+ quake in their boots.


It’s only a KC-135. If he was serious, it would have been a KC-10. /sarc


Yet another wonderfully indecisive decision on the part of Emperor Obama. Putin is worried now! Never knew a President who could do so little of most anything he puts his hand and small mind to and still be as ineffectual as a baseball bat against an M1 Abrams. But…that’s exactly what he wants. To look good with “sound good solutions to feel good issues”. But in effect, really do nothing at all. Well, it’s back to the golf games or the big Oval Office marble game, match off coming up with Kerry!

A Proud Infidel

The shit has hit the fan, and we have these turdclowns at the helm.



Proud, you’re worrying me.


Oh for crying out loud…
This on top of dissecting the military budget…
What a bunch of friggin’ morons…
This man is dangerous and will get us in a real war with his incompetence….


I can just imagine the war room when they came up with this brilliant idea. “Well Mr. President, we don’t have a damn thing available to deter these Russian clowns.” “Now lets not call the Russians names, they are people too.” “Sorry Mr. President, how about we send some token fighter planes to Lithuania and call it a big victory.” “Sounds good and we will blame getting caught flatfooted on these Republican clowns.” “Brilliant Mr. President, just brilliant.”


not to mention these ain’t exactly state of the art… great plane but a tad outdated by now. Why don’t we send a few Thuds, too?


I wonder if they’ll put some of our ships in the Black Sea.


Okay, now I’m getting worried. This dumb ass President is going to get us into a shooting war if something doesn’t stop him. He has absolutely NO idea what he is doing in regards to Russia. No backup strong SoD to listen to, no SoS worth a piece of used toilet paper and these fools are putting our ships in the Black Sea in proximity to the Russians and all the things messed up going on over there.

Fred Thompson in the movie “The Hunt For Red October” said it best. “This business will get out of control! It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it!”

Either the Russians of the Chinese, one way or another Obama is going to get this country messed over big time in a hurry. The sad thing is…the cost in American lives could be enormous. I pray not. I truly do pray not.


Just one useless gesture after another. A day late and a dollar short in every crisis. No strategic vision. Other than hoping that everyone will just get along…..