More ObamaCare Issues
We heard about the problems with the Federal government’s web-based enrollment system supporting “healthcare exchanges” under the Plainly Puerile and Absurd Collection of Asininity Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, AKA “ObamaCare”. But what about those states that run their own exchanges? They’re doing great, right?
Um, not so much.
- MD: $138 million spent, $33 million over budget, lots of problems, facing possible Federal audit.
- OR: state exchange site never worked, has signed up zero individuals. They spent over $300M and are also possibly facing Federal audit.
- CO: head of agency running the state healthcare exchange suspended from duties and currently under Federal indictment for charges of financial fraud related to activities occurring prior to taking office.
- CA: operations of state small-business healthcare exchange site suspended due to multiple issues.
- MA: huge backlog, poorly managed, top management replaced.
And finally: it looks like ObamaCare coverage might not be so good for folks with preexisting conditions after all – they’ll likely see higher than previous out-of-pocket costs for drugs. Higher, as in “no help at all from their insurance.”
Yeah, that ObamaCare is really working great – ain’t it?
Sheesh. This turd simply can’t be polished. It need needs to be scrapped, pronto.
Category: Health Care debate
If you like your life threatening pre-existing medical conditions, you can keep your life threatening pre-existing medical conditions. Period!
Hondo you are so right. This turd can’t be polished and stinks to high heaven because it can’t be flushed either. Maybe, just maybe with the right control in Congress this year and maybe again, a conservative White House in 2016, they could defund and finally flush said turd. I don’t know it everything will line up in favor of the American working stiff or not. But I can sure hope and pray.
My local rag, The News and Observer printed an article titled ” A new Umbrella for Artists” and it was about how great it is for actors, artists and performers alike to be able to “finally” have insurance. Who made the choices to put healthcare as a non-priority over something else? Sick of hearing it. Not one of the article participants will say what it’s costing them to have insurance. Just how lucky they are and how relieved. Forgive me, but I’m a cynic and they haven’t had to pay,but they will.
And then we have Richard Burr trying to tell us he “unveiled” a better plan than Obamacare and he took offense to the N & O slandering it. He did not set the record straight, but more politicking. Ticking me off, more like. What a friggin’ mess.