More Obamacare “Good News” Stories
Another few outrageous examples of incompetence news items regarding that Phenominally Putrid and Absurd Compilation of Asininity Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act , AKA “ObamaCare”.
- ObamaCare “Navagators” – Background Checks? Nope. Accurate? Nope. Convicted Felons? Maybe. Encourage Fraud? Yep.
- You Told Your Exchange Site to Charge You for Your Insurance at the End of the Month? Hope You Can Afford to Be Billed Early
- So, You Went to the Exchange and Got Your Healthcare Insurance. Maybe. Or Maybe Not.
- Or Maybe HHS Still Has Your Sign-Up Record. They Still Haven’t Sent Nearly 15,000 Signup Records to the Insurance Companies
- Thinking About “Window Shopping” On the ObamaCare WebSite? Might Want to Think Twice. One Guy Did, and Got Billed $95 When he DIDN’T Sign Up
- Senators Wife – and Former Computer Software Consultant – Gets the Run-Around from the ObamaCare Web Site
- So, Does That Mean the ObamaCare Website STILL Hasn’t Been Completely Fixed? Yep.
- One Suggestion: Offer Pot to Encourage Young Folks to Sign Up (But Only Where Legal for Recreational Use)
- HHS: We Need More Turd-Polishing Expertise (Maybe Secretary Sebilius should call the folks at Mythbusters.)
I swear, you just couldn’t make this sh!t up if you tried.
(Hat-tip to the Drudge Report site for several of the above links.)
Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Dumbass Bullshit, Health Care debate
To the turds who happily voted for obamao and then voted for him again and are now whining about losing/paying more for their health insurance, all I can say is: Fuck You! Fuck You again! And Fuck You to infinity!!!
I hope a year from now we’ll be seeing the same things about Obamacare – flaws, flaws, flaws; overcharging, early charging, whatever; no access, access blocked; etc., etc., etc.
You’re right, Hondo, you can’t make this stuff up. Truth is frequently stranger than fiction.
Folks, doesn’t this kind of information just give you a warm, fuzzy feeling this time of year? Fraud, lying, helping people to lie and commit fraud. Yes it sounds like the Obama presidency to a tee. Why should his f@ucked up health care program be any different from the man himself.
An acquaintance of mine in Washington is currently scrambling to actually stay in their home, have utilities, and give their two kids a Christmas. They were charged $1200 on the 1st of the month like they had signed up for. Then, they were charged $1200 on the 8th which put them in the hole by almost a grand. They were charged an additional $1200 on the 15th, but it didn’t go through because they were already in the hole (resulting in a $75 overdraft charge). They were charged again yesterday for the same effect.
Now, they owe over $1000, their bank account is locked, they might not be able to afford rent or utilities next month, and they don’t even have enough money for a Christmas tree (let along gifts).
Bu, hey, as long as the President says everything is working as intended, right?