Kerry: the al-Qaeda threat is real, it is getting out of hand

| February 3, 2014

Bloomberg reports that the veil has slipped on the Obama Administration’s lackadaisical approach to the Middle East, in general, and Syria in particular. Secretary of State John Kerry briefed some Senators, apparently getting a feel for how they would react to “greater engagement” in Syria. Unfortunately for Kerry the crowd included hawks Graham and McCain who leaked some of Kerry’s remarks to the media;

According to Graham, Kerry gave the clear impression that Syria is slipping out of control. He said Kerry told the delegation that, “the al-Qaeda threat is real, it is getting out of hand.” The secretary, he said, raised the threat of al-Qaeda unprompted. “He acknowledged that the chemical weapons [delivery] is being slow-rolled; the Russians continue to supply arms [and that] we are at a point now where we are going to have to change our strategy. He openly talked about supporting arming the rebels. He openly talked about forming a coalition against al-Qaeda because it’s a direct threat.”

“I would not characterize what he said as a plea for a new policy, but that, in light of recent, dramatic developments, the administration is exploring possible new directions,” said one Democratic House member who was in the meeting. “He wasn’t arguing so much that the administration needs a new policy, but that the administration is considering a range of options based on recent developments.”

Kerry’s solution is that we should begin arming “moderate” influences in Syria, but, ya know, I don’t see any “moderate” people in a civil war, particularly that civil war. I’d prefer that they are all armed with AK-47s, so we know which ones to shoot when this all blows up in our faces in a few years.

I’ve been on this planet long enough to know that whatever the US does is going to make us look bad in the end – so lets do thing that doesn’t provide a future enemy with the arms to use against our troops. If you want to drone a couple of al Qaeda training camps, I can get on board with that. We’ll look bad, but there will be fewer people on the planet screaming at us. And they’ll only have the same or fewer number of weapons that they had before we droned them.

But the Obama Administration has been painting this rosy picture of al Qaeda being rolled back around the world, and they expected us to believe that, while they didn’t even believe it themselves. So much for that “most transparent administration ever” thing.

Category: John Kerry, Terror War

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Translation: Someone is going to call us on our bullshit claims and we aren’t able to pawn this off on Bush or anyone in the GOP.

Old Trooper

Screw you Obama and Kerry. Why the hell should they spill their blood for you when you won’t take care of them when they get home? Get your Organizing For America clowns to fight for you.

Farflung Wanderer

I’m not surprised that this is happening one bit. What I am surprised at is how shocked they are over it.

Hey, Kerry, lemme give you some advice: When you stop paying attention to a bully, they get bored and move on. When you stop paying attention to a terrorist, people die, and they starting beating you over the head!

You want to stop AQ? Stop sitting around! Get active! Pull out of Afghanistan, start putting pressure on Iran! That’s where the fighters are coming from, as well as the arms, after all. Start leaning on the EU to stand by us, as well as Israel, and we might even get Russia to back down and leave Iran standing there.

Of course, Kerry and the State Department would have to be intelligent in order to realize what to do. And don’t forget all the burning bridges we have to repair once these crazies are out of office.


Obama and Kerry are just catching onto this now! I’m not for helping Syria do a damned thing. Except as Jonn recommends, a well placed drone strike here or there.

Obama and Kerry remind me of Everett Dirkson saying, “A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking about real money.”

Well, DUH! A terrorist here and a terrorist there and pretty soon you’re talking about some real problems! The Washington ass wipes are finally saying this like it is something new.

Don’t send them arms or anything. Let ’em kill each other off any way they choose. Not our business. Israel is watching them closer than we ever were anyway.

Kerry is a f2ckstick ass hole and Obama is just as clueless.
Dear Lord don’t let these fools talk the nation into boots on the ground there! But since they pretty much do as they want, by “Executive Decision”, the nation may not have a lot of say. Much to my anger and disappointment.

Trying our best to get out of Afghanistan with as few lost lives as possible and these turds are already planning the next fiasco. Syria or somewhere in the Pacific Rim, (which I will NEVER understand any reason for, against ANYONE in the PR)

@2 Old Trooper, with you there my friend. Isn’t Europe still on the map? Do they not have a vested interest in stopping terrorism? It is in their backyard, let them soldier on and send their troops to Syria instead of sitting back EXPECTING America to come to the rescue as always.

SHIT! Just shit!


as we said during the “shutdown” – we can’t afford to keep the WWII Memorial open for vets of the actual war, but we can afford to arm Syrian rebels allied with the same folks who did 9/11?

The only weapons we should send to Syria should be nuclear, armed, and targeted.


Gee, ya think maybe, sKerry? Terrorists and terrorism might be a problem in the world??

Well, yeah, maybe.



Personally, I have an even more cynical outlook on this little “revelation”. Obamacare’s not going away, the SOTU tanked miserably, and Obama’s ratings are somewhere between negative and buried. Hm, what to do… need a distraction… something already established since they have zero credibility to push anything new, and it has to be big and attention grabbing… Ah-hah! Al-Qaeda’s back!


@7: Wag the Dog. Wouldn’t be the first time.


The asshats have betrayed our military in every meaningful manner possible.


A wholly appropriate reaction.


Yes McCain. The guy that hires a lying terrorist advocator.

Send his delusional ass over there instead to fight. I’m so tired of that fart getting a pass with his atrocious actions regarding this.


JFin’K, behind the power curve as usual.


Did anyone get to see the entire dustup between Bill O’Reilly and bodaprez? The denial wagon was on a full-force forward roll, trying to bulldoze poor old Bill out of existence.

What I took away from the brief bits that I saw is that bodaprez doesn’t like being criticized and blames everything on whoever he’s talking to at the moment, e.g., Bill O’Reilly. Short term memory loss in someone bodaprez’s age is not a good sign.

And now, we have ‘cut back on the military’ on one hand, and on the other, ‘ramp up the action’. I don’t find this confusing, but I do find it scurrilous.


@12 EX

Yeah, you thought cows released alot of methane. O’Reilly did a good job asking precise closed ended questions & following up. Emperor was shaky, evasive, rambling, and highly irritated…how dare anyone ask him hardhitting direct questions.

O’Reilly is playing the full interview on FNC tonight…but I suspect most on this blog would rather gouge out their eyes than watch Obama bloviate.


Devtun, those few seconds with Bill O’Reilly pressing the issues were enough to demonstrate clearly that when faced with hard questions and a demand for the truth, bodaprez CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!!


But I thought the prez said aq was done in, over with, no more, ceased to exist. They regenerated after he took out Bin Laden? Been Lyin’.

Roger in Republic

And they wonder why we used to frag bad leaders. They can get a fellow killed. or left behind and then killed. I think the constitution should be amended to make military service one of the qualifiers for political office. That or make every person that is elected to a federal office join the reserves in an enlisted billet. Let them serve under the laws they pass.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Banging head on keyboard!!!!!!!!!!!