NRA News; Colion Noir’s MLK Day message
The folks at NRA News send us their Martin Luther King, Jr. Day message from Colion Noir;
Category: Guns
The folks at NRA News send us their Martin Luther King, Jr. Day message from Colion Noir;
Category: Guns
Nra= Nazi racist association! Nra talking about Dr. king is like hitler talking about the jews! Sandy Hook children’s blood is on their hands.
@1: You ignorant a-hole. Learn your history before coming on here and showing your ass and showing how stupid you really are. Did you know that one of the reasons the NRA was formed was to help train blacks how to shoot to protect them from the racists and their former slave owners? Of course you didn’t, because you’re a leftist moron.
OT, vwp doesn’t even rise to the level of a leftist moron. It’s probably just a parrot, repeating what it’s told by it’s master at DU.
I prefer to observe the birthday of Robert Edward Lee.
Something tells me VWP coward doesn’t get invited to family holidays.
While I agree with Mr. Colion Noir’s message regarding MLK and the progress made in this country for blacks, let us not forget the type of advantages MLK fought to acquire for them. Well before the “Great Society” of welfare, MLK fought for equal opportunity in education and employment. Which he saw as the true means for black America to rise above the injustices of the past. These advantages have all to often been neglected by the black community in favor of the “perceived” advantages of the “Great Society” and programs since. Also a recurring attitude and voice by some of “blacks are owed, for thus and so injustice”, which happened long before. Voices echoed the loudest today by Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and their ilk. Men who live in wealth and privilege. Men who claim to be the champions of black America but in truth would be out of jobs if the black community heeded Mr. King’s words and took full advantage of the equalities he fought to achieve for them. I say “perceived” advantages above, because repeated generations on welfare is to me, a form of “self imposed” slavery. Slavery to a government and its whims for one’s life. I believe Mr. King was very much about solid families and family structures in the black community. As well as self determination through the ability to equally acquire education and employment opportunities. Education to better one’s self and employment to support one’s self and family through honest, meaningful gain. That was his definition of self determination. Sadly, in my mind and observation of history of the black community it has quite often not taken advantage of these paths to self determination Mr. King sought for them. Sought and acquired at a high cost for that matter. People in the community he fought for are too often about their “Obama Phone” as the woman in Cleveland said in the Youtube video. The phone and every other government handout available. I do not consider myself a racist, bigot nor do I think I discriminate regarding people. I judge each person I… Read more »
@4 You should never forget that you lost! It was explained to lee thru gen. pickett at cemetary ridge july 3 1863 that lee would not be owning what he called slaves but what we call human beings for very much longer! Oh I know it was about states rights. The right to do what? It was the right to own other human beings! Dr. Samuel Johnson said it best over two hundred years ago when Boswell asked him what he thought of the American Revolution going on at the time. Quote “I observe those who scream the loudest about losing freedom and liberty are the slave holding southerers!” Nuff said.
I realize you’re trolling, but it’s mox nix.
Although tragic, I think it’s kind of neat how history has repeated itself, with deja vu all over again.
In the Eighteen Sixties, the North invaded the South, my ancestor fought for the South, and the South fell.
In the Nineteen Sixties, the North invaded the South, I fought for the South, and the South fell.
Come to think of it, there was a Hollywood movie about “the old republic” battling against the “evil empire”.
Some of my ancestors owned slaves.
Some of my ancestors helped slaves escape.
Did you know there were WHITE slaves, orphans kidnapped in Scotland and sold to the Carolina plantations?
It’s documented in my family’s history, “THE TRUEBLOOD FAMILY IN AMERICA: 1682 – 1963”, and also in the novel, “KIDNAPPED”, by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Did you know that the first slaveowner in America was a negro from Africa?
Prior to that, negroes were indentured servants, able to eventually earn their freedom, just the same as white immigrants.
Have you heard of Admiral Sir William Sidney Smith and the Society of Knights Liberators of the White Slaves of Africa?
Did you know that Abraham Lincoln was guilty of treason against the United States of America?
For proof, read the definition of treason as it’s written in our divinely inspired Constitution of the United States of America.
@8 “He died to make men holy lets us die to make men free glory glory hallelujah his truth is marching on” Thanks to John Brown and gen. Benjamin Butler,lincoln like obama has to be dragged along. “We don’t normally allow white people to join the movmennt ;but we would make an exception in the case of John Brown!” Malcolm X.
vwp- your coherency at time rises to the lofty heights of a rapidly-shrinking puddle of puppy piss on dusty ground. Most of the time it’s considerably lower. However, if your sole purpose in life is to portray yourself as an ignorant illiterate poser… mission accomplished.
Nice bitch slapping, David! *lmao*! Do that again!