Weinstein/Streep to take on NRA

| January 16, 2014

Old Trooper sends us a link from the Washington Times in regards to a Howard Stern interview with Harvey Weinstein who says that he’s going to make a movie that would make National Rifle Association’s 5 million members “wish they weren’t alive”.

Mr. Weinstein then revealed his secret project about the gun rights group. “I shouldn’t say this, but I’ll tell it to you, Howard,” he said. “I’m going to make a movie with Meryl Streep, and we’re going to take this head-on. And they’re going to wish they weren’t alive after I’m done with them.”

The shock jock asked whether the film was going to be a documentary. Mr. Weinstein said no, that it would be a “big movie like a ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.’”

The movie mogul said his vision was to scare people away from firearms. He foresees moviegoers to leave thinking, “Gun stocks — I don’t want to be involved in that stuff. It’s going to be like crash and burn.”

Yeah, I’m worried. Weinstein obviously thinks that Hollywood has much more influence over the American culture than it actually does. I’m pretty sure that movie goers will stay away in droves if they think that they’re going to be preached to on their own dime. The only people who will go are the minority of Americans who don’t own guns anyway. So, basically, they’ll be preaching to the choir. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Streep movie, and this probably won’t tempt me to break that streak. I just looked at Weinstein’s Filmography and I’ve only seen three of his movies – Halloween, Sin City and Clerks II, so….

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Well Weinsein is a Socialist so he has that going for him. He states he would use a gun if they were taking him to a concentration camp, but quickly limits the freedom of Americans to own their guns. Hollywood hypocrite at his best.

Common Sense

I expect that movie to do as well as all the other anti-American, anti-military, movies Hollywood has come up with.


Yay, another box office bomb. I’m guessing a $50 opening day in limited release. Or direct to VHS.

Ranger Pat

I shouldn’t say this, but I’ll tell it to you, Harvey: Your anti-gun movie will flop just like the anti-war movies your buddies made a few years back. Ms. Streep’s name in the credits didn’t save “Lions for Lambs,” nor did those of Cruise and Redford–it still flopped. Your investors will get fleeced, though I am sure you will pocket a nice sum.

If AQI and the Taliban couldn’t make me “wish [I] weren’t alive,” I wouldn’t bet on your chances of making it happen. But take your best shot.


Combat Historian

I’m sure this agitprop will do as well as “Redacted”…


Hollyweird really can be quite comical. Bless their little hearts.


How is he going to make me wish I weren’t alive? Geez, he is starting to hit the far side of that turn we sometimes discuss.

Harvey, there’s a big brick wall coming at you. Don’t run into it. Make enough flops and Hollywood the Industry won’t love you any more.

I’d really like to see some hot doggin’ old-style westerns again.


Let me see…….Halloween, Sin City, and Clerks II. Nope haven’t seen any of them. Won’t see this upcoming pile of crap either.

SSG Medzyk

Man, I had a great line written about this turd. But decided he’s not worth it.

Curious though….where the hell is he going to get HIS gun, after he uses his Hitleresque methods to take them from everyone?


Meh-Hollywood does have a certain amount of cultural influence over at least a large minority of the population as witnessed by the way that the studios have helped to define deviancy down over the past 45-50 years or so.

But I agree with the Jonn and the comments above, there isn’t much that Hollywood can do to alter the debate on this issue. Far too many Americans own firearms and are prepared to zealously defend their rights with regard to the issue.

The left is losing a culture war battle and they’re not used to that. They think that they can (once again) use their propaganda arm to spin the debate and win the day. But it’s not going to work and watching them go nuts with frustration is going to be sweet.

2/17 Air Cav

“like a Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.”

That wonderful movie was directed by one Frank Capra. Capra enlisted in the Army in WW I after college (which relatively few men attended back then) and, during the height of his movie-making career, he re-enlisted during WW II, right after Pearl Harbor, at age 44. He made a series of films (“Why We Fight”) which explained to all why the war was critical to fight and to win. Capra would not approve of Weinstein or, especially, that creep Howie whats-his-name. Wrote Capra in 1971 about Hollywood: “The winds of change blew through the dream factories of make-believe, tore at its crinoline tatters…. The hedonists, the homosexuals, the hemophilic bleeding hearts, the God-haters, the quick-buck artists who substituted shock for talent, all cried: “Shake ’em! Rattle ’em! God is dead. Long live pleasure! Nudity? Yea! Wife-swapping? Yea! Liberate the world from prudery. Emancipate our films from morality!”…. Kill for thrill – shock! Shock! To hell with the good in man, Dredge up his evil – shock! Shock!”

And boy, did he get that right.


I don’t have a problem with them making this movie. I won’t be seeing it that is for sure. My problem is the fact that a firearm is the way I choose to protect my family and property. Having a bodyguard employed to do that job is just not a budgetary reality. So, when will Mr. Weinstein give up his bodyguard? The answer to that question is already known. It is the typical Hollywood double standard.


sadly, there is a percentage of the population who would go (primarily because of Ms. Streep) and believe anything they see… the good part is that at this stage he may be talking Meryl Streep, but by the time it gets done, he may be lucky to get Lindsey Lohan


“Mr. Stern pointed out the inconsistencies in Mr. Weinstein’s earlier comments about a project about Jews defending themselves during the Holocaust. The producer replied that the justification for using a gun is “when you’re marching a half of a million people into Auschwitz.”

Mr. Weinstein does not seem to know that the Nazis were able to confiscate the guns that the Jewish people owned based on Germany’s government registry.”

And there you have it. By the time you’re being marched off to Auschwitz, you and everyone else you know has already been disarmed via government diktat, dumb ass. Guess who DOES have the guns? Why, the government! And guess who has to come restore your rights for you? Good guys with guns. Or you can keep your gun and resist the tyranny of the government before they’re marching off to the gas chambers.

Why this simple truth continues to evade the Left just stuns me.

Sam Naomi

For my part Mr, Weinstein can make his movie, and when he’s finished with it he might want to let us know so we can all send him our final message, “Mr. Weinstein, “Please take your movie and stick it where the Sun does’nt shine”


Still wondering what any of us have said or done which gives them the idea that their opinion matters at all, much less enough to make anyone not want to exist. Delusions of grandeur? Just plain stupid? For sure, they are so self-absorbed as to make them worthless.


“Mr. Weinstein thinks guns are necessary for self-defense, but only in other countries, during genocides and if the weapon is not personally owned.” OK … then move to Iran, N. Korea and or Packassistan … so someone else can protect you with THEIR AK! MORON’s abound! BTW … Let’s see how this movie will do at the box office: States with Extremely High Populations of Gun Owners (more than 50%, aka States that would not go to see the movie because THEY KNOW Hollywood does not count) •1. Wyoming – 59.7% •2. Alaska – 57.8% •3. Montana – 57.7% •4. South Dakota – 56.6% •5. West Virginia – 55.4% •6. Mississippi – 55.3% •6. Idaho – 55.3% •6. Arkansas – 55.3% •9. Alabama – 51.7% •10. North Dakota – 50.7% States with High Populations of Gun Owners (aka States that will see the movie (on cable, for free) just to see how F’d up Hollywood is) •11. Kentucky – 47.7% •12. Wisconsin – 44.4% •13. Louisiana – 44.1% •14. Utah – 43.9% •14. Tennessee – 43.9% •16. Oklahoma – 42.9% •16. Iowa – 42.9% •18. South Carolina – 42.3% •19. Kansas – 42.1% •20. Vermont – 42.0% •21. Missouri – 41.7% •21. Minnesota – 41.7% •23. North Carolina – 41.3% •24. Maine – 40.5% •25. Georgia – 40.3% States with Median Populations of Gun Owners (aka same as above) •26. Oregon – 39.8% •27. Indiana – 39.1% •28. Nebraska – 38.6% •29. Michigan – 38.4% •30. Texas – 35.9% •31. Virginia – 35.1% •32. New Mexico – 34.8% •33. Colorado – 34.7% •33. Pennsylvania – 34.7% •35. Nevada – 33.8% •36. Washington – 33.1% •37. Ohio – 32.4% •38. Arizona – 31.1% •39. New Hampshire – 30.0% States with Below Median Populations of Gun Owners (aka Ass Backwards States that still believe “you can keep your doctor and healthcare plan if you like them” and they recieve tinglee feeling when they hear the words “Hope and Change”) •40. Delaware – 25.5% •41. Florida – 24.5% •42. California – 21.3% •42. Maryland – 21.3% •44. Illinois – 20.2% •45. New York… Read more »


More elitists who are guarded by people with guns espousing that all the rest of the little people whouldn’t have the same priviledge.


Sam, I think you forgot the last part of your comment 15 above: “- sideways”.


It’s not as if there haven’t been movies in the past that condemned gun ownership.

But this is typical “progressivist” logic. “People aren’t listening to my message so my solution is to YELL THAT MUCH LOUDER.” He doesn’t seem to get that we “hear” him fine, it’s his argument we reject.

Yelling his argument twice as loud doesn’t make it any more convincing, it just makes him look like a clueless idiot.


Then there’s also that typical Hollywood cognitive dissonance: That is, those who say they believe one thing but whose actions show that they believe something else.

Hollywood LOVES guns. Don’t believe me? Check out the movie posters for the most popular “action” films. How many of them feature the protagonist holding and/or brandishing a gun? How many Hollywood blockbusters feature fantastic choreographed gun battles?

When you get down to it, Hollywood “glamorizes” guns 100x as much as the NRA ever could, and reaches many, many more multiples of people.

Old Trooper

@17: Wait a minute, Master Chief; my state (Minnesota) is higher in percentage of gun owners/population than Texas, and twice as high as Illinois, yet we have far fewer gun related crimes in my state than Illinois, specifically Chicago??? Who woulda thunk it?

Per the anti-gun crowd’s logic; we should all be dead or bleeding up here!!

Sam Naomi

Sorry Hondo, guess I have’nt had a chance to use that expression for some time now, Sideways would be better, maybe we should include a light bulb while we’re at it. might help Weinstein to better see his own movie.



I really don’t care if him and Streep want to make a 3-hour marathon of a daycare full of baby airline pilots and baby police being mowed down by KKK clones of George Zimmerman with heat-seeking 249s made of ceramic, in 360 slo-mo while Ave Maria plays in the background. What actually irritates me is the huge leap in his thinking that he says his ‘philosophy’ is loving the idea of Jews standing up with guns while crowing for disarmament. Because while it’s a nice thought that he thinks he could pull a McQueen in a concentration camp, the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising still got quashed, the camps still happened, and 6 million+ still died horrible deaths.

Also, while Runaway Jury wasn’t really about gun control, it was still pretty heavy-handed, and still flopped in the US, only making a modest profit worldwide.

The Other Whitey

I didn’t know Harvey Whinestain was responsible for “Sin City.” Hmm… A gun-porn action movie about good guys (relatively speaking) with guns protecting people from bad guys went the law either won’t or is overtly on the bad guys’ side. The crimes prevented/punished include: assault, rape, torture, child molestation, and murder. But he wants us to be helpless when it happens for real. Of course, he surrounds himself with heavily-armed bodyguards and rolls around in a limo that’s armored like a Goddamned tank, so he can’t see why anybody would feel the need to defend themselves. I hear he also says socialism is great, so long as it ain’t HIS wealth that gets redistributed.

Well fuck that guy.

As for Meryl Streep, if she goes ahead with this, then she deserves career suicide.

Mr. Blue

As one of the great old time Hollywood guys once said, “If you want to send a message, use Western Union.”

I should mention that if Meryl Streep is the best name they can get, then this will flop, hard.

The Other Whitey

Also, Meryl Streep wishes she had 1/10th the star power of Clint Eastwood or Tom Selleck.


What a pathetic scumbag.

I’d expect anti American propaganda dismissing Constitutional rights from a foreign enemy, not a fellow American.

Just An Old Dog

Meryl Streep? She hasn’t been able to get past 5 on the bone-o-meter since the Reagan administration.

The Lurker Formally Known as Curt

I absolutely cannot understand the disconnect in some people- “I would find a gun if subjected to the Holocaust” but how the fuck do you do that? If you are looking for a gun when that shit hits the fan, it’s too fucking late! Knock on your neighbors door, borrow a cup of sugar and maybe a Sig? Not fucking likely!!!


Reminded me to renew my membership.

The Other Whitey

As far as the whole “wish I wasn’t alive” thing. Guilt trips only work on me if I owe you something. I don’t owe these people shit. So any and all involved in this shit-show can kindly suck a cock in hell.


@11 Capra also produced the Army Navy Screen Magazine weekly shown to troops during WWII. Some are downloadable at Internet archive https://archive.org/search.php?query=collection%3AwwIIarchive%20AND%20subject%3A%22The%20Army-Navy%20Screen%20Magazine%22&sort=-downloads

Weinstein company films

I see he’s distributing a movie Jane Got A Gun coming out this yr the hypocrite. It’s astounding how ignorant some folks are on history and human nature.

2/17 Air Cav

@17. That WV number is way too low. I’m still hoping to meet a West Virginian who doesn’t own a gun. Hell, I’d like to meet one who owns only one. I suppose that they’re around but probably concentrated in two particular counties–the one next to Maryland and the one in which Charleston is located.

2/17 Air Cav

@34. Cool. Thanks. I never even heard of that, which is kind of shocking inasmuch as “The Army-Navy Screen Magazine was shown before the feature film in all military motion picture theaters during the Second World War. […]By the end of the war, the Army-Navy Screen Magazine reached an enormous weekly audience of 4.2 million. It had become for American soldiers all over the world a communal experience that greatly influenced their perception of the war. Although the Screen Magazine was, of course, an instrument of official policy, its honest no-nonsense approach won it the respect and affection of its GI audience.” Source: National Archives April 10, 2007

HS Sophomore

Does this crackhead even know what he’s saying? If he “found” a gun, he would use it to defend his people if it were the middle of a genocide? He believes guns are only justified in usage if it’s a genocide, but they can’t be personally owned? Jesus. I can’t speak from a military man’s perspective, but even in Iraq and Afghanistan where many of you served, were there large numbers of loaded guns with accompanying copious amount of ammo lying around for people to use? And if this guy took a moment to crack a history book open, he would know that virtually every genocide in history has been perpetrated or abetted by governments. So how do Weinstein’s fighters plan to get their guns out of the armories?

Oh, and how much do you want to bet that this jerkoff has got phalanxes of armed guards to defend himself?


Producer of Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Gangs of New York, Django Unchained, SEAL Team Six (The Nobmama love fest, not to be confused with Zero Dark Thirty),Scream 1-4, Jackie Brown, and a slew of other ultraviolent movies. Hypocrisy much? I’m hoping much like Michael Moore’s films, he’s the only one that will watch it.


Well, that another reason not to go to the over-priced movie metroplex.


“I would find a gun if subjected to the holocaust”. Boyo, at that point it’s too late. Private ownership of guns prevents another holocaust. Please look at your Jewish homeland and see how many guns per residence.


Beck pointed out that anybody who watches a Meryl Streep movie wishes they’d never been born & wondered where Weinstein would just find a gun once the govt confiscated them all.