Kerry: Poverty causes terrorism
I guess John Kerry, who was in the Vietnam war, is so steeped in his Leftist dogma that he can’t even bring himself to admit that most terrorism in the world is caused by indoctrination. But, in a press release from the State Department, he tells how he discussed poverty with the Secretary of State of the Holy See as the root cause of terrorism in the world;
We talked about the common interest of Pope Francis and President Obama in addressing poverty and extreme poverty on a global basis. The United States of America is deeply involved in efforts in Africa and in other parts of the world – in Asia, South Central Asia – to address this poverty, as is the Catholic Church. And so we have a huge common interest in dealing with this issue of poverty, which in many cases is the root cause of terrorism or even the root cause of the disenfranchisement of millions of people on this planet.
Emphasis is mine.
Yeah, because poverty is why millionaire Osama bin Laden declared war on the US – most of his capos are university-educated and former professionals. But, I guess that the Liberal-speak took over his brain and he couldn’t help but link the war against terror to poverty – like it’s someone else’s fault, and not his for undermining the war in Iraq and Afganistan.
Category: John Kerry
Seen a shitload of poor people all over the world who seem to have missed that message. In my limited experience, I would say most terrorist leaders seem to be middle, or even upper-class – most poor folks I know have been too busy trying to put food on the table to worry about politics.
hit send too soon… those people recruit poor folks, but generally through history revolutions don’t start in slums. How many successful revolutions started with poor folks?
This fucktardary is why the West isn’t succeeding against Islamist ideology. Terrorism is only one front of the war.
I’m sure the same fucktardary was used to poorly explain Germany’s National Socialist experiment back in the day too. All they really wanted was jerbs and a flat screen tv!
Fucking Libtards, forever.
Poverty?! Really?! Then why are not poor people around the world all terrorists? Kerry and his leash holder are both inane fools. Muslims terrorists have a lot of wealthy, educated leaders. They use the small, poor guy to do their dirty work. Like strapping on a bomb and blowing up innocent people, sometimes other Muslims. The idiocy never ends and only gets worse with this clown show in Washington. What I hate most is the world views dumb ass Kerry’s comments as being the voice of America.
Dang, here, the poverty-stricken, uneducated, and poor go into the military, instead… at least according to him.
What an ignorant fool. The problem is that this ignorant fool, and too many like him, are in positions of power and have the ability to change the world for the worse – a goal that they seem intent upon achieving.
Yea? Well, there a few things I’d enjoy discussing with the royal, communist sKerry. Mostly! Wheres that fucking SF180 you are going to sign, asshole? Never mind…*facepalm*! Did you move your *display* of medals to State with you or throw them over the fence again? Argh! I forget, those were *fake* (like you) medals you purchased to toss over the Whitehouse fence for a symbolic show of syphilis er sympathy er ah, support of your communist pals from VVAW.
He should lead by example. How much terrorism can he stop by donating his millions to the poor?
Taking a terrorism class in grad school right now. The textbook devoted the first two chapters just to defining terrorism. Half the book is devoted to why and how. Is poverty an issue in terrorism? Sure. So is literacy, religion, nationalism, ethnicity, peer pressure, and culture. Poverty sure as hell isn’t the root cause. Where do you think terrorists get their guns, bombs, and road trip money?
@5 I almost forgot he said that a while back.
Kerry’s statement is a tacit admission by the administration that terrorism cannot be eradicated. It is also an insult to peaceful poor people everywhere. We don’t have any truly poor in the US, thus we have no terrorists among us. Ah, that’s nice. So let’s dismantle the security state that Bush and The Emperor created. On the other hand, there are those illegals who may actually be poor. Is that what Kerruy meant, that the terrorist threat posed to the US can be traced to the poor illegal aliens he and his ilk are helping to get into the country? BTH, the root cause of terrorism is breathing terrorists.
Well, actually, it CAN be eradicated, AC, but certainly not by the Chamberlain method.
Yep, there is a direct causal link between fanaticism (without regard to wealth) and terrorism. All fanatics are not terrorists, but all terrorists are fanatics.
And ALL fanatics are dangerous.
Didn’t realize that an organization in which approx. 40% of its members have Bachelor degrees or higher constituted impoverishment. Maybe it is just me, that that kind of statistic would lead me to believe that Poverty isn’t the most significant cause for Terrorism.
Simple logic. Terrorists are for the most part Islamic. Islamic countries have large amounts of crude oil. Large amounts of crude oil lead to large amounts of money. This Islamic cash reserve funds Islamic terrorism with blood money to families of jihadis wearing homicide vests. So yes, I suppose poverty does cause terrorism.
Didn’t brag about killing a poverty stricken pre-teen boy…that nobody saw…that was allegedly carrying a rifle…while he was running away from the alleged battle…through the poverty stricken village…in poverty stricken Vietnam?
…really gotta have an edit button installed.
“Didn’t HE brag…”
Just another excuse to continue picking the pockets of the dwindling middle class’s pockets to redistribute the wealth to the poor around the world to buy their love and to stop them from becoming terrorists.
Bah! Humbug!
Kerry, you dipstick — take all that thou hast and sell it, and give the money to the poor. Then join them.
Then maybe, just maybe, I’ll listen to you, you lying, hypocritical, opportunistic jackanapes.
Well, maybe not.
So by “Lurch” Kerry’s definition, all we need to do is hand them buckets of our money, and all will be well, just like the United Nothing has done during their decades of failures, but here’s my synopsis of what would really happen:
Kerry Myrmidon (km): Hi, Good Day!
Abu Bin Oobla-boobla: DEATH TO AMERICA!!
KM: Wait, here’s a few hundred dollars, will you be our friend?
Abu Bin Oobla-boobla: DEATH TO AMERICA, INFIDEL!!
KM: Wait, here’s a thousand dollars,can you be our friend now?
KM: OK, here’s ten thousand dollars, will you be our friend now?
And so on, and so on. Any of us that have been there, done that knows that YOU CANNOT REASON WITH A FANATIC, just look at American liberals for another example!
Well, the Vatican has been out of the warfighting business for some time now, so I can see them talking about the importance of reducing poverty worldwide. I wouldn’t see a problem if the Pope said that. But the Pope didn’t say that, the asshole who calls himself the US Secretary of State did.
The United States IS in the warfighting business out of unfortunate necessity. Poverty is the Pope’s area of responsibility, kicking ass is America’s. So is Kerry saying that the US government is going to abandon its own responsibility (which they at least used to be good at) and trying to take the Church’s (which the government sucks at). Do I have this right?
As a practicing Catholic (as opposed to the “I’m such a good Catholic when it’s politically convenient” Kerry), I hope His Holiness has a working bullshit filter.