Hagel discusses Iraq, benefits with the troops
So Chuck Hagel was in New Mexico rewriting history for a group of wounded warriors according to Stars & Stripes;
Retired Sgt. Victor Rivera complained about the latest budget agreement reached by Congress which would cut the cost-of-living-adjustment for veterans by 1 percent, effective in December 2015.
“Please don’t take our money,” Rivera told Hagel at the Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas.
“Let me assure you that all disabled … will be exempt from any adjustments in the budget growth to benefits,” Hagel responded. “We’ve got two years to fix that particular problem. It will be fixed.”
Yeah, it might be fixed, but not because Hagel did anything to fix it. As Secretary of Defense, he could have gone to Congress and begged them not to cut the COLA for disabled veterans, but this is the first time I’ve heard him say anything about it. When he wanted Tricare rates hiked for retirees, he was in Congress almost everyday lobbying for that, but this one, not so much.
Hagel was also asked about the deteriorating security situation in Iraq and whether the sacrifices of those who took part in Operation Iraqi Freedom were in vain.
“In eight years we did accomplish what we set out to do,” Hagel said. “If we analyzed what Iraq is today versus what Iraq was when we went into Iraq, it’s a different country… You all did what you were asked to do, and I think you did it as well as it could have been done… So I don’t agree with the analyses that lives were wasted at all. I just — I don’t think that’s true, and I think it’s unfortunate that there are people out there saying that.”
Well, I’m pretty sure that Hagel called the “surge” in Iraq the “most dangerous foreign policy blunder in this country since Vietnam.” From a talk he had with Catholic University students in 2007, he took up the “war for oil” mantra of the filthy stank-ass hippies;
“People say we’re not fighting for oil. Of course we are,” said the Republican Senator from Nebraska Chuck Hagel to law students of Catholic University last September. “They talk about America’s national interest. What the hell do you think they’re talking about? We’re not there for figs.”
Here he is in 2006 calling for a troop withdrawal within six months. In 2008, he said;
By contrast, Hagel had scathing criticism for President Bush and the Iraq war, which he described as having put America “in a very dangerous ditch” and having weakened a military that will “take years to build back.”
“Today, what we’re doing because of our five years in Iraq is essentially destroying our military,” he said.
“Our military cannot fix the Iraqis’ problem. They can buy some time, but they can’t do their job,” he added.
And if I dig far and deep enough, I can find more quotes from Hagel that undermined the war against al Qaeda in Iraq – now I guess he wants us to believe that he was for it all along with all of “we” shit. It was never a “we” that included Hagel.
Category: Politics
To Hagel I say, “there’s no I in TEAM…and apparently there’s no U either”. Thanks for nothing. I am sure you are the bell of the ball at most Obama functions.
I always knew Hagel was a sketchy fuck. And incompetent. Now he goes on record as a goddamn liar too.
“Let me assure you that all disabled … will be exempt from any adjustments in the budget growth to benefits.”
I cannot wait to hear his backtracking and blame shifting when that statement turns out to be another despicable lie from this despicable administration.
As usual, great post Jonn.
While I’m certainly no fan on Chuckles, I think I’ll just wait for him to write his book – then maybe I’ll chime in with comments.
Politicians are ALL the same. No morals or values. Whatever will get them more votes, money or power. Did I say politicians are all the same? Best definition I’ve seen is “a good politician is one that when you buy him he stays bought”.
Ohhhhhhhhh…so the years spent in Iraq was what weakened the military. And here I thought the 10 years of fighting in 2 wars has honed their skills and increased their effectiveness while it’s things like budget cuts and social engineering that weakens the military. Silly me.
Only the most idiotic idiot gives an assurance of a future outcome over which he has absolutely no control. I give you…Chuck Hagel, the idiot’s idiot.
There is a village somewhere whose idiot is missing.
Hagel the bagel, placating the masses.
Hagel reminds me of those hospital nurses: “It’s time for our lunch, it’s time for our bath, it’s our bedtime, it’s time for our meds” but it’s always “It’s time for YOUR enema.”
Yea and the village he came from back in Neberaska might not want him back.
Hagel is like the other “war hero” in the Senate… both are Blue Falcons when it comes to taking care of those in uniform.
While I would be grateful for those that were disabled to get their promised COLA back, it is still unacceptable as that promise was made without regard to whether or not we were disabled in the line of duty or not. I served my time, proudly, and kept my oath. I even decided not to file with the VA for a couple problems that probably would have gotten me a 10% rating. What have we gotten for keeping our word? A knife in the back, and not just for this recent bill. They have been fudging the CPI for quite a few years now to keep annual COLA raises lower anyway. Now they’ve just made it official. We are a lower form of life than an illegal alien.
There is a reason he quit the senate… didn’t want the good folks of NE to hand him his ands..
Hagel is king blue falcon. Now Amos’ reign makes perfect sense now.
Hagel, you’re not worthy of standing in the same room as any veteran. Pack your shit shut up & go home. If they’ll have you.
Nothing more than a voluntary tool.