Wednesday morning feel good stories
Chief Tango sends us our feel good story this morning from Saint Louis when a youngster tried to turn his life around with the contents of someone else’s wallet;
A man contacted police to report that he and a friend were held up at gunpoint at that location. The victim said the would-be robber approached, pulled out a handgun, and declared a robbery.
A struggle ensued, and the robbery target pulled out a gun of his own and shot the suspect in his legs, chest, face and arm.
Two other people dropped the suspect off at a local hospital where he was pronounced dead.
Stu sends us another one from Arkansas, but it’s behind a pay wall;
Jack Bosnick was shot dead Friday night at the residence at 314 S. Benton St. that he was accused of breaking into the night before. Chidester is about 14 miles northwest of Camden.
An incident report released Monday said Chidester Police Chief Jarrod Purifoy contacted the sheriff’s office for backup at the Chidester home after resident Frances Hannah told police she had shot Bosnick.
Lt. Cedric D. Gregory and deputies Chris and Gill David Harcrow responded, along with emergency medical personnel.
Once Gregory arrived, Purifoy led him to Bosnick’s body on the front porch, where he was positioned with his upper torso resting on the seat of a chair. Blood trailed from the front door to where Bosnick’s body lay on the porch.
Just 24 hours earlier, police were dispatched to the home when Hannah said she shot at Bosnick after coming home and finding him rummaging through her kitchen drawer for syringes. Hannah told police she believed Bosnick had entered her home through a back door while she was away.
I don’t what was going through his head when he returned for a second attempt. I guess he thought she was out of bullets from the night before.
How about a three-fer. This story from Brian comes from Portland where 38-year-old Joshua McCoy forced his way into a home and confronted the people inside;
But things didn’t go so well from there for the suspect and his pistol-grip shotgun, according to police.
Once inside the home, McCoy encountered a 20-year-old man who lives there. That man grabbed the shotgun from McCoy and shoved him down the stairs.
Police said McCoy hit his head on the way down and was briefly knocked unconscious.
The 20-year-old man and his mother’s boyfriend then maintained watch over the suspect while calling police.
Officers arrived and took McCoy into custody. Before being booked into jail, he had to be taken to a Portland hospital for injuries he suffered during his fall.
Gravity sucks.
Category: Feel Good Stories
On #3; And the taxpaying good citizens of Oregon get to foot the medical bill for Mr. McCoy as well. I hope the University of Oregon Medical Center took its time examining him to make sure he couldn’t sue once he lands a warm spot in the Multnomah County Guesthouse for wayward people.
Looks like Contestant #1 had the magazine/cylinder emptied into his worthless body.
I do think, however, the assaultee needs more range time. Not a really good shot group there.