Speaking of Guns in Chicago…
MCPO NYC USN Ret.sends us a link to the Chicago Sun-Times which reports that the dam has busted in Chicago in regards to the new handgun permits;
On the first full day of an online sign-up, more than 4,500 concealed carry applicants gunned it to a state website to register for state permits, the Illinois State Police confirmed Monday.
Authorities have estimated 350,000 to 400,000 people will sign up for permits to carry their handguns in public within the first year of the law’s passing — close to 1,000 people a day.
So that just proves to me that legislators in Chicago were legislating against the will of the citizens there.
Video below the jump autostarts;
Category: Guns
But, but, but there’s going to be blood in the streets and shootouts like the old West!!!!! What? That’s not going to happen? How do you know? Statistical data from other CCW States? But, but, but that’s not here in Illinois and we can’t be trusted here!!!!
@1, they already have shootouts in the streets of Chicago… they do not want to talk about that though. No desire to do the hard work of repairing the damage done by decades of corruption and abuse that has kept parts of thaat city from ever having a chance. Keep in public housing on the public handouts and blame their plight in life on the rich white guys fro mthe other party.
@2: I know, I was being sarcastic. I heard the same things from the anti-gunners here in Minnesota when they were working to change our State to “shall issue”. I just told them that they were wrong and when they said there’s no way I could know that it wouldn’t happen in they hyperbolic wet dream, I just told them I have statistics and history on my side. I, also, asked them to provide evidence to support their hyperbole and they could not, while I provided plenty of evidence to support my statements. It didn’t do any good, because it’s all about “feelings” with the anti-gun crowd. They don’t “feel” that anyone needs to walk around with a gun and they “feel” threatened seeing someone with a gun, or knowing that someone has a gun. They don’t “feel” safe, etc. Well, I’ve looked at all the rights we are afforded by the Constitution and I still can’t fine the one that says you have the right to “feel” safe. I presume it’s right along side the one that says you have the right to not be offended.
That should be “find the one”.
More java needed before I go to the VA today.
I caught your sarcasm, and was just working off it… I need more Coffee and already at the VA.
@5: See, I told you I needed more java!!!
Chicago seems to forget that it is NOT the state of Illinois, that it is, in fact, a FARM state and while we have a lot of wide open spaces with miles and miles of soybeans and corn, there are people who WORK those acres to put tax money into the state’s coffers.
If you get down south far enough, people go into Missouri and Kentucky to get guns. The ban on gun sales in shops was deemed unconstitutional (gasp!) in a Chicago/Cook county court. I was completely surprised when the CCW law was passed, but Federal law required it. <3 I don't care how much Rahmbo tries to change the statistics to suit himself and look good, violent crime is on the uptick, with or without guns. He lives in a dream world, just like his fellow dinkdao liberals.
Whatever I can do to contribute to the exercise of our 2nd amendment right, I will. Thus, this:
Illinois residents must first acquire a FOID (Firearms Owners Identification) card prior to applying for a concealed weapons permit. The card application is $10 and the FOID requirement has been operative in Illinois for decades, in one form or another.
Thanks to a 2011 Illinois Supreme Court case (Illinois v. Holmes), nonresidents are not required to have a FOID prior to seeking an Illinois concealed weapon permit. Consequently, the questions in the permit application are far more numerous for nonresidents than residents because the former include what would be asked in the FOID card application if a FOID card were required.
The fee for applying for the concealed weapon permit is $150 for residents and $300 for nonresidents. 16 hours of firearms instruction is required to acquire a permit, 8 of which is waived for AD and Veterans who were honorably discharged. For nonresidents who possess a permit in their home state, only Hawaii permit holders are accorded reciprocity. All others are reportedly done on a case-by-case basis.
Last point. By law, if you are FOID holder in Illinois and you apply for a carry permit, the state, by law, is to issue you a permit within 30 days, if you are not disqualified. That isn’t happening and the delay will invrease now that the flood gates are open. So, apply now and start the clock.
I saw a headline yesterday that more people in Illinois signed up for CCW’s than have signed up for Obamacare. That sounds about right to me.
‘dinkdao’ should be ‘dinkidao’. Not enough caffeine yet, too early.
News item just in: 13,000 people have applied for the CCW permit as of Sunday. 🙂
The dingbat attitude toward guns has been countered by frozen ruptured pipes flooding the lobby of Cook County courthouse. 🙂
I almost forgot this item, because it tells you how screwed up these people are: the president/supervisor for the Chicago Public School system had to be strong-armed by Rahmbo and the president of the teachers’ union into closing the schools during this bitter cold spell, which has been extremely dangerous for anyone to be out in.
I guess if she doesn’t have to wait at the bus stop for buses that are 45 minutes late in a -45f wind chill, it’s not a problem. And the ‘safe passage’ routes are clogged with snow piles from the snow plows that even an adult has difficulty climbing, never mind kids.
I hope something good comes out of this utter stupidity. These daydreaming idiots are a good reason to stay away from Chicago.
More people will probably sign up for a CCW than sign up for obamacare and a ccw will better protect their health too.
@#1, Old Trooper, you’re quoting Jennifer Granholm, “But, but, but there’s going to be blood in the streets and shootouts like the old West!!!!!” That’s exactly what she said when Michigan was changed from a May Issue state to a Shall Issue state. Hasn’t happened, but that doesn’t stop those of a particular political persuasion from perpetuating the lie.
UpNorth – that line was used when Florida became the first state to pass CCWs….. and by every gun-grabber for 30 years previously. You’re giving her ‘way too much credit for a line she assuredly stole to begin with.
And this just in, from the evening news: A Comcast cable tech was held up and shot, critically wounded, while he was on a service call on South Kingston (South Shores neighborhood) in Chicago. He’s in Northwestern Memorial Hospital. There was an eye witness who saw the thief’s face, but his identity is being kept quiet. There may also be surveillance videos available.
So much for Rahmbo’s vaunted gun ban to keep people safe in Chicago. I think the victim should sue Rahmbo for being an idiot, but that’s just my personal opinion. However, Comcast employees have said they’ve been threatened a lot like this on the south side. I personally think they should be allowed to carry guns. Otherwise, it’s only the criminals who have guns.
Update: There were two robbers, the eyewitness was the apartment building manager who went out to meet the Comcast tech, and yes, there are surveillance videos.
@#15. Why don’t the Comcast employees just refuse to service the South Side? Never mind, Comcast owns NBC and MSNBC, I see the problem already.
Number of applicants for CCW permits has gone over 15,300 to date. 🙂