Illegal Alien working at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base
Eggs sends us a link to ABC15 that reports an illegal alien was arrested in Arizona by local authorities. In their own background search on him, they found that he was using an alias and that he was working on Davis-Monthan Air Force Base for a construction contractor and had a secuirty clearance;
Pinal County Sheriff’s officials say 37-year-old Mario Bustamante is being held on suspicion of using the identity of another person and possession of a forged device.
A sheriff’s deputy made a traffic stop Dec. 26 on Interstate 10 and found the driver had a felony warrant for his arrest out of Texas.
Bustamante was taken to the border patrol station in Casa Grande, where his identity was confirmed.
Yeah, so after the Navy Yard shooting, aren’t the folks who do these investigations ready to start doing what they’re hired to do yet?
Category: Illegal Immigrants, Terror War
I don’t want to startle people with this next statement, but there’s illegal aliens all over Arizona, and Tucson is particularly bad about enforcing immigration laws. This isn’t surprising.
Yes, they ought to watch their employees better, but this is no real surprise, sadly. Neither are the large numbers of illegal immigrants coming across the Barry Goldwater Bombing Range and Fort Huchucha.
Not sure I’m buying the “had a security clearance” part of the story. He seems to have been a construction guy brought in by a firm with a contract to build or repair stuff on-base. Many times those workers don’t need anything other than base access – they generally have no access to anything classified, so no actual security clearance is required.
I’m guessing the reporter confused “base access” or “base clearance” (I’ve heard both terms used) with having a security clearance. I could be wrong, though.
Either way, it’s good the guy got caught. Hopefully he’ll be sent back to TX to face his outstanding felony charges.
Well, either way maybe we need to get some illegal aliens to do more jobs that Americans just won’t do…….like running background checks for security clearances!
DM AFB and Luke AFB both use contracted security forces anyway; My wife got onto Luke once without her dependent ID (with just a regular DL). You’d think security’d be a bit tighter considering what they have there, but sadly this seems part of the issue. Contractors aren’t service members. When I was at WRAMC the staff there delighted in telling me how they just got a new security company to guard the installation because two of the guards from the last one got into an argument and shot at each other. Yes, you read that right. Guards shooting at each other. On post. In the nations primary military hospital.
Regardless, security sucks in a lot of places, and it’s going to keep biting us if we keep ignoring it.
It’s never a good sign when a news story sounds like something from an episode of “Archer”
I worked at a large Shipyard that made Naval as well as commercial Ships in San Diego. They also did repair work at 28th Street Naval Base and Pt Loma. The tradesmen and a lot of immediate supervisors were Mexican-American ( with a heavy emphasis on Mexican) at least 20% or more commuted across the border every day. Supposedly everyone who worked there had to at least be a registered Alien, and only U.S citizens could work repairing or contructing Naval Vessels. I know damn well that didn’t happen. A good 30-50% of the guys had criminal records, and thats the TRADESMEN. Of course there were the subcontracting companies that were used to clean up, put up insulation and other low-skilled work. THOSE guys came right out of prison half-way houses, drug treatment centers and homeless shelters.
Meh, they’ll kick him loose just as soon as the Mexican Consulary Office in Tucson finds out. Bet your ass Texas will not see him unless he commited a capitol offense…
i tried to get on at FT. Huachuca building their new barracks and was denied employment by the Mexican foreman.
i spent 12yrs before that at FT.Bragg building Womack hospital and 18th Airborne’s new barracks and mess hall’s. i’m still pissed!
Commifornia will be adopting him soon and sending him through law school in order to practice in the state.
@8, Racism, nepotism and favoritism was BLATANT in the hiring, disciplinary, promotion and lay-offs in the yard I was at. If you did commute from Tijuana you didn’t have a chance. There were guys with 30 years experience in their fields that were laid off instead of guys who couldn’t even read a simple print, all because their lack of a tan.
ANCCPT@#4, I remember that one. Allegedly the argument started when one guy called the other guy retarded. The “retarded” guy chased the other guy down the street popping off a few rounds. His lawyer wanted him released because “he served in Iraq”. I recall that “retarded guy” was named Thigpen. The reason that I can recall his name was that I thought the other guy should have shown some imagination by just calling him Pigpen.
As far as the quality of the employees at Walter Reed, when they started shutting down operations there for the move to Bethesda, my job at the Pentagon had an opening for a warehouseman. The job posting specifically stated they needed a clean driving record/valid license, and a Secret clearance or higher (sorry Paulie Boi). The major defense contractor that I worked for did not screen out applicants from within our company, so I was getting a butt load of applicants that were our employees from Walter Reed. Having been bitten before with some sub-par employees, I ran their names through the Maryland Case Judicial Search. Quite a few of these guys had DUI convictions, and even one with an armed robbery conviction. I guess their positions at Walter Reed only required a “Public Trust”, whatever that requires.
At first I was like “DMAFB is in Tucson/Pima County, wtf does Pinal County have to do with this?” Then I saw it wasn’t the Force Protection guys at the base that figured it out, but a traffic stop on I-10 ~60 miles north?
Next up, the libtard politicians in Tucson w/ Sheriff Dipstick will be actually fighting FOR this illegal’s “rights” to break the law and stay here ’cause of some sob story back home.
OlafTheTanker: please use the correct names when referring to the People’s Republic of Pima County or the Tucson Commune. (smile)
doesn,t surprise me at all. in az the most important hiring qualification is how little of a paycheck you will work for. sad but true
@ Hondo, Apologies, it has been ~15 years since I escap.. I mean moved out of the area, is the old saying still true though? “Old hippies never die, they just move to Bisbee after serving several terms on the Tucson City Council” 😛
Having been not only conceived and born on a AF base and living on them, including DMAFB, until my ID was taken away as a college grad, this just irritates me to no end. An illegal can get on base easier that I can. I have to go into the Guest building, with my dad, have a background check, a picture taken, and a restricted pass issued. Whiskey Tango Hotel?
OlafTheTanker: well, partially. Those that like snow seemed to move to Flagstaff instead after they retired. (smile)
God, I miss the Southwest.
So, why should military bases be secure? There is no expectation generally that our country should be secure, so lacking any other information, there is no reason to secure military installations either, is there?
What a bunch of dinosaurs we who believe in the sanctity of a country’s border and the need to secure our war fighting capability are. Silly us.
@18 I am with you OWB. We are rather dinosaurs. We believe in the security and sovereignty of our borders. We believe we should keep ourselves safe at those borders first and foremost. But in our time of NAFTA and open arms it is a thing of the past. Immigrants use to come to this country for a better life, to work hard and make a good future for themselves and their kids. Now with the open arms policy, it is “Give me your tired, your poor and your huddled masses that are yearning to be free” and we will take care of them from cradle to grave with every free benefit they can conceive of. Also give us your thugs and criminals and drug smugglers and we will hopefully catch them and put them in prison and again, take care of them for the rest of their lives.
But it’s okay ’cause he’s a loyal Democrat voter multiple times every election…