New Gun laws in CT

| January 1, 2014

This is our future, folks. I know, I’ve heard all the lines about liberty, Molon Labe, etc., but when it comes down to it; American gun owners will get in line to give away their liberty and rights to the state just like everyone else. How do I know this? I watch it unfold just like you do. Yeah, I know about the 2 recalled legislators in Colorado. Did it change the balance of power in the state legislature? Did it get the gun laws any closer to being repealed? That would be no to both. Same with New york. We heard all sorts of whining and complaining, people holding meetings with their lawmakers, etc. Did it get the new laws in New York repealed? Is there any action being taken, with a chance of getting it repealed? That would be no, again.

Are the people of New York, Colorado, and Connecticut any safer? Doubtful. Have people lost more liberty? That would be yes. It will continue to happen all over the country, because after all the talk and all the posturing, you will get in line like a good little subject.

Read the words of those standing in line in Connecticut what they think. Of course, they’re still standing in line while whining. What stood out to me were the words of the person tasked with overseeing this registration, when he said people were waiting to see if there were going to be changes made and when there weren’t, they were rushing to get the registration done before the deadline. Really? You’re waiting? For what; the good gun law Fairy to magically wave the wand and sprinkle common sense dust on those that pushed for this? The gun owners are just as much to blame for this as those that made this happen, because the time to fight is NOT after it becomes law, but rather well beforehand and, I dare say, when you are electing these chuckleheads to begin with. If you’re going to be a low information, or one issue, voter, then you deserve what you get.

Old Trooper out.


Category: Guns, Politics

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Well said. Stop the decay before it grows.

It’s why I have a weedwhacker.

CI Roller Dude

Today in CA a new law went into effect…reg of long guns when you purchase them. Not just semi autos, but all long guns.
Let’s check back in a few years and see how many crimes this didn’t stop.

The convicted felons who do most of the shootings already can not buy a gun…they get them other ways.


Idiocy at its best going on in CT. I was amazed at some of the comments of the folks registering their guns and mags. One guy said “they’re not taking them they just want to know where they are, that’s okay with me”. FOOL. I mean a big time FOOL. Wonder how many gang members and drug dealers were in line…like…NONE. This is just too absurd to believe. And it is coming to a state near you soon! Liberal bass ackwards thinking at its best and the good and blindly, stupid people of CT only have themselves to blame.


Been in Illinois for a long time, BUT federal law required that Illinois have a CCW law in place as well, which REALLY annoyed Gov Quinn, but it was passed. AND the state police had to rush to qualify for it, or give up their own guns. 🙂


Guess I picked the right time to move to North Carolina. They just lifted some restrictions on Concealed Carry.


In case no one was paying attention, it is now legal to buy pot for recreational purposes in Colorado. The state expects to receive $35 million in tax revenues from the ‘industry’.

Fine, but if you come to my house and you’re stoned, you can’t come in. I hate that shit.


In other news, another F&F weapon turns up at a crime scene in Mexico:


@7 Thanks Eggs. Another wonderful Obama plan still working its magic. Meanwhile, back in the states, Obama is on board with every jurisdiction that is going after my and your guns.


“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

2/17 Air Cav

“Charles Gillette, who was registering magazines, told the news station that he would have a problem with it if the state were trying to ban the magazines or firearms, but added, “’If they want to just know where they are, that’s fine with me.’”

Well, Charlie, did you consider why the state wants to know what you have and where you have it? No, I didn’t think so. Follow the lemming in front of you. That’s it. Keep moving.


Charlie Gillette gives proof to the truism that “Stupid cannot be cured. Stupid is forever”.

Way to go, Charlie Gillette, you dumb f’ck bedwetter.


Charlie, my little dweebish dipshit, registration is the first step of confiscation.

And if such a law were to pass here, I guess it’s a doubly good thing that I lost all my guns in the lake when I went ice fishing last weekend.

OIF '06-'07-'08

I can understand where you are coming from Old Trooper, but I wonder how many citizens would do this in states like Texas or Montana. The states that have these draconian laws and sheeple that are willing to follow these stupid laws are not what you would call “Rugged Individualist”. More like a bunch of jackasses, who follow the heard mentality.


@13–time was, Colorado was a pretty conservative state, and in most of the areas, it still is. Sadly, like CA, CO is ruled by uber-liberal areas like Denver and Boulder, and the rest of the state is pretty much told to piss off.

charles w

@14 Born and raised in Colorado. There was a time that even the democrats in Colorado would have been to the right of coastal dems. The state has a pretty large libertarian bent but the people in the State House are by and large transplants from failed states. See it wasn’t bad enough to ruin their home states they had to come here and try the same crap. The difference in Colorado is there has been notable backlash and the dems are not looking good for the mid term elections.


I’m with Old Trooper on this.
It isn’t so much that they are doing this, it is the fact that it got this far in the first place.
The people in the NE are so accustomed to voting liberals/communists in that they see nothing phases them anymore. They have been voting for liberals for a hundred years up there, they truly got what they deserved.
I hold no sympathy for them in the least.

Oh, one more thing, better them than me.


NH is an exception to that rule (sometimes.)

Sadly, both our Congresscritters are just to the left of Mao, and only slightly dumber than houseplants. Ditto Senator Shaheen, but she’s also up for re-election this year, and to hear her try to spin her voting record into anything that it’s not, her internal polling must absolutely SUCK.


Effective today in California, law enforcement reserves who retired as Level I, are CCW enabled. We’ll see how that plays out as I’ve not seen a word about it in the general news. Many years ago, I was there, so have a keen interest in this.


I can’t wait until I get to stand in line to get my permit to free speech, or my permit to be free from unreasonable search and seizure, or to register my desire to a speedy trial by a jury of my peers! I just can’t wait!

This is unreal.


I have to go shovel more snow. That doesn’t make me happy, but I at least know why I’m doing it: I want to be able to get to the car in an emergency. Nature has her way of reminding us humans to respect her laws.

This is not the same thing. It is laws created by scaredy cats who are afraid of their own shadows imposed on other people who don’t do anything to stop it until it’s too late. If the citizens of CT want to stop this crap, they can file a public referendum to revoke/repeal this gun control law and its accompanying crap, or sit quivering in their houses when the fit hits the shan.

Long guns now have to be registered in New York state.

Don’t you just love it when someone declares open season on the peasants?

Jonn Lilyea

An old Ranger buddy, and former roommate who used to go shooting with me when we were in Georgia together is now a CT legislator and he was a huge proponent of the new legislation there last year. So it must be in the water there, because he was a “gun nut” like me.


And yet you can still legally own a M-60 machinegun in CT but not an AR-15 made by Colt in Hartford CT

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@22 Trusting the government is a lot like trusting an addict, they say all the right things while looking you in the eye and smiling but they never actually do those things. When your stuff goes missing they always have a story, just like the politicians…. In reality though, how many are actually willing to shoot police officers over their gun rights? How many people are willing to cross over from their comfortable law abiding lives into a life of crime over possessing a scary black rifle or a large capacity magazine? The real answer is obvious as this article states, pretty much nobody wants to die or kill someone over their precious weapon possessions….does it make them all cowards or does it make them pragmatists? Are you a coward for deciding that your right to own a weapon is secondary to your desire to live comfortably? When you decide to disobey a law of this nature what is your next step? Do you kill police officers? Fighting the law is one thing, if the majority of our country men and women decide they no longer want the second amendment and vote to repeal it and confiscate the weapons what options are most gun owners going to choose? I’m with you on fighting the laws, I live in the PRoMassachusetts and believe me I understand all about scary guns and scary gun laws… The problem is selling the second amendment as a right the same as the right for blacks or women to vote. Our changing nation has become one that no longer values individual freedom, that’s the most depressing thing about the current state of the nation to me. We now think freedom means the right to take down a Christmas tree at the fire station, or for two men to marry each other and we no longer think of freedom as the right to be left completely alone without any interference from the government as long as we don’t commit any offense against our neighbors….interference from the government is now as acceptable as white pants after labor day….and… Read more »

2/17 Air Cav

“In reality though, how many are actually willing to shoot police officers over their gun rights?” Huh? Where did that come from? You jumped to the extreme right out of the box. First, let’s have a confiscation program legally established, challenged, and upheld. Next, let’s have enforcement of the law. First will come the letters, then the nasty steps that only gov’t can employ, such as witholding tax refunds, rescinded passports, denying this and denying that. Many will comply by this stage. Then, ultimately, the searches, seizures, and arrests. It will not be pretty. Yes, there will be armed resistance here and there and the weapons of war that some applaud our police forces having today will be used, from drones to automatic weapons. It’s not hard to imagine. What IS hard to imagine is our getting to that point at all b/c the sheep will do what sheep do.


@24 Thank you VOV. You spoke my thoughts better than I could have. I am not willing to kill a police officer over the possession of a weapon. As Air Cav said though, it is a long road before it comes to forced search and confiscation. Am I willing to hide my weapon and lie? I think so. Because when it comes to defending myself and family, I would rather I and my family be alive and ask forgiveness than be a new statistic of some newly minted gun laws. Yes, I would have to stand tall before the man and put myself on the mercy of the courts but I would be alive to do so. And however much time I might have to do with Thor and Bubba, I would have the peace of knowing my family is still alive. I must say though, these are all ugly scenarios and propositions.


Um, VOV . . . the right to “keep and bear arms” IS equivalent to the right to vote, free speech, association, worship, etc . . . . All of them are specifically guaranteed by the Constitution.

There isn’t any “hierarchy” of Constitutional rights wherein one is more “fundamental” than another. Rights guaranteed by the Constitution are all equally fundamental – and are all equally guaranteed by the Constitution.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@26 Molon Labe was mentioned, that’s why I made the large leap…I am occasionally guilty of extreme hyperbole…

@28 Hondo, agreed good sir. My point was I believe we are approaching a point where the next step for many gun grabbers is a concerted effort to repeal the second amendment. A quick google search of “repeal the second amendment” will yield significant results. I am not suggesting there will be any success with such a movement in my lifetime, I was more wondering aloud what if it does become the new law of the land 30 or 40 years down the road?

Who would oppose it, and who would risk all to do so? I think Jonn’s point was that most people would not oppose it all…I have no doubt that the LEO community would enforce that law to the letter using violence to do so if necessary. Unlike OT i have no faith in the LEOs being concerned about enforcing something that is morally wrong as the police have historically used violence throughout American history to enforce laws that were later repealed or overturned…I suspect any who opposed that law with violence would be labeled as nut jobs and the press will run with that.

OIF '06-'07-'08

I am providing a direct link to a kindle book that I downloaded and read a couple of weeks ago.

The only reason that I got this little gem was because the author provided it for free for a few days last month. What I believe is that the .gov will never try to outright repeal the 2nd without trashing the entire Constitution and Bill of Rights. It is one thing to slowly chip away at something to where the populace grudgingly goes along with it, but just in the above story, try and take everything at once, and this is where you wake up a grizzly bear while in hibernation. You are going to have one pissed of ball of ferocious fur to deal with, and right now, how close can this come to happening? A major economic crash, a major terrorist attack with major weapons of mass destruction?

Our God given rights our own responsibility to maintain, and this responsibility falls on each and every generation.