Arpaio to segregate vets in jail
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced that he’ll begin separating veterans in his county jail from the other inmates and put them in a “patriotic decor” in order to help them overcome the problems that got them incarcerated. It won’t include felons or those in jail for violent crimes. According to ABC, that will include about 250 current residents;
“It is my hope that this program will give you the tools and opportunity to address issues that you are facing in your life and will assist you in getting back on your feet and back to the way of life that you served to protect,” Arpaio wrote in an open letter to the inmates being moved.
They’ll still be wearing the pink underwear, though.
Thanks to the several readers who sent the link.
Category: Veterans Issues
Charlies Chicken Farm on the civilian side. Some of the best NCO’s I ever saw had gone to CCF as Pvt’s and been straightened out.
How is this going to shake out for posers/SV types who get rolled up? How can their service be proven?
#2 – no need, once they start telling their war stories I am sure the other inmates will handle it.
I agree with Instinct. A poser among real vets will not last long and it will end badly too. I’m sure by the time the vets are done with the poser, he will be begging to get away (if he can walk).
I like it! There are problems associated with it … but somehow it seems like the best thing to do for everyone involved.
@1 SEAN:
What do the initials, “CCF” represent?
“Camp Correctional Facility”?
“Corps Correctional Facility”?
I have a big mouth and a quick temper, which is guaranteed to be nothing but trouble in the United States Army.
Thus, I consider myself VERY lucky to have left the United States Army with an Honorable Discharge, three awards of the Good Conduct Medal, and only ONE (01) reduction in rank, from sergeant (E-5) to corporal (E-4).
But, even when, under Project Transition, I was receiving my on the job training in Law Enforcement at the 142d Military Police Company in Yongsan, Republic of Korea, I don’t remember ever hearing anything about, “CCF”.
Thinking back on it, I can only remember the terms, “Post Stockade” and/or “Disciplinary Barracks”, and remember seeing (fortunately, from the outside, and at a distance) such facilities as Mannheim, Germany and ASCOM, Korea.
In Viet Nam, EVERYBODY knew and swapped rumors about LBJ (i.e., “Long Binh Jail”), and of course, Hollywood has apprised us all of Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Arpaio? Speaking of poseurs …
I wouldn’t piss on the guy if he were on fire. The ONLY thing the man is interested is Joe Arpaio — his ego and “authoritah.”
This chicken feces jerkweed has been sheriff for 20+ years?! He certainly BSed me the first time out, back in 1992. But I started getting wised up sometime afterward. Too bad he’s still got the good folks of Maricopa County BSed.
According to ABC, the segrgation of Veterans is not unique to MeaCulpa/MerryCopa/Whatever County. And I know of at least one state that provides opportunities outside of prison for Veterans who are inmates, provided that they weren’t convicted of violent felonies and were honorably discharged. I like it.
I just now remembered something else – – – ,
As an Army brat at Ashiya Air Force Base in Japan, my father, a master sergeant in the United States Army used to talk about the “Monkey House”.
When I grew up and became a soldier in the United States Army, I would hear older NCOs referring to the “Monkey House”, but I never heard any of the younger troops using that term.
“Charlie’s Chicken Farm” – as in a CCF, or Correctional Confinement Facility, someplace a Company level CO could send a screwup for a good straightening out? The Army, in its infinite wisdom, decided to do away with them on a lot of posts when i was AD, they just chapter nowadays.
@2,3 & 4,
But I do not know.
I have seen a fair share of poser slip through the cracks at WWP. And they could care less.
Granted it is a different entity, especially the handouts aspect.
But the comparison lies (no pun intended) in the facts that posers will say what they have to say to get preferential treatment, jail included.
You can only go to CCF these days if you’re convicted at a Summary Court Martial of higher. General Courts Martial convictions get the privilege as well but are reserved for confinement lengths less than are required to meet the Leavenworth standard. I know it’s possible, but I’ve never heard of a CCF stay that didn’t have the “Big Chicken Dinner” associated with it. If you go to a CCF, you almost certainly meet the threshold for a Chapter 14C.
I remember a few years ago a county deputy or baliff was caught going through and then photocopying her legal papers. When said deputy was ordered jailed, “Sheriff Joe” originally refused to place him in custody. The guy is as corrupt as they come. His “tent city” is the textbook definition of what not to do to inmates. What a horrible human being.
I remember when CCF meant Communist Chinese Forces and the stockade was the stockade.
I lived in maricopa county for over twenty years. Never had to deal with joey but always considered him a piece of sh##. about 15 years ago a “gang member from Chicago” showed up in his office posing as a military liaison from fort huachuca and got away with other for quite a while. Joey is about joey and it worked look at all the publicity he gets.
I like the idea of segregation for Vets, I think it will improve their chances at a successful re-integration with society.
And to the Sheriff Joe detractors out there, ‘what ever’, your dissatisfaction sounds like a whole lot of sour grapes, it’s telling that it’s empty criticism. But then you’re smarter than the majority of Maricopa County, right?
@ 13
Sorry Lobster, but Tent City was, and is, a brilliant idea, you need to change textbooks. If you don’t want the inconvenience of living quasi-outdoors, don’t break the friggin law, pretty simple eh? And it saves the state/county real money.
Let me post this question across the board:
What do you folks think about Veteran’s Court?
Curious as to your opinions.
I have mixed emotions on the issue, but that is just me.
I can support the idea GT, so long as;
1. It’s not used for any violent offenses.
2. It includes mandatory and intensive supervision and counseling.
3. It includes intensive and ongoing substance abuse screening, as in once a week.
4. It throws the book at the perp if they screw up in a major way while participating in the program.
Veterans should be more responsive than your average joe citizen to a program that is supervision intensive. Giving them a ‘more than fair’ opportunity to turn around minor mistakes in their life benefits everyone, not just the perp.
This Sherrif is doing what is right. He treats those under his care accordingly. It the case of vets he is giving them consideration because they have earned that. If the vet is way off course and re-navigation is not possible he has indicated no special treatment will be afforded.
Good on him. If it helps real vets who need the attention … It is all good. However, it should not in any way transfer away responsibility for misdeeds.
Re-Elect Arpaio!
Jacobite @16 & 17:
I liked the idea of Tent City, too. (At least, for those who’ve actually been tried and convicted, and not for those who are merely accused — i.e., innocent — and haven’t had their day in court.)
But my criticisms of Arpaio are hardly empty:
1. He volunteered for the pilot phase of the ATF’s (now long defunct) “Project Lead,” in which local LEO’s would gather the serial nos. and owners’ info for firearms encountered during routine contacts with citizens. He withdrew the offer once exposed by AZ gun activists.
2. Planned “courtesy stops” on all highways coming in to Maricopa County. (No, NOT DUI checkpoints, but blatant fishing expeditions.) Again, plan rescinded when called out by liberty activists.
3. The New River “Uprising,” 1997. Sheriff Joke took the side of the FBI and ATF against his own constituents (you know, the people he’s SUPPOSED to work for?) in New River AZ.
4. Lobster @13 is right: Joe Arpaio stubbornly refused to punish a deputy who leafed through a defense attorney’s confidential papers in court and had photocopies made of them.
5. Sheriff Joke’s live “jailcam” webcam, that publicly web-cast women inmates using the jail toilets.
6. 6. Sheriff Joke’s abuse of power against journalists who criticized him.
7. Countless reports of inmates who were assaulted or killed by deputies while in Arpaio’s (ahem) “care.”
I lived in Maricopa County 1982-2008. Voted for Arpaio the first time out (1992), b/c I agree with his approach that jail should be a place that people don’t want to go back to.
I’m not saying that I’m “smarter” than the average Maricopan. But considering that a) most people who are qualified to vote don’t do so, and b) most of those who do simply believe what they see on the Tee-vee and hear on talk radio, I’d say I’m better informed than those who voted for him. Even before the end of his first term, I learned to tune out JA’s never-ending populist/egotistical media appearances and photo-ops.
“This is remarkable. I can’t believe this is happening in the United States. This is something that I have seen in South America, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Asia. Absolutely unacceptable. We don’t do this kind of thing in this country without some kind of consequence.” – former US Attorney David Iglesias
“FBI is investigating Arpaio,” CBS 5 News