Google ponies up for wreaths
The other day I told you that Wreaths Across America, the organization that puts wreaths on the markers of veterans across the country, was coming up short in contributions this year to meet some of their goals. According to the Washington Post, Google, of all folks, came up with the cash;
Google, which is mapping the cemetery with cameras mounted on people and cars, donated $250,000 to Wreaths Across America, a nonprofit organization that has been laying wreaths there since 1992. Others also contributed smaller amounts after a reading a story in last week’s Washington Post that reported that the effort was falling short this year.
“We’re happy to do our part to honor veterans during this holiday season,” said Susan Molinari, Google’s vice president of public policy and government relations.
Good for Google – I never expected it from them. WAA will now be able to put 130,000 wreaths on markers in Arlington out of the nearly quarter million heroes stationed at their final duty.
Category: Support the troops
Jonn, that is great of Google. I didn’t think they had it in them. They did something to make me proud.
Now, on a similar note, considering it is Christmas time, can you do your internet magic to put a a link or site where we can make a donation to “This Ain’t Hell”. I know it is costly to keep the site up and I would like to help. I am sure there are other readers and posters who would jump on the opportunity as well.
Thanks for all you do for us, here at “This Ain’t Hell-But You Can See It From Here” Merry Christmas!
Sparks, there’s a “Donate” button just to the right of center at the top of the page.
Meanwhile, since it’s Google, I question their motivation, but still, give kudos to them for doing the right thing, whatever might be their reasons.
@2 Thanks OWB!
Wow….not something I would have expected from Google at all. 250,000 is nothing to sneeze at, even for a company of their size.
While commendable, I will withhold my better judgement when Google begins to acknowledge American heritage dates, people, events, and the military on their search page.
One attaboy, does not negate many dozens spurns and apparent deliberate snubs. Not to mention, the far too many pictographs of people and events that are, or were, detrimental to the USA.
Apparently you guys haven’t been aware of google’s bad image lately with their obnoxious policy changes to YouTube so I’ll let you on why they did this. They finally forced all YouTube accounts onto google plus and have now been on a binge of marking original user content as copyright if it involves any sort of 3rd party content. This means if you have a interview with a game developer for to promote. Game the video is now claimed by google for a 3rd party which never even put a claim in restricting revenue making on it against the owner that uploaded it. This isn’t an example this is actually happening and although YouTube has been pulling bullshit copyright shenanigans for years on it’s users they have taken it to a whole new level essentially dismissing fair use entirely
They are doing this because they desperately need good pr right now they don’t give two shits about vets, their users, or anything minus their own ass and intentionally go out of their way to make sure their butt is covered to the point of fucking over the same people that generate revenue for them.
Google is fucking scum. It’s only going to get much worse so they hope this donation persuades people to put up with their shit.
Yeah that’s nice. Now, google “google and taxpayers’ money” and read a few of those stories. They ain’t giving nearly what they are taking but, like I said, that’s nice. Helps to assuage the guilt, maybe.
Another example of the “stopped clock principle” in action.