Liar lesbian waitress chick fired

| December 8, 2013

Fox News reports that Dayna Morales, the waitress who lied about being stiffed on a tip because she was a lesbian, who also lied about being in an IED attack in which she was the sole survivor, who also lied about being a cancer survivor, and ultimately lied about turning over the proceeds from telling the first lie to Wounded Warrior Project has been fired by her employer.

The restaurant announced on its Facebook page Saturday that it had conducted its own internal investigation, and although it was “inconclusive,” the eatery said it had come to a mutual agreement with Morales that she no longer work there.

“In light of the investigation and recent events, both Ms. Morales and Gallop Asian Bistro have made a joint decision that Ms. Morales will no longer continue her employment at our restaurant,” said the Facebook post, which did not specify the conditions under which she left. “We wish her well in the future.”

Yeah, well, it’s great that they reached a mutual decision, but given the negative attention that she brought to her employer, I’m afraid that I would have made a unilateral decision, if it was my business.

There’s enough information there that she might become a top seed in our next Stolen Valor tournament.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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I think she has actually put herself ahead of the Giduck spaznet shovel attack and Phildo Affenteil. No honor among thieves, you know.

They probably took their time and did due diligence carefully before dumping her because they didn’t want bad publicity or a loud, screeching lawsuit by her.

A Proud Infidel

Meh, all that publicity is gonna make finding her next job a real joy, but hey, it’s a “self-inflicted wound”! How soon will she blame her getting canned on “intolerance” if she hasn’t already?


Probably the whole ‘mutual agreement’ crap was to keep the whole thing from being dragged through unemployment insurance hearings. Those things can be a real bitch and in some states even if they are fired for just cause, you can still end up having to pay them for being fired.


#2 – simple, she will just go to work for Obama for Amerika, or whatever the hell that lefty group is calling themselves these days.


Might not have been feasible for the employer to fire her unilaterally, Jonn. Although technically legal, New York is one of the states with an “implied contract” exception limiting an employer’s right to fire employees at will. Had her employer unilaterally terminated her without clear evidence of on-the-job wrongdoing, it’s possible she could have made things very messy for them legally. I understand in states with liberal judiciaries that’s sometimes true even if the employer has evidence of wrongdoing.

I’m guessing the restaurant investigated and knows damned well that the family tipped Ms. Morales. (Their credit-card transaction processing system would have to have the actual amounts the credit card was charged on-file for them to get paid.) I’d be willing to bet the “mutual agreement” was, “You leave willingly and we won’t gop public with the evidence that the family is telling the absolute truth about tipping you.”

I’m still not 100% convinced the individual is lying (it’s remotely possible one of her coworkers set her up). But the more I hear about her, the closer to 100% my estimate becomes that she’s a LSoS. Right now my internal “BSometer” is reading 95+% concerning her story.

And for the record, Ms. Morales: the “L” in “LSoS” stands for “lying” – not lesbian. I couldn’t give a damn who you hump, or how.

The Other Whitey

@2 It WAS intolerance. Intolerance of a lying sack of shit who would probably attempt to hustle her own mother. I’m pretty damn intolerant of that myself. Fuck this bitch.

How long do ya think before VWPaintsniffer comes rushing in to her defense with all the elegance and articulation of a stroke patient?


#7 – It will be right after he is done spanking himself while gazing longingly at her picture and moaning.


People like Morales forget that the internet is one of the places employers, current and potential, go to when they want to find out what an employee or applicant is really like.

If you make a habit of doing and posting things that indicate you are a bad prospect for the company, or that you are damaging your employer’s image, you will be on the ‘no hire’/ ‘get rid of’ list in no time.

In this idiot’s case, she not only lied about what she did in the military, she also lied about her intentions with the donations she received. Those alone are good enough reasons to dump her, but the restaurant was being understandably cautious about it. However, since she’s now been exposed as a compulsive liar and a cheat, she’s less likely to find work that will pay anything more than the minimum wage, if she does find work at all.

Congratualtions, Morales, you did a fine job of destroying your career before it even got started. Way to go, stupid.


#8 – I still say that one of those Obama groups like Acorn or OFA will snatch her up in a heartbeat. She meets all their hiring credentials: Victim status and liar.

2/17 Air Cav

Morales must not have admitted her culpability in this despicable act. Without that admission, or video of Morales penning the note on the receipt. the employer would not include with absolute certainty that she was solely responsible for the lie. Thus, the cautious, mutual agreement to part ways. Would a judge or jury, were this a criminal case, have found her guilty? In my view, absolutely they would have. She has a reputation for lying, it is reported. Do liars always lie? No, but nowhere is that the standard for incredibility. It is enough that there are sufficient instances of the lying liar’s lying for a reasonable judge or jury to disbelieve self-serving statements of a defendant in light of reputation evidence. But this wasn’t a criminal case. This was the matter of an employer/employee relationship that was terminated based, we assume, upon the misconduct of the employee. I also assume that hers was an at-will employment relationship, as most jobs, especially low-level jobs, are. At-will employees, subject to certain exceptions, can be fired for any reason or no reason at all. One of the exceptions exists when an employer sets a progressive discipline policy. Such a policy can be established by written policy or by practice. Whether that existed here, I don’t know, but I doubt it. What I do know is that reports regarding Morales establish that she is a lying liar lesbian whose future employment prospects with a reputable company are none too good.

Hondo: The restaurant was in New Jersey.


so it seems Pay Pal has refunded money to at least three people that donated to her “cause” after the story broke. wonder how many other people will want their money back?


Instinct9, I see what you did there. Snatch and lesbian in the same posting. Well played.

Maybe she can move down to Reston VA and enroll in the All Points logistics Executive Training Program.


#9 has a point. My BS meter is pinging 99.99 percent now, with the OTH and other lies courtesy of ex-freinds that she has not publicly denied. That, and the lack of honesty with the donations. She told lie that got away from her at the internet exponential rate. Now she is screwed. Unless she take a job with one of the professional victim or victim exploitation groups so prevalent around the party currently in power. There, her utter lack of character will be an asset. As a Marine, the only saving grace in this story is that the Corps did award her an OTH; so her command was likely aware of her character.
I also agree with the assertion that it was a mutual decision for the good of the company. Had they just fired her, they would probably have been paying the lying turd’s unemployment for a good while as she is just about as likely to land another job in the private sector as Charles Manson. It is sweet the Kharma Fairy gets pissed.


A – She needs a shrink or her butt kicked – whichever works.

B – She could hook up with Debbifrisch, the crazy stalker, and psulie-o the uncoolie-o. Think what a grouping that would be – three idiots together in one spot. They could deflect alien invastions together. Drop them off in some strange foreign land to confuse, abuse and lie to the native inhabitants. You want to win a war? Hire them. It’ll be over in five seconds, and you win.


2/17 Air Cav: yep, my error – for some reason I thought the restaurant was in NYC.

However, as it turns out the error is irrelevant. New Jersey is also an “implied contract” employment state, and its judiciary is IMO relatively leftward-leaning. Same situation.


PH2…why either/or? Can’t she get both?


I looked at her Facebook page when this first came out. There she bragged about taking the donated Paypal money and spending it on herself instead of donating it to Wounded Warriors as she promised. She laughingly posted that she was wounded, therefore she would keep the money for herself. I think she is a first class, self serving POS. I am glad she is out of the Marines and glad she got fired. Dayna now you can turn your warped attention to finding a job. Maybe pole dancing in a lesbian bar. If they will have you. I have met some woman who pole dance and they had pretty good character. Were just using God giving assets to make a living and some supporting families. The important word here, glaringly missing from your resume of life, is character.


Correction to @17 should have read “God given” assets. My bad.


Well, good.

I hate liars.


@16-NHSParky, just offering a choice.

Which of the following would be more painful, but make a stronger impression and maybe last longer?

Being told by a shrink that you’re a complusive, pathological liar and you need to find a way to change your behavior?

Or getting a well-deserved ass whipping?

I don’t think either would cure her, but I do believe in giving people choices.

Green Thumb

Maybe APL will bring her into their executive management program.

She appears qualified.

A Proud Infidel

With this publicity, unless she gets hired by something like ACORN, she’ll be lucky to land a job washing dishes at Mel’s Tavern & Grill, and if ‘ol Mel does a google search on her, I’m sure he’ll tell her to either wait for a call or pound sand!


APL? Nope, Ms Morales is imminently qualified to be a “Navigator” for Obamacare. No character? Check. A liar? Check. Converting other people’s money/info to her own purposes? Check. She’s a shoe-in.


Hondo – I’m still not 100% convinced the individual is lying (it’s remotely possible one of her coworkers set her up).

I’m assuming that the credit card statement the customers showed the reporter wasn’t doctored. If that assumption is incorrect, all bets are off. If it’s correct, for a coworker to have set Morales up they would have had to pick up the bill and the customer’s credit card off the table, processed the transaction including the tip, picked up the signed copy off the table, printed off a duplicate, wrote the note and returned it to the table after the customers left. Morales herself would have had to not noticed her coworker doing any of this, and not noticed when she cashed out at the end of the night that she had an extra $18 in tips that she hadn’t expected.

I’m open to the possibility that what happened is more complicated than the most obvious straightforward explanation that she lied and wrote the note herself for attention and profit. On the other hand, I don’t see any way this could have played out without her knowledge.


Shit, I can actually see her running for some New York public office eventually. She has all the integrity required for it.


@3 & 10

Visa’s acceptance policy doesn’t give a rat’s ass as to whether or not the employee penned the copied receipt. All they care about is confidential transaction information being provided to the public.

And what they consider “confidential” is wholly distinct from what the layman would consider confidential. Visa considers every piece of data on that slip such. Doesn’t matter that she edited the name, removed the last four of the card number- she knowingly broke that contract.

If I’m the restaurant, I take her to the unemployment hearing. She has actively endangered my business with a potential fine from the network of over $150k, plus loss of service.

Fines, plus current and potential future loss of income- I’ll be damned if I cover your ass for one dime on the unemployment line.

2/17 Air Cav

Some of the future employment possibilities you guys named are quite realistic. That’s why I said her chances for employment with a REPUTABLE company. She can shovel shit at a local farm or, perhaps, clean bathrooms at a NJ turnpike rest stop.


Squirrel hunter, as long as she is supervised. Don’t want her pocketing extra squirrels.

Potato digger – yes, there is such a position, on the organic farms that don’t use tractors.

Cab driver in NYC, but she needs a foreign accent for that.

Tagalong for DebbieFrisch, except it doesn’t pay anything.

Just An Old Dog

Read some of her other disgusting claims. She said her own father raped and impregnated her. When she had no baby she said cancer had killed the baby and then spread to her brain.
There are absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever in this piece of shit. I agree she is a good candidate for stolen valor, She has checked the box for a lot of categories.

1. Lied about combat
2 Lied about being wounded
3 Spun the old “everyone but me died” yarn.
4 Cancer lie
5 rape lie
6 lost a baby lie
7 discrimination lie
8 stole from charity
9 OTH discharge.


AndyN: some variant of that could possibly have happened. If Ms. Morales was a 1st class a-hole towards some of here coworkers, one of them might have decided to “help her out” while she was busy elsewhere – and set her up.

That said: I initially put the chances of that being the case at well under 5%. And now that I’ve heard of her “I’m wounded, so I’ll just keep the money” quip, I’d now put that probability at well under 1%.

Enjoy looking for a new job, Ms. “LSoS”.


She absolutely DESERVES a top seeding in the next Stolen Valor tournament (which by the way could become a monthly thing seeing how more and more phonies seem to be coming out of the woodwork everyday).

She might get a kick out of it though, another way of getting her name out there in public, no such thing as bad publicity and all.


She will do fine, will bounce back, as an Obama Care Navigator!


@ Tman. No doubt. Someone will scoop her up like steaming crap on Park Ave, because they understand WHY she did what she did.

It was for the cause!


“Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum. I smell…the fingerprints of scum!”- Ace Ventura, Pet Detective


I’ve said it before, no lesbian has ever been stiffed on a tip. It’s like dividing by zero!

I don’t know which I like better, feigned victimhood or feigned heroism. The blurring of the lines in today’s media is wrecking my mind.

Roger in Republic

Goggle her name, then decide if you would hire her to work for you. She has well and truly screwed herself forever. She might just as well suck on her pistol as to ever think that she will ever work again under her own name. As a pathological liar I’m sure a name change is not beyond her capability of self delusion.