Andy Quach; another politician phony SEAL
Scotty sends us his work on one Andy Quach, who escaped communist Vietnam with his family in 1980 (according to his story) and enlisted in the Navy at the age of twenty and became an Equipment Operator Construction Man. After he was discharged, he ran for public office in Westminster, California and is on the City Council as the Mayor Pro Tem. Pretty honorable life, right? But apparently, that wasn’t good enough for Mr. Quach. He decided that he needed to be a Navy SEAL, too;
![Andy Quach SEAL](
Of course, he wasn’t, according to his records;
![Andy Quach FOIA](
He also claimed to be a Seabee, and Scotty says that he wasn’t, but I don’t know enough about the moister services to have an opinion either way. I just know he’s not a SEAL. Quach has also made a jerk of himself with some campaign irregularities, and driving under the influence which you can read about at Scotty’s place. Apparently the citizens of Westminster don’t mind having him represent them on their city council, because America!
Category: Phony soldiers
Nope that one is just “clever” writing. He volunteered (which means handing in a piece of paper to your XO) and got accepted (why would you be denied?) to BUD/S. No mentioning of passing it or ever serving as a SEAL.
Of course the premise of this statement is undoubtful to fool everyone in believing he actually had service with NSW as being a SEAL.
He´s still an ass for pulling this shit.
Couldn’t even pull 2 years active duty as a fake Seabee. What a broke dick.
Heavy Equipment Operator Constructionman (EOCN) is a SEABEE rating, so he could have been part if a Battalion, but he’d have barely made it out of school and into the Battalion before getting discharged. So his “Navy Career” ended before it got started. And why would he WANT to make the “ultimate sacrifice” by joining the SEALs ? Nobody WANTS to get killed on duty.
Man needs a blanket party. Just because.
EOCN means he was an E-3 when he was discharged, that’s all. Construimus, Batuimus (‘We fight. We build.’ also, ‘Can do!’)
Being a Seabee is really rather special, if you must know. So why he’d dump what is a skilled trades opportunity is beyond me, but I guess he just didn’t like not being ‘special’ enough. Instead of saying ‘I was a a SeaBee’, he decided to be a twirp.
Yep, EO’s are SeeBees. So are UT (Utilitymen), CM’s (Construction Mechanics), CE (Construction Electricians), BU’s (Builders), SW’s (Steelworkers) and EA’s (Engineering Aides). Had to look up some of the ratings.
Total asshat….
Oh, yeah and to make it even more confusing, E-1 through E-3 rates:
Seabee – Constructionmen (CR, CA, CN)
Corpsmen (HR, HA, HN)
Airmen (AR, AA, AN)
Regular types (Seamen) – (SR, SA, SN).
Got that?
Sorry that this is so old, but Corpsmen are actually “Hospitalmen”. That what the HN means. Also, you left out Fireman (FA, FR, FN). They work in Engineering on the ship, they’re Machinist’s Mates, Damage Controlmen, Machinery Repairmen, etc.
A construction equipment operator is an engineer rating, MOS, job, etc. They are assigned to construction battalions (CB) which is the basis for calling Navy engineer units “SEABEEs”.
@ 7 and 8.
1. You forgot Engineering: Fireman Recruit (FR); Fireman Apprentice (FA); and Fireman (FN).
2. CB are not Engineers. They are Constructionmen. BT, MM, EN, GS, EM and the below the waterline rates are Engineers.
Back to point. Charlie above may have gone to BUD/S, he did not graduate, he bearly had enough time in the Navy to learn how to change the oil on a bulldozer let alone develop the characteristcs to be accepted and be considered a fully trained SEABEE.
My assessment: Charlie should have stayed in Viet Nam.
Submitted by Black Shoe, Snipe, Engieer who has worked in both NSW and CB communitities.
That is all.
Carry on!
When I was in WDC in the 1960s, I kept my horse out in Clifton, Va. The trainer was a good friend of mine and her husband was a SeaBee.
When he asked me if I’d help him with building his barn, I said I wasn’t in the CB rates and he said that was okay, just ‘watch what I do and do what I do’. That barn was put together like a brick outhouse. I learned so much about building construction in those six weeks.
Maybe he didn’t understand because he didn’t actually spend enough time there to gain a full understanding of the importance of the job??
You’d think that in this internet age of ours that poseurs would be a wee bit more careful, but apparently not.
Such is the mindset of fakers. They know they have a good chance of being busted, yet they don’t care. All that matters is that they have that brief moment of adulation and hero worship as “Spec Ops” military personnel.
Slick shoes.
@#9 Whoops! Thanks Master Chief! 😉
Instead of a SeaBee, this POS is more like a SeaDouche…
I emailed him to say “WTF”. Will be interesting to see if he responds.
Ex-PH2, the shortened version is “We Build, We Fight” (The Construimus is before Batuimus to go with the whole CB theme).
A longer version is on the statue at the Seabee Memorial at Arlington:
“With compassion for others
We build ~ We fight
For peace with freedom”
@17, I know. I typed it backwards and then clicked ‘submit’. Sorry about that.
” A latent ear condition”,,, Translation, his ears got infected from listening to his own bullshit.
This clown appears to be a crook.
It seems like he is only guilty of not realizing that he hasn’t done anything worth bragging about. But he is proud of what he did, which is uncommon to most of the folks featured here.
Assclown pretends he is ESL when you catch him off guard.
And this man represents who?
But I got him.
@18, Ex-PH2, where did you type “timbus”?
Back to the subject of the thread, I woulda just said “TURD”, but then I’d be steppin’ on someone who has Departmental Seniority on me (YEAH, where I earn my civilian life income is unionized) so if I did, *SPANK ME, COACH!* (/SARC)
Maybe from here on out, I oughtta say “ASS-NUGGET”, “BUTT-NUGGET”, “HUMAN ROAD-APPLE”, or “COCKROACH TURD”!!
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