You lie!

| December 6, 2013

When that charge was yelled out during Obama’s address to Congress, the liberal media were in lockstep in their condemnation of the South Carolina congressman, Joe Wilson, who admittedly violated congressional protocol in defensible defense of his constituents and his country. Likewise, author, Jack Cashill, has for years been publishing growing evidence here at American Thinker that the man who calls himself Barack Hussein Obama is not what he appears to be. A Cashill piece posted yesterday elicited a comment with a link to a telephone interview from a black radio talk show to a woman in Hawaii who admits she knew Obama only peripherally in his formative years after his return from Indonesia. But her peripheral observations are damning if true.

Most striking is her attestation that Barry, as she calls him, was a pathological liar, one of those that we’ve all encountered, who lies gratuitously, but most especially when the lie enhances the worth of the liar. Six years into the Obama administration it is easy to see that what that female teenager in Hawaii observed as self-serving, adolescent behavior is now being manifested on a national and global level as a continuing quest for self-aggrandizement by a man who has already achieved the political pinnacle.

As Cashill noted, just this week we were served up another example of blatant dishonesty by this pathological president when his minions admitted that he did in fact know his previously disowned, troubled African uncle in Massachusetts. Not only did Barry have contact with the uncle he had earlier professed not to know, the White House now admits he actually lived with the man. The clumsy admission and attempted dodge to protect the president from yet another provable lie is so farfetched as to be laughable. How on earth does Jay Carney sleep at night? Their contention is that when they said the president had never known his wayward uncle it was because the media staff issuing that statement had not checked with the president to determine its validity. What an absolute crock! Sure, an uncle of the president, in this country illegally, is arrested on drunk-driving charges and faced with deportation and the White House press office issues a statement of total denial of contact with the perp by the prez without consulting said prez. Folks, they are so arrogantly supreme as to believe you will accept this crap.

If you watched and listened to Reverend Manning’s radio interview with the woman in Hawaii, you could not help but note her multiple references to Barry Soetoro’s propensity for telling self-promoting lies. Supporting her charge is his behavior that has never changed in the five years of an Obama presidency that have left a trail of lies across America’s political landscape never before seen. Through Fast and Furious, the Benghazi treachery, IRS corruption and most of all, Obamacare, we have seen this is a morally-deficient, mendacious man with absolutely no compunctions about lying large to what he sees as a gullible, passively accepting nation and world, a core quality of a too-confident confidence man. Why is he so self-assured? Perhaps a good example is when a corrupt media and a dishonest Democrat party circles the wagons and covers for him when a sincere congressman yells the honest truth:

You lie!

Crossposted at American Thinker.

Poetrooper encourages you to listen to the radio interview linked above.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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You wrapped this stinking fish up correctly with the last sentence. Corrupt fawning media and dishonest dumbocrat party. Just add in the ignorant unwashed masses with their hands out and you have the complete package.


One scandal after another, scandal piling on top of scandal….

As the very wise showman P.T. Barnum once said, you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

Geezo-pete, and I though Trick Dick was bad.


We wouldn’t have the congenital liar in the WH, without the cogenital liars who elected him. I know what we’re going to do about him; but my question is, what are we going to do about THEM?


“…coNgenital liars…” not “cOgenital. Whole different meaning there, as well as a misspelling. Sorry.

Combat Historian

What is there to say about this that hasn’t been said before (sigh)…The nation’s voters, in their infinite “wisdom”, decided to re-elect this lying piece of shit, and now we’re all eating his proverbial shit sandwich, How you like that sandwich, America?


That should be ‘and I thoughT TrickY Dick was bad’.

Well, I did.


So did a bunch of other people, PH! Seems that he was a lightweight on the deceit scale.

Whatever is the point of lying about knowing a member of one’s own family? Makes no sense at all. Not that I condone lying about anything ever, but at least you can see a reason for some lies that some people tell some times.

He is beyond simply being a pathological liar. He lies when it would be easier to tell the truth. Apparently he just does all that he can to avoid the truth even when the truth could do him no harm.


Eventually, education transcripts will get leaked.
For profit or spite.
No matter
But I suspect they will be very illuminating.


His base of support is draining away, whether jay the carney barker will even admit to it in a press conference or not. He just does what he’s told, and that nose of his gets longer and longer. Lie for the liar, and get paid to do it.

Well, there are more scandals to come, if my source for this is accurate and it has a high rate of accuracy.

All the clown dog had to do was take the job seriously, but the Wiz behind the curtain keeps telling him what to do and he goes along with it. Lifetime habits are very hard to break.


@9 And it’s the Wiz behind the curtain that is the real trouble — not the puppet in front of it.


I am still astounded that people continue to defend Obama and all of his lies. I encountered it five minutes ago. “The President had a lot on his plate to take care of.” Really?


Club Manager

This guy continues to prove you can fool most of the people most of the time. Its our own damn fault for nominating losers to run for POTUS. Hide and watch, we will do it again next year.


Tricky Dicky doesn’t hold a candle to Obama. Carter was a miraculous blend of Belisarius and Abraham Lincoln in comparison.

In every sense imaginable, Obama is an Enemy of the Republic. IMO.


@9 I suspect it is Soros through Jarrett pulling the strings of the O puppet.


In the press briefing yesterday, Jay Carney said Obama had never been asked about the uncle and that the staff had given the answer Obama did not know the uncle from reading the Obama books.

If that is the case, then you have another instance where the President is so disengaged from what is going on that he doesn’t even know what his Press Secretary and others are telling people about him.

As I see it, either this was another lie or another display of incompetence. (Maybe both.)

Neither one reflects well on Obama and the country.


@14, That would not surprise me, but I believe there are more discoveries, of every sort, yet to come. If you will, take a moment to remember the dustup not so very long ago over Bob Woodward’s publishing of an article in which he reported that obama had ‘moved the goalposts’ in negotiations over the budget deficit. It was back in February this year, not so very long after the Benghazi disaster and the lies that surrounded it, among other things. There was also the statement about obamacare in 2009 and repeated more than once since then, that if you like your health care coverage/doctor/etc., you can keep it, period, which has turned into possibly the biggest flat-out lie on the planet. It’s just one fabrication after another, one box of excuses after another, with no end in sight. The ‘fool some, not all, not always’ is beginning to run true as his approval drops and his support begins to slip away, leaving behind only those who deny the truth or refuse to acknowledge it. It’s my personal opinion that this may prove to be a far bigger scandal than Watergate and a serious political disaster for the Democrat party because they have enabled this, through obama, since Day One. The chickens coming home to roost is a good analogy. The lost of trust is getting deeper and deeper, and once trust is violated, it either does not recover or takes a very long time to do so. This stuff will go on until 2015. There is, as I said, a lot more to come. I have a deep-seated feeling that it will be very unsettling, as in more secrets and cover-ups being revealed – exposed – and they will not be pretty. Whether you may agree with me or not, we have less at stake here than the people who are engaged in this corruption that you find so very threatening. It’s like watching a movie in which the bad guy destroys himself and denies it until he sinks under his own lies. I’ve always seen karmic law work:… Read more »


A scandal is nothing more than vicious gossip, unless someone is able to make it a legal situation. The conservatives don’t have the horsepower or even the backbone, and the liberals don’t care as long as the drunken, money-spending, welfare-supporting orgy continues. So who, exactly, is going to be able to press charges and make them stick?

2/17 Air Cav

@16. Yeah, Unckie Dunkie was under oath. None of the WH people were and none are. For some people, lies are okay so long as they aren’t perjurious. Bill Clinton was an exception. He lied whether he was under oath or not.


Just an observation: the Legislative Branch of our government has no Army. The Judicial Branch of our government has no Army. The Departments of Justice and of Defense and of Treasury all belong to the Executive Branch.

President Asterisk proved that the Executive Branch can effectively nullify laws, judgement, and elections.

Why should President Asterisk give a rat’s ass what anyone thinks? January 20, 2017 may be the most interesting day of this century.


A scandal can get you fired, or voted out of office for good.

I guess it’s taking time for the loss of support and approval from those that bodaprez needs the most (18-24 and 25-29) is not only rapidly evaporating, but they are expressing the sincere wish that he could be removed from office by recall vote. We don’t have that at the federal level, but we do have impeachment, which doesn’t have to be about porking some chubby White House intern.

Common Sense

Classic Star Trek:


Well, the liar’s paradox says that, should he admit to lying about everything, no one will believe he’s lying.

So while they’re struggling to sort that out, we can steal the Enterprise and get away quickly, and go party with Scotty and some Aldebaran malt whiskey.

A Proud Infidel

When hasn’t B. Hussein 0bama proven himself to be a pathological liar?


I just want to say that Jay Carney is a piece of shit who needs to be burned at the stake.

Roger in Republic

Da Prez reminds me of the murder suspects on The First 48″. The ones that five eye witnesses have identified, where the cops found the murder weapon in his girl friends closet wrapped in his shirt with the victims blood on it. The one shown full face on the security video. All he says is ” I don’t know what you are talking about, I wasn’t there, that’s not me, everybody is lying, I want my lawyer.” The only thing missing in the statement is “I found out about it by reading the New York Times.” It must be a cultural thing with criminal thugs.


Okay, I’m going to say this and you guys do what you like with it. When Jack Kennedy was campaigning and grown women were all over him like white on rice, I couldn’t figure that out. I couldn’t see what had my mother in a tailspin over him, any more than I could figure out why girls over 14 screamed about Elvis. But when Kennedy started that campaign, I was 13 years old, so I would hardly be physically attracted to someone old enough to be my father. I liked Jackie, though, because she went hunting and grew up on the back of a horse, just like I did. I just thought Jack was okay. Fast forward many years, and here’s this rather peculiar repeat of 1959, with women practically wetting their pants over someone I found completely unattractive. I didn’t like the way he speaks in public. I found him to be somehow artificial, made up out of clay like a golem. Nothing about him seemed genuine. And again, I could not figure out why so many women were grinning like apes at his appearances, his acceptance speech and then at his inauguration. I said somewhere else that it was like watching the Beatles arrive, and I was quite crushy on McCartney and Lennon back then, so it wasn’t about anything other than physical stuff. I really thought Lennon was a nutcase and McCartney was a drunk, but I found both of them physically attractive. What the heck, I was 17. I was normal. I have run into men in the past umpteen years that were incredibly good-looking and found myself unattracted to them in even the slightest way, which didn’t make any sense to me. About 35 years ago, I was working in the graphics production industry, which is loaded with gay men, and I asked one of them, someone I worked with full-time, why I could not get interested in some of those seriously good-looking men, and he told me that straight women aren’t attracted to gay men. He said I had ‘gaydar’ and should pay attention… Read more »