Karzai pushes US to withdraw completely

| December 1, 2013

Chief Taliban spokesman in Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, is pushing the US into a “zero option” in regards to our presence in Afghanistan, according to the Washington Post. Obviously, he’s trying to fund his 401k and holding his own country hostage at the same time.

Tensions between Kabul and Washington intensified Friday when the U.S.-led military coalition acknowledged it had launched airstrikes the day before that killed a child and injured two women in southern Afghanistan. Karzai angrily billed the strike as further proof that the United States has little regard for the lives of Afghan civilians.

U.S. officials signaled last week they were reasonably optimistic that Karzai would soon relent and sign the bilateral security agreement, which sets the rules for an enduring U.S. military presence after the U.N. mandate that governs its role expires in December 2014. But after Thursday’s civilian casualties, Afghan officials said he was even more reluctant to sign the document promptly.


Some U.S. officials argue that Karzai appears to be drawing the process out to bolster his legacy at the end of his mandate, operating under the assumption that the threats of a full pullout are empty ones.

“I don’t know if he fully realizes the risks,” Gen. Joseph E. Dunford Jr., the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, told the Wall Street Journal last week. “He certainly understands it from an Afghan perspective. I don’t know if he fully appreciates what the implications are for the United States.”

Karzai’s habit of criticizing accidental deaths of civilians and failure to criticize the intentional targeting of innocents has only influenced the terrorists in his country to hide behind the skirts of innocents when confronted with US force. Now, Karzai wants to forbid US troops from pursuing the enemy into houses to insure that the war lasts forever. Yeah, well, then it’s past time for us to leave and declare Karzai a terrorist and the Justice Department should seize his assets outside of Afghanistan so that he’s trapped there to enjoy the fruits of his labor on behalf of the Taliban.

Category: Terror War

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Oh, please, the party is over. Our host doesn’t like the mess he asked us to make in the first place and wants us to leave. Let’s just take his hint and blow his popstand. (Double entendre intentional.)

B Woodman

We need to be out of there. Yesterday. With as much of our gear as can be taken with us. ANd to HELL with the exit fees, taxes, and tariffs. And if we can’t take it with us, blow it in place, make it beyond scrap metal.

Frankly Opinionated

I seriously doubt that the future in Afghanistan will be good for American troops so long as they are under the present Commander-in-Chief. The top echelon of leadership is more concerned with approval ratings than with accomplishments. This is no longer a job for our military.


Pull out, take all the stuff with us we can and nuke the rest of it that is left behind. Fuck them.

2/17 Air Cav

“I don’t know if he [Karzai] fully appreciates what the implications are for the United States.”

1) Well, neither do I. What are the implications? Seriously. What is Dunford talking about? I understand the unreasonable risk Karzai, Kerry, and The Emperor are placing on our troops but what exactly do you think he means by “what the implications are for the United States?” Anyone?

2) This is where a draft would have helped, for sure. Most Americans don’t give a thought to Afghanistan or the military. A Hollywood type gets a divorce and it’s news to be discussed. A soldier or two is killed in Afganistan and its a forgettable blurb in some news reports. But if the knucklehead in the White House could potentially risk the lives of those who couldn’t care less by drafting them or their children, I can’t help but believe we would have been so gone by now from that shithole.


Nuke em from orbit.


It’s really not difficult. When someone makes it clear you are not welcome in their house, you leave. You don’t sit there negotiating terms of your leaving. You just leave – and take your stuff with you.


Start packing now. Get the Hercs in, load ’em up, head ’em out, firebomb what you can’t take with you.

Or, to quote Hicks, “Take off, nuke the place from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.”

A Proud Infidel

Whatever we don’t take or blow in place, boobytrap it with WP grenades!!


Do not forget the pig bomb! Round up as many feral hogs as you can find in the southeast and south in general, load them onto a cargo plane, make that the last load unloaded at whatever bases are left and then book on out of there.

Remember: Hercs are designed for extreme low-level glides to unload cargo on the run. The Herky bird pilots did it constantly at Khe Sanh. A Herc can float along without touching down about 5 ft off the ground while stuff is being rolled off the cargo ramp. Yes, I have seen this.


Getting out of Afghanistan will be complicated because we don’t have Kuwait with plenty of storage and nice seaports next door. Karzai is not completely delusional though and he will eventually sign in order to keep his head off a pike. We’ll probably have a presence in that craphole for the next 30 years or so.


If Massoud wasnt assassinated before 9/11 this might have ended better. Most people believed he would have become President vice Karzai had he been alive.


I am glad Karzai is threatening to have us leave. I mean what else could we ask for? The logic is all backwards. WE are the ones who come or leave as we see fit. We have no ball of chain to keep us there. It will only do America good if we get our, take all our stuff and and promise never to write. If Karzai yells too loudly, them bomb every base and piece of infrastructure we paid to build after we are gone. I cannot wait for us to be rid of Afghanistan and that whole shitpot part of the world. Karzai is a terrorist in approved clothing and there is not a spits worth of difference between him and his regime than the Taliban. This getting out business is a screw up from the White House, through the Pentagon and especially Kerry in State. Any sane administration would have been gone long ago. It all comes down to wanting more of our dollars and our administration being willing to give them. All the while cutting our military to the bone and screwing over vets and retirees alike. Sorry for the rant. This all IMHO. Many of you voice your like opinions much better than I.


P.S. The most important thing is the one I forgot, pardon me. It is, as long as we are there we will lose soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen. One of their lives are worth more than anything in the whole of Afghanistan and all of their people. No more of our blood for that third world toilet.

The Lurker Formerly Known As Curt

I agree with most of the folks before me- get our people and gear out, leave those bastards with nothing but a few Hellfires. The first one should land in Karzais lap…

Dumbasses…fuck’em all.


Remember that part in Road Warrior? When the group left that little refinery, they left the gates open. All the bikers went piling in as fast as they could. The timer was set to blow the rig as soon as the refugees were well on their way.


Kind of like watching Sauron’s tower crumble into nothing after Frodo watcheds Gollum fall into the abyss.


If we seized Karzai’s “personal” assets, we’d probably be able to take care of a good chunk of US Debt.

Club Manager

Re Pig Bomb. We’ve got lots of pigs in Arkansas and a fleet of C-130’s to haul them over. After the LSU game, we’d probably throw in a couple of Hogs for free.

The US should have left there 10+ years ago, last man out (or women Marine) leave the light on because they don’t have electric power without us anyway.

Warhammer 9

My wife and I were watching “The Unit” the other night (quality television, I know) and she said “how long until one of these guys is sicced on Karzai for how often he has stabbed us in the back?”

Good question.


This episode of unreality TV may end in 2015. Expect more scandals to rise as the next 18 months go by. 🙂


1) We load everything up that we can and GTFO.

2) Anything we are unable to load up and remove, we destroy in place.

3) All American bases and buildings, we destroy until nothing is standing over 1′ high.

4) We cut all payments to Afghanistan in all forms and use them instead for Veteran rehabilitation.

5) Sit back and watch the entire country burn live on Al Jazeera.


Flagwaver, you forgot: when they ask for exit fees, etc., tell them to jam it!

A Proud Infidel

If we do pull out, I wonder just how quickly Karzai will be begging for us to come pick him up out of there and wipe his ass for him the moment he’s rescued from being beheaded?


Well, well, well, looky here! http://news.msn.com/world/karzai-accuses-us-of-cutting-afghan-military-supplies

I’m telling you, cain’t nothing make this boy happy nohow! Nothin’, I tell you! Now it’s the US’s fault that he won’t sign that agreement because we’re withholding supplies that HE wants for himself.

Oh, I know – I can read – it’s ALL for the Afghan military. Sure it is. (Gigglesnort.) Whatever, he’s a whiny, spoiled, ME snot that doesn’t seem to know which side of the bread the butter is on.


So let’s leave then.

In the words of Walter Sobchak…

“Fuck it, Dude. Let’s go bowlin’.”


I’m calling it now, with his criticizing of the US/NATO forces, his peace offers to the TB, his refusal to sign the security deal, and now his wanting to push the elections back to April, I say he wants the Zero Sum option so he can seize power and run the country for as long as he wants as he can’t run for a third term.