Why we fight

| November 29, 2013

I’m just going to leave this right here;

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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(sigh)…vwp–you prove Einstein’s adage was in fact correct:

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”

And you alone are responsible for more of it than just about any human being currently walking the planet.


Walmart workers are striking some place for better wages.

Green Thumb


But is not The Wal-Mart Capitalistic?

vietnam war protestor a.k.a. u.s.s. liberty

If you don’t like it here you can always move to north korea they don’t have black fridays there


@49, you are as ignorant as you are stupid. First you claim that you are a Vietnam war protestor and then claim that you are an American ship? Do you even know the story of the Liberty or are you simply jumping on the anti-Israeli band wagon with the rest of the mental midgets in the Dim-o-craptastic party?

As for North Korea, what have you done to ease the suffering there? You point out that there is no Black Friday shopping, but that is because there is no Christmas. They EXECUTE Christians in North Korea. But, that’s just like Vietnam, right? I mean, North Korea is just a peace-loving nation with unicorn farms and lollipop forests, right?

Do you actually know why we were in Vietnam? The real reason? Not the reason that Dennis Rodman… sorry, Jane Fonda was spouting, but the actual reason. I am guessing that you don’t because you are so quick to jump on anyone who you think might be wrong according to your point of view.


@54 – sorry, it wasn’t any better the second time.


Looks as though fights are not conducted only at Walmart. This taser dueling episode took place at an indoor mall.


vwp, you can move to Norkland. Nobody here likes you. All you do is drop turds and lice everywhere you go and whatever it was you had for lunch, try eating something besides roadkill.

3/17 air cav

@51….. I don’t know sparky, your getting them fired up tonight. Seems kind of rare, the same dumb ass on two different topics. Per chance, are we going for the trifecta tonight?


@52 And they probably won’t get those wages.


@58, are you thinking that a half-soused, fully-retarded, spandex-wearing, wannabe-rich-kid is going to come in waving his wang around before he runs off to hide because we laugh at its miniscule size?


@60, I think the person to whom you are referring has been partying hard with the holidays now underway. However, as I said back in September, I fully expect to see a recurrence starting in a few days up to about mid-December.

Green Thumb

@60 and 61.

Not so much.

He is running errands is my best guess.


@50 then why didn’t the south vietnames stand and fight in 1963/5 or at danang or saigon in 1975? We all saw their helicopters that we had given them crowed land on our carriers instead of using them to fight back with! @55 We are still waiting to find out after all these years! Why were we there ??? Vietnam vet radio talk show host gil gross seemed to find out when he had mcnamara on his talk show and didn’t like the anwser to much! Quote “You sent me over there and you didn’t beleive in it!” gil gross.

vietnam war protestor a.k.a. u.s.s. liberty

63 is me I forgot!

A Proud Infidel

Dnjlssd, fguosdf. dfpdhg dhjf du vjmksuf ofkw ajf aioleo0pwi dkd s rf ,. sifgwe0481235 d7954 sc7fk2s c8fbwmzx d67s d8a fjasvw pfuas fduslr sifjn sj sifmn sif sif jjfdafppsj dvsbjo!!!

HEY, VWP, I did it again, I just finished another shot and a beer after doing a night shift,typing randomly with my eyes closed, and it’s far more intelligent and sane than anything you have or ever will post here or anywhere else! Do yourself a favor, GO TO DU and stay there with your fellow glue-sniffing welfare flunkies!!

Crimean War Protestor, aka A Proud Infidel

*BUUUURRP!* I forgot to correct my screen name before my last post, so here it is, my glue-sniffing mental midget!! *BUUUURRP!*

Mr. Blue

#63: Used talking points! Getcher used talking points here!


Viet names? Anyone got some Viet names? How about Kim Hung Huong Thi? Nguyet Phuong Thi? Thom Binh Thuy?

That enough Viet names for you, vwp?

Wait, I’ve got more. T?t Nguyên ?án. Hill 811. Ia Drang. Bien Hoa. An Loc. Ashau Valley. Khe Sanh. Tonkin. Dong Ha. Mekong Delta. Ho Chi Minh Trail. Highway 9. Highway 1. Quang Ngai. Cam Ranh Bay.

That ought to fill vwp’s shopping cart.

And while I’m at it — ‘WE’? ‘WE’? Who’s ‘WE’, asshole? You got a mouse in your pocket?

Eagle Keeper

@25: “Anyway, who would want to be in a crowded situation like that? It’s a target rich environment for an Islamic suicide bomber.”

Serious, or sarcasm?

Eagle Keeper

@33: From your mouth to God’s ears. Maybe they’ll thin their own herd. CONSIDERABLY.