Stephen Fox; embellishing for VA bennies

| November 25, 2013

One of our fans on Facebook sent us an article about former Fort Drum Corporal Stephen Fox whose plight for VA benefits was highlighted in a local news story in the Los Angeles Daily News earlier this month;

After serving multiple tours of duty in Iraq, dodging mortars and roadside bombs, Army Cpl. Stephen Fox came home to Tarzana with a traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder and a host of additional ailments.

“We got blown up, like, every day, and then there was other stuff, too,” said the 26-year old former infantryman, recalling the time he was among the first responders to arrive after an explosion in Kirkuk that left 80 dead and 170 wounded.

“It was terrible,” he said quietly.

Even though the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs was well aware of his returning condition — providing him with free medical treatment at its Sepulveda Ambulatory Care Center — it still took two years to process his claim for disability benefits.

Well, the person who wrote us was squad leader in a different platoon than Fox, but he says that Fox is full of shit;

He was deployed with 3rd PLT 1-87 IN 10th Mountain from August 07-October 09. We were deployed to the Kirkuk Province but our sister battalion 2-22 was in the actual city of Kirkuk. Our battalion operated out of FOB McHenry in Hawijah, Iraq and our company was roughly 10 miles at FOB Baker.

CPL Fox is the soldier making the statements but is out [of the Army] now which you’ll read in the story. Basically we did take some incoming mortar rounds sporadically, we had no catastrophic IED’s and none he was in, and didn’t [get] hit everyday. I was in 1st PLT but the entire company was together on a small FOB and we knew every significant contact that happened on each platoons patrols. But the kicker is that he states he was a first responder in “Kirkuk” to an explosion that left 80 dead and 140 wounded. Which again you’ll [read in] his statements in the news article.

I was a staff sergeant squad leader and from what I’m learning he may not have even deployed a second time. He was a new private after we deployed to Baghdad then deployed with us. I left for drill sergeant duty 7 months later before they deployed to Afghanistan so I’m trying to confirm if he never deployed again through people still at ft drum

He pretty much fabricated stories from other peoples experiences and blew them out of proportion. We had a few guys write the news reporter and she explained that everything she wrote is what he had said. He’s been getting blasted with over 300 comments on just my friends post that he wrote after my initial post. He was on there backtracking and making himself look like even more of a liar. So pretty much in two words he’s a shit bag that fabricated stories to seem more than he was.

This is the second one of these guys from Fort Drum who has been caught lying by his mates. I guess they figure that they’re the only people on the internet.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Dumbasses think that no one is going to notice them… I mean no one ever reads articles online about anything…
On a side note. Whatever comments may have been made on the Article, they have been cleansed with only one comment on it at all. Appears that the LA Daily News does not want their “story’ tainted with the truth about on of its main subjects.

Combat Historian

Bullshitter making up bullshit to sell to the VA for extra bennies…I’m shocked and speechless, shocked and speechless…


Small correction on the deployment frame August 07 through October 08. Not October 09.

HS Sophomore

What kills me is wondering how anyone ever believes they’ll get away with this stuff. Sheesh, if you give a big news interview to a major network, you have to KNOW that it’ll eventually get back to someone with a clue, right? Well, definitely a case of playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes…

A Proud Infidel

Stupidasses like him never even look even as far as the tip of their turd-sniffing noses, all they ever care about is what they want right there, right now. I enjoy watching them get their asses ponder every time!!

A Proud Infidel

*OOPS*, pounded, stupid smart phone!!

Just An Old Dog

Jaysus H. Tap-dancing Keerist.
Does anyone even realize that the VA goes by your medical record from service and not “war stories” you spin?
There are guys that serve honorably, never deploy or if they do deploy see no combat and get injured. Their condition or injuries are just as legit to get a rating.

CI Roller Dude

Of OIF 3, my Nat Guard unit ended up borrowing lots of troops from other units in order to have the numbers needed. (I still think we’d been much better off NOT taking some).
Anyways, we borrowed a cook from another unit in CA. We didn’t need cooks, so they ended up doing other stuff. This one cook came home and went back to his unit making claims he was supposed have been give a bronze star and purple heart, CIB etc.
Well, the problem was, he NEVER left the camp and was never in a random mortar attack or anything else where he would have earned the bling.


If he is indeed trying to get extra VA benefits through his lies, seems he would be a perfect Stolen Valor prosecution. Shitbag.


I actually called out Stephen Fox on my FB. It had over 500+ comments on it and he did admmit that he made up some stuff. I dont mind putting our brothers on blast like this, but this seriously pissed me off. For the record, he isn’t a Corporal and now he works at the VA. So I will let that soak for a minute… he files your paperwork for the VA…..He is also afraid of losing his job…..again…..WITH THE VA.


Wow, the VA! Well he has nothing to worry about. Federal employees can’t be fired. Everyone knows that!

A Proud Infidel

If he’s a Federal Government employee, he’ll probably get suspended with pay for a while, then the AFGE (Associated Federal Government Employees, their Union) will demand an apology for the Government’s accusations against him!!


Which VA does he work for? If he still does work I’ll poke around and see what I can stir up.


@7 you’d be surprised. I was just in a VA rating class a few months ago and they were pretty clear that they err on the side of giving the service member the benefit of the doubt unless there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary. If it looked like he was roughly deployed to the place he said he was, he’s probably going to be be believed, even if his story doesn’t sound credible. Sadly, it’s not a whole lot different with the DoD docs (particularly civilian contractors). Meanwhile, people who came by their issues honestly wait in line…

Unknown white male

I have spent the last year and a half at Bethesda WRMMC and after three deployments and three surgeries this year I still get jerked around by the VA on a weekly basis. I also know I can smell some bullsh#ters there trying to milk the system and have their hand out for every freebee they can get. But the “system” is so afraid to call them out on their obvious lies especially if they are a “protected class” Soldier. There are a few that claim TBI but have never even deployed anywhere and have been collecting from Uncle Sugar while I sit in ICU and have the VA tell me I could be there another year and just appeal when I eventually get ratings. This is especially true if you go to the Baltimore VA. What a example of the worst our nation can do for its vets. I would not send my dog there.