Karzai demands “peace” as precondition for future US presence
I think old Hamid’s cheese has slid off his cracker; addressing his elders’ council, the Loya Jirga, in spite of the council’s advice to sign the agreement with the US for our continued progress, Karzai said that he’d only accept the agreement if peace in his country is a precondition, according to link sent to us by Andy from Reuters;
The gathering, known as the Loya Jirga, had been convened by the president to debate the pact which outlines the legal terms of continued U.S. military presence in Afghanistan. It voted in favor and advised Karzai sign it promptly.
But Karzai, in his final remarks to the four-day meeting, said he would not sign it until after a presidential election due next April.
“If there is no peace, then this agreement will bring misfortune to Afghanistan,” he said. “Peace is our precondition. America should bring us peace and then we will sign it.”
The president did not elaborate, but has previously said a free and fair vote is needed to guarantee peace in the country and his spokesman later said Karzai had not changed his mind.
As the meeting ended, assembly chairman Sibghatullah Mojeddedi told Karzai: “If you don’t sign it, we will be disappointed.” Karzai responded “Fine!” and left the stage.
Yeah, well, the way I see it, even though Karzai didn’t elaborate what “peace” means, if there was peace in Afghanistan, there’d be no need for us to stay. And, oh, yeah, Karzai has done his level best to hamstring the US troops there so that the war drags on with ridiculous rules of engagement.
Speaking of which, the Washington Times is reporting even more stringent requirements on engaging the enemy. According to the video, troops must only engage armed enemy, even if they’re 100% sure that the dude they’re targeting is Taliban;
Category: Terror War
That moron in DC needs to call up Bush and ask him to come back and take this shit over. Pull all our troops out, destroy anything of use to the enemy, and oh while your at it find out where that bastard in Kabul is hiding all his money and take that too.
“Peace is our precondition. America should bring us peace and then we will sign it.”
WTF!!! Over. All we have done the entire time we have been there is try to bring them peace. Problem is they do not want peace. As part of the radical Muslim community at large, there is not a spits difference between Karzai and his people and government than the Taliban. He does not want or care about peace. What he wants is a never ending gravy train of US dollars! Screw them all and get us out of Afghanistan ASAP! If he wants peace, then use all the technology and weapons we are leaving there and fight for your own peace. We did it, it was called the American Revolution. If they want to overthrow tyranny then get their lazy, worthless asses out in the field and at the borders and fight and kill every Taliban and insurgent in sight. But don’t expect the American nation to continue to fight a ham strung war on your behalf. Our President is the dumbest, most anti-American, worthless POS ever to occupy the Oval Office. No more American blood for these turds!
If you read the article in its entirety, you will see that Karazi has no regard for America or its troops.
He asks for a chance tp apply more political pressure, so Afghanistan doesn’t capitulate on the pending agreement “FOR FREE”.
So I guess our billions in aid and our troops being wounded and KIA on a daily basis are FREE.
I say, fuck him;fuck Afghanistan; Get out now!
I think we’ve been helping the wrong folks. Karzai doesn’t want peace, he wants to get filthy rich off the American taxpayer, and screw his country.
Fuck him and his favorite goat too! GTFO!
He may actually be on to something here. If only our side would demand exactly the same thing before spending another dime in his country.
Oh and another thing. Karazi also says “that American soldiers continue to raid Afgan homes and kill civilians” here’s a novel idea, how about we just leave then Again soldiers can raid Afgan homes and kill Afgan civilians, or they can do what they do now. Nothing
You can’t make up shit like this…
Fuck Karzai as well as all of his sheep & goats!!
“America should bring us peace, and then we will sign it.”
Mr. Karzai, I wish for you the peace that our military is capable of bringing to you.
You wouldn’t like it — but we would.
This reminds me of the scene from Blazing Saddles when the town learns the new sheriff is black. To get himself out of a hostile situation, the sheriff pulls his six shooter, points it at his own neck and threatens to shoot. Aghast at the prospect of murder (the sheriff pretends to be the would-be killer and the victim), the townspeople back off. Here, Karzai agrees to a deal in principle, takes it to the Loyal Jerkoff, they approve it, and he says, “Whoa! Not so fast.” And the US reacts with shock. Does Mel Brooks write for Karzai?
Roger Old Trooper. We should tell Karzi to kiss our collective asses.
@13. Have you seen Karzai? Do you really want him anywhere near your ass?
karzai is as big a crook as netanyahu who wants a war for his own political gain even if he gets thousands of israelis killed in the process! Obama wants peace neo-con traitors want war so their stock in defence contractors like haliburton will go up! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
So everyone is a crook and warmonger but Obama huh?
So is it the neocon traitors who have been lobbing hellfire missiles from Predators like it is going out out style?
Nothing says “peace” like a hellfire missile
O-4E, don’t try to use logic, facts and reason with a “stank-ass hippie” (thanks for that one Jonn). You can’t reason someone out of a position that they haven’t reasoned themselves into and vwp couldn’t connect a logical sequence if his pot supply depended on it.
VWP, stop sniffing paint thinner you dusty old fart. Jesus, you are full of teh stupid. Obama wants peace….No, Obama wants, well actually, who knows what the fuck Obama wants. His foreign policy is such an abortion that I am not sure who the U.S. is friends with any more.
But VWP, that does not let you off the hook, you fucking goat smelling hippie. Shut the fuck up and go back to Democratic Underground with the rest of your brain dead liberal communist traitors, malcontents and neer do wells. You can play a rousing game of keep away from the deodorant.
Oh, didn’t you know, MGySgtRet, bodaprez’s approval rating drops with every week that passes. Just throwing you a bone with this news item: http://news.msn.com/us/more-americans-say-obama-cant-manage-govt-poll
It won’t be too long before his approval rating drops with every passing day. The juiciest bit of gossip I’ve heard – and it wasn’t really gossip in the true sense, but an actual quote — was that he didn’t really want to do the debates for the 2012 elections, which means that he didn’t even want to have to compete to get elected. He just wanted it handed to him, like everything else has been.
It’s sad, isn’t it? To come this far and have people pointing at you and sniggling?
As for vwp, his ‘gimme, gimme, gimme’ whine doesn’t do anything for anyone. He has nothing to say worth the bother it takes to read it.
vwp–that brown acid’ll fuck you up nine ways from Sunday, man. Here, take a nice long rip off this 12-gauge barrel, dude…
Well, well, well, looky here, elltee!
Karzai is refusing to sign the deal with the US. The US is saying “Sign the deal or we pull out next year.”
Let’s hope Karzai’s stubbornness is the smarter move for US troops.
@15: So; you’re anti-semitic, too?
@16-20: I doubt the little fuckstick was even alive during the Vietnam War. There have been no bona fides presented by the pud ball that would link them to actually protesting the Vietnam War.
OldTrooper, no, his illiterate drivel is a byproduct of the ‘feel good’ education system, where no one gets a bad grade in spelling or learns correct grammar and punctuation.
That claptrap learning comes from the very late 1990s, not the 1950s. I had someone working for me in 2006 who said she’d been to college but didn’t know the alphabet, couldn’t read names on files, and literally could not sign her own name.
Karzi wants peace? Well, just take Obozo’s peace prize and give it to him.
That’s the Nobel Peace Prize.
Karzai wants peace?
Ok…first step…Afghans, get off your asses. Do it by yourselves.
We’re done. I am getting tired as a former solider and now just a veteran who pays taxes to finance the rest of the world being utterly lazy.
Bring our troops home!