White House vs. Kerry on Egypt

| November 18, 2013

The Daily Beast reports a difference of opinion on what US policy towards Egypt should be, and I never thought that I’d form these words, but I have to go with John Kerry on this one;

The tension between the national security adviser and the secretary of state spilled over into public view in the past week, when Rice laid out her critical appraisal of the Egyptian government, which contradicted Kerry’s assessment that Egypt was “on the path to democracy.” The now public rift has been simmering behind the scenes for months and illustrates the strikingly divergent Egypt policies the White House and the State Department are pursuing.

The turf battles and internal confusion are hampering the administration’s approach to Egypt, say lawmakers, experts, and officials inside both governments.

“John Kerry doesn’t agree with Susan Rice on big portions of our Egypt policy, and he made a deliberate and conscious decision not to mention Morsi in his Cairo meetings,” an administration official told The Daily Beast. “Susan Rice wasn’t happy about it.”

Ya know, I’m not a believer in that whole “Obama is a Muslim” thing that goes around, but when his administration tried to protect the Muslim Brotherhood/Morsi government during the coup, then decided to not supply the new government with military aid after they were adamant about giving the Morsi administration that same aid, and they’re trying to ease sanctions against Iran, though Iran has done nothing to earn that easing and their continued support for Al-Qeada-linked Syrian rebels, well, they’re not doing themselves any favors or dispelling the appearances that they’re creating. Now they’ve made me agree with John Kerry. Jerks.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, John Kerry

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Any word or reason on WHY Kerry is fighting his boss on this one? It seems an obscure reason for Kerry to get his anatomy caught in the political wringer.

Zero Ponsdorf

Yep, it does leave a bad taste.

As to the “Obama is a Muslim” thing…

HS Sophomore

Well-with all this foreign policy bungling, there is an upside. The situations these goons are creating will guarantee all of our brave boys in uniform combat action ribbons to show off for the next fifty years.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well, John Kerry chose two wives wisely so I guess it’s safe to assume that he must occasionally be on the right path in some other areas as well….although it’s most likely that he’s on the right track purely by accident rather than design…

The current administration is clearly one that believes brilliant foreign policy comes from appeasing those whose goal is to murder your citizens and take your nation apart…Chamberlin discovered that was not a wise idea in 1939, Obama apparently believes himself and those surrounding him to be more capable than those appeasing Hitler during the 30s….sadly, he appears to be just as mistaken in that regard as he was in thinking he could create a healthcare utopia…

2/17 Air Cav

When we have come to the point where we are choosing sides between Jacques (Jungle Strolll w/Camerman) Kerry and Susan (I may look like a man and sound like an idiot but I’m neither) Rice, we are in deep shit.


This regime could f–k up an iron ball. The tap-dancing around what happened in Egypt is one example, Iran another.


@3 “Upside”? Oh, I see. Sarcasm doesn’t become you.


Could another rat be ready to abandon ship?

Hmmmm. Stay tuned. This story is not completely unfolded yet.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses
And all the the king’s men
Couldn’t put that damned fool back together again.

Frittata, anyone?


@4 VOV, the old “Even a blind chipmunk finds the occasional acorn.” defense, eh? Works for me.

@8 Ex-PH2, Mmmmm, see your frittata and I’ll raise with bruschetta and glass (or two!) of chianti.


I’ll see your bruschetta and raise it with chicken and pasta a oglio and garlic sauce, with pane paisano, a plate of crudites with herbed chavrie on the side, and a bottle of good fruity Beaujolais Villages 2003. It’s just about ready to open. 😉

I haven’t got fagiole right just yet. It’ll happen.


Kerry is not at war with the White House, he’s taking a dig at Hillary Clinton, who is 1 degree of separation (Huma Abedin) from the the Muslim Brotherhood International leadership group. Hillary is the presumptive nominee for 2016, and Kerry was her b*tch in 2004, taking the loss so she could take on and beat John McCain in 2008.

Just blue on blue fratricide. Pass the popcorn.


You may be on to something there, DaveO.

Frankly, I could not care less what motivates the occupier to always opt to fund terrorists every time he has the opportunity to do so. It just needs to stop. Now.

just Plain Jason

Broken clock right twice a day…

AW1 Tim

I’m thinking that JFK must be thinking that these boobs in the White House haven’t a clue what’s going on. It must grate on him to no end that Chauncey Gardiner and his sycophant & enabler team are running the show and effing things up so badly, when someone with his education is rather marginalized.

BTW, did anyone else read the little gem that Valerie Jarrett has been secretly negotiating with the Iranians for months now, behind the scenes and out of sight? Being that she’s of Iranian descent and a known supporter of the Iranian Revolution, it has to make people go “Hmmm…”